Maxmind discountinued old GeoLiteCity.dat database, and their new project no longer works in old prestashop 1.6.x. In this case you need to use geolocation file with old structure. Download it here.
Check what facebook changed in their "plugin" to display likes: "likebox". They replaced old poor widget with new "page plugin"
We are obligue to announce that we moved from non-secured http protocol to fully secured with certificate https connection.
New version of homepage products pro is ready to download. Module contains great feature to place custom code.
New verison of Facebook Shop is available. New version contains great feature to colorize shop right from back office. It's a theme colors editor.
New version of PrestaShop platform was released, read that was changed, fixed and download laster version, or just upgrade your shop to latest one.
Our module to include own content boxes with code supports custom hooks! Whole process of addition and definition new positions are automatic. It's a powerful tool to create custom blocks now!
We updated our module: Multiple categories block addon, now it works also with prestashop 1.6! We added also feature to display block only on selected by you category pages.
We updated our module named step by step categories filter. Now AJAX dropdown filter has got many new features like products counter, labels and other valuable stuff, check it now!
Download beta version of prestashop 1.6 engine. Check how awesome it is and how close we are to official release!
Today PrestaShop team released new version of their awesome shop engine. Check this article and download latest version of PrestaShop script.
Download latest release of alpha prestashop 1.6!
Don't use it in production, this version was released only for test purposes. Check how awesome it is!