In this videoguide and text tutorial i want to show you how easily you can build sizes chart popup in your shop. I will use my module to create responsive popups called "popup pro". Addon is necessary to build it because we want to display sizes chart inside popup that will be spawned when somoene will click on special butotn on product page - and module popup pro supports this feature.
How to create sizes chart popup:
Create button to spawn popup
To create button that will spawn popup you created, you have to paste the special code to place, where you want to display the popup. It is possible to achieve this in two ways. First - modification of theme product.tpl file. With modification of this file you can display popup in place where it will meet your requirements. If you're not tech-handy you can use another module, like content box pro to put own contents to any part of shop you want - directly from shop back office.
You can ofcourse customize any part of the visible things like size chart, button etc. Everything depends on you, modules are ready to put these customization - so you can personalize appearance both popup and button to fit your needs. Watch tutorial below, i show there exactly the same way to create sizes chart inside popup as i described above.