Check videoguide about duplication of the theme in PrestaShop. Videoguide based on article from website
If you have no idea how to clear smarty cache in yoru shop - watch this video. Guide is based on prestashop 1.6 but it works the same in prestashop 1.5
In this guide i want to show you how easily you can change tabs in your prestashop 1.6 to look like real tabs from prestashop 1.5. Nice step by step guide, easy in use and customization. Enjoy!
In this guide i want to show you how to change your theme to looks like prestashop 1.5 theme. We will turn on left and right columns on each prestashop page instead of order process and authentication page.
Read how easily you can turn on left column on homepage in new default bootstrap template (PrestaShop 1.6). Text & videoguide
In block contact infos module located in footer section of your store. Read this free quick guide related to modification of module template files
Check how PrestaShop 1.6 back office looks on iPhone. First small test related to incoming 1.6 version!
Prestashop displays several adverts on back office dashboard page. If you want to remove them - this tutorial is exactly for you. Read how to do it now
Read how to move default tags block module to the footer section in default prestashop template.
Check this tutorial and create own highlight effect for default information block. Hover efect included! Enjoy!
Today i want to show you how to increase the AJAX search results. In this case we will modify the block search module template file and search class. Enjoy!
...background and font color? Ive noticed that many of merchants have got problems with own tinyMCE description editor (WYSIWYG editor in back office). Today i want to show you how to fix it!
Today i want to show you how to modify the default theme. In this tutorial you can read how easily you can create own template modification. Read it now!
In this free tutorial I want to show you how to create fixed header in Prestashop. Check simple modification of header.tpl file and create own fixed header feature
Today i want to show you how to create full width foter in Prestashop 1.5. In this tutorial we will change default template. Read it now and check how easy it is...
Today i want to share a useful list of smarty global variables. All of this variables you can use in template files (both modules and theme). Enjoy!
In this short tutorial you will read about changing "add to cart" button on your product page. With this little know-how you will increase size of button.
In this paper you will read about editing your Prestashop footer for remove "powered by Prestashop" string. Read step by step tutorial and do it yourself