Module meets law requirements related to order & payment process. This is PrestaShop module to support bank transfer payments. Module allows to display order summary (cart summary with product details) and address summary. You can decide what kind of summary module will show.
This bank transfer payment module for PrestaShop meets law requirements related to order-process. This law says that customers must see order details (product prices, delivery price, information about discounts) right before they will confirm order in e-commerce website. This bank wire payment module for PrestaShop meets there requirements.
Main features of bank transfer module for PrestaShop
The most important feature available in this module is fact, that it creates detailed order summary table right after "order confirmation" action. This means that module meets law requirements related to order-process in e-commerce websites. In addition module contains feature to change order details (increase quantity of products in shop, decrease quantity of products, remove products from cart at all etc.). Module contains feature to enable address summarty information too. Customer will be able to check credentials they provided during order process in "address" step. So they can change these details (both delivery address and datas provided for invoice purposes). The most important feature for this module is possibility to define different bank account numbers for all currencies available in your shop.
- added new feature to upload payment logo
- improvemed module workflow in prestashop 8.1
- added improvements to module's updates checker feature
- added support of php 8
- solved appearance of configuration page in prestashop 8.x
- added new option to decide if module should display additional summary before order confirmation or not
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop's back office
- added new fields IBAN and SWIFT (bic)
- added new "field" to module configuration page, each bank account created in the module can have additional description that will appear on order confirmation page
- added improvements to translation packs (german)
- bankwire module with order summary is redy to work with PrestaShop 1.7
- added feature to support multiple bank accounts for currencies
- now you can associate currency with own unique bank account
- added appearance fixes of addresses section
- added fixes related to addresses appearance when OPC is active
started to log changes in this module
fixes related to module installation in prestashop cloud and self-hosted solutions