Change text of submit button in ajax dropdown module

Hello I purchased your ajax dropdown categories module and its fantastic. I need to know how to change the submit button label to something else instead of "ok" such as "submit" or "find". I use PrestaShop and recently released version of the module. Can you please show me how i can achieve it?

PrestaShop expert answer


Thank you for choosing our ajax categories filter based on dropdown selection boxes. To change submit "ok" button other text you can use "translations" feature that is available in prestashop by default. Please follow steps below to achieve what you expect.

  1. log in to your shop back office
  2. go to localization > translations (see screenshot)
  3. from dropdown "type of translation" select "installed modules translations" (see screenshot)
  4. from dropdown "your theme" select "core" (to translate module files) or select your theme (to translate module inside your theme)  (see screenshot)
  5. from languages select language of shop for which you want to change text of button  (see screenshot)
  6. click on modify button  (see screenshot)
  7. you will be redirected to translations page, search there for "step by step" (see screenshot)
  8. translate each available "OK" button on list of available strings to translate related to "Step by step" module
  9. save changes


that's all. After save your "OK" button will disappear and you will see button with text that you defined in translations tool.

author milos myszczuk
Answer by Milosz Myszczuk PrestaShop expert, official PrestaShop community moderator. PHP developer, specialist in relative and spatial databases management, GIS Analyst, CEO & founder of VEKIA interactive agency. Read more about VEKIA company
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