We released new version of homepage products module - module that allows to create blocks or tabs with products based on selected category, you can also create block with selected products, new products, best sellers etc. New version of the module contains one great thing - possibility to add one element to product listing that will contain code you will paste. It's great thing, especially when we want to advertise something, like on picture below:
homepage products pro with advertisement
To achieve it on module configuration page i selected option to place custom content, and used custom code to create this element:
<li class="ajax_block_product col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3" style="text-align:center;"> <i class="icon-phone" style="font-size:242px; font-color:#c0c0c0"></i><br> <h2>+22698400420</h2><br> <h3> call us for more valuable informations about this special offer </h3> </li>
You can customize custom content block as much as you want, you can add there banners, advertismenets or other stuff like videos etc. It's great stuff do advertise something important in your shop and to change the way of how homepage appears and works! Check more pictures and demo on module page: homepage products module for prestashop