How to change facebook shop icon on my fanpage?

I'm the owner of Facebook Shop module, i use it on my company fanpage. I sell clothes and i have great shop logo. I wonder if it is possible to change the logo of the facebook shop that appears on my fanpage? It is possible to change name of the app too? I attached screenshot for better udenderstand my needs.

facebook shop logo name

PrestaShop expert answer

Of course - it is possible and it is very easy to change the picture and the facebook app name. I will show you how to achieve this based on fanpage example. Firstly please log in to your facebook as a person that has got administration rights to fanpage. Go to your company facebook fanpage and you will see administration menu on the top of the fanpage. Click on "settings" button (1). Then from the left hand section select "Apps" menu item - exactly as i show on the image below point (2). The last thing - from the apps list please click on edit button near the "PrestaShop on fanpage" application (3). Facebook will spawn popup where you will be able to change the name of the app, and also upload own picture to change the icon.


facebook shop app configuration

author milos myszczuk
Answer by Milosz Myszczuk PrestaShop expert, official PrestaShop community moderator. PHP developer, specialist in relative and spatial databases management, GIS Analyst, CEO & founder of VEKIA interactive agency. Read more about VEKIA company
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