Step by step and absolutely free tutorial about creating carousel with products on your shop's CMS pages.
Check step by step guide where i explain how easily you can create fancybox gallery on cms pages. Modification requires really minor change in prestashop files. Enjoy!
How to create fancybox gallery on CMS pages in PrestaShop 1.6 and 1.7 - full step by step guide where i show how easily you can add fancy media gallery!
Tutorial about creating accordion faq feature on CMS pages in PrestaShop. Step by step guide to build fancy collapsible sections.
The best and easiest way to add products to CMS pages in your shop based on PrestaShop e-commerce engine. You can achieve with our absolute free cms products module
Check how easily you can display Products on selected CMS pages. This is an absolutely free tutorial that is based on our free CMS products module!
This video shows how to protect CMS pages in PrestaShop with password. Module allows to protect any CMS page you want with password. From customer point of view - It will be necessary to provide the proper password to see the CMS page contents.
PrestaShop module to define what customer groups can see selected CMS pages, this addon is available here:
Read & watch video about disabling "Our stores" link located in block cms module (by default in information block). Step by step guide will help you to understand how to disable this an other links from information block.
Read how to create separate field to define meta title tag for CMS pages in prestashop. Now meta title is based on CMS page name. It's bad, defintiely bad ;)
Read how to add facebook comments to your CMS pages. This guide contains description of simple modification of your theme template file: cms.tpl.
Read how to create gallery on CMS page with fancybox effect. Easy in use and really fast to create modification. Enjoy for free!
Check this tutorial and create own highlight effect for default information block. Hover efect included! Enjoy!