Tutorial about creating popup block with currency selection dropdown. It's new guide that explains how to create responsive popup with new layour.
This is an example of "on exit" popup in PrestaShop - feature is based on popup pro module that is available here: bit.ly/prestashop-modal-popup
This is tutorial + videoguide about creating sizes chart in PrestaShop. Sizes chart will be fully responsive and will open when someone will click on "display sizes chart" button
This guide shows how to add responsive modal window with facebook like box. Guide is based on responsive popup pro module and free facebook page plugin widget.
If you don't know how you can sort products in my responsive module to display unlimited number of tabs and blocks with products - check this guide (videoguide included)
Watch videoguide that explains how to create popup that will appear only on homepage. Whole guide is based on my popup pro module to create unlimited number of popups!
Watch detailed videoguide about PrestaShop module installation: Responsive Homepage Products. This addon allows to build unlimited number of advertisements with products on your shop homepage
Great feature to display popup window with currencies select from. Customer will be obligue to select one to start browsing your store. Awesome feature!
Read tutorial about creating own age verification popup window in your online store based on PrestaShop engine.
New version of homepage products pro is ready to download. Module contains great feature to place custom code.
Check how to add responsive images to certain parts of your shop like product descriptions, cms pages and other.
Check how PrestaShop 1.6 back office looks on iPhone. First small test related to incoming 1.6 version!
Check how it will looks like, new fully responsive PrestaShop 1.6 will be released at the end of 2013. Check how awesome it is!