This tutorial is about PrestaShop 1.7 back office modification . The main goal of this paper is an exaplanation of how to remove theme adverts "live from prestashop addons!" available under design > theme & logo section. This back office section allows to manage theme settings. Below the settings you can find there " live from prestashop addons! " themes advertisements (screenshot below). This guide shows how to remove them.
Remove "live from prestashop addons!" advertisements
To successfully remove theme adverts from this back office section of PrestaShop we must alter admin panel theme file. File that we must alter is located in your admin panel directory: /adminxxx/themes/default/template/controllers/themes/helpers/options/options.tpl. Please open this file. At the end of it you can find code like:
{block name="after"} <div class="panel clearfix" id="prestastore-content"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> $.ajax({ type: 'POST', headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" }, url: 'ajax-tab.php?rand=' + new Date().getTime(), async: true, cache: false, dataType : "html", data: { tab: 'AdminThemes', token: '{$token|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}', ajax: '1', action:'getAddonsThemes', page:'themes' }, success: function(htmlData) { $("#prestastore-content").html("<h3><i class='icon-picture-o'></i> {l s='Live from PrestaShop Addons!'}</h3>"+htmlData); } }); // These variable will move the form to another location var formToMove = "appearance"; var formDestination = "js_theme_form_container"; </script> {/block}
This is the code that loads adverts under design > theme & logo back office section. To remove ads just remove the code and save changes to the file. After refresh your back office theme & logo section will not load adverts anymore.
Wondering how to remove menu item Themes > theme catalog ?
you can remove it easily - just check this tutorial: remove themes > theme catalog menu in PrestaShop 1.7