Check how to remove totally useless back office menu item available under design section: Theme catalog. This section contains advertisements of official addons marketplace products.
This guide explains how to remove back office themes advertisements available under design > theme & logo section. Tutorial shows how to remove the live from prestashop addons! adverts
Check what hooks are available on product pages in PrestShop 1.7.x. New template called "classic theme" has totally new design, some new hooks etc. Here i show what hooks we have!
In this tutorial for PrestaShop 1.7 i want to show you how to display list of available subcategories on category page.
This is a part of "basics" in prestashop. I show here how to disable subcategories list in PrestaShop 1.6.x. No file modification is necessary! This version of PS has a tool to configure it from back office.
Check videoguide about duplication of the theme in PrestaShop. Videoguide based on article from website
How to add quantity field to your PrestaShop based on 1.6 version
This is basic training related to shop management. If you wondering how to change shop logo, just check this article or watch videoguide that i recorded and attached to tutorial.
In this guide i want to show you how easily you can change tabs in your prestashop 1.6 to look like real tabs from prestashop 1.5. Nice step by step guide, easy in use and customization. Enjoy!
Today i want to show you the way to achieve full width default imageslider for your homepage in default theme named default-bootstrap in prestashop 1.6
In this guide i want to show you how to change your theme to looks like prestashop 1.5 theme. We will turn on left and right columns on each prestashop page instead of order process and authentication page.
Read how easily you can turn on left column on homepage in new default bootstrap template (PrestaShop 1.6). Text & videoguide
Read how to create "product added to cart" notification bar to your PrestaShop store. Simple modification of theme files with nice animated affect.
Check how PrestaShop 1.6 back office looks on iPhone. First small test related to incoming 1.6 version!
Check how it will looks like, new fully responsive PrestaShop 1.6 will be released at the end of 2013. Check how awesome it is!
read you easily you can insert google fonts code to your own theme.
Hello, i want to show you how you can easily display subcategories list as a grid. Read this free tutorial, enjoy!
Read how to remove left column in prestaShop default template. Quick and easy modification related to customizing own prestashop theme.
Check this tutorial and create own highlight effect for default information block. Hover efect included! Enjoy!
Today i want to show you how to modify the default theme. In this tutorial you can read how easily you can create own template modification. Read it now!
Read how easily you can create one column homepage in your PrestaShop default theme. Read this step by step tutorial and create your own design now.
In this free tutorial I want to show you how to create fixed header in Prestashop. Check simple modification of header.tpl file and create own fixed header feature
Today i want to show you how to create full width foter in Prestashop 1.5. In this tutorial we will change default template. Read it now and check how easy it is...
Today i want to share a useful list of smarty global variables. All of this variables you can use in template files (both modules and theme). Enjoy!