Birthday coupon module so-called Birthday voucher pro is a marketing tool that allows to send dedicated unique discount codes for customers that have a birthday. This plugin has advanced personalization of the voucher codes where you can define each aspect of the coupon. It is the most advanced tool available at the moment.
This birthday voucher pro addon for PrestaShop is most advanced happy birthday coupon module. Plugin contains advanced voucher configuration tool that allows to define coupon code with very detailed settings. Module sends one coupon per year for each customer birthday. You can define template of email that module will send. Below you can find details about voucher configuration tool. Module allows to define groups of customers allowed to receive dedicated birthday coupon code.
Specific conditions to get the vourcher code
Module has feature to generate and send birthday voucher code for customers that are associated with specific group(s) of customers or to customers that subscribed to your shop's newsletter feature.
Advanced voucher configuration tool
As you already know - this plugin has advanced voucher configuration tool. This is the most advanced feature to define voucher code settings in modules. So, as a shop owner you can define detailed specification of voucher code. You can do it on module configuration page. Options available in this tool you can find below.
Main voucher code settings
Voucher code conditions
Voucher codes actions
How this module sends coupon codes?
This module sends coupon codes based on cron job table. On your hosting you can add a special link (that module generates and displays it on configuration page). Once your host will run this link from cron job, module will send coupon codes to your customers that have a birthday. Of course customer can get only one coupon code per year because only one time per year we have a birthday ;-)
- added new better search customer tool to test feature
- improved module workflow in context of plugin usage in prestashop 8.x and php 8.x based environment
- added support of prestashop 8.x
- changedthe format of voucher value delivered in email with voucher code
- added feature to decide about product rules workflow. From now module allows to:
- combine all selected product rules into one
- split each of them into one separated condition.
By default all rules are combined into one (product that will be a subject of voucher code discount must meet all defined conditions). When you will activate this option discount code will be applied to products that meet at least one defined condition.
- added improvements to translations packages
- added improvements to voucher generation process
- added fixes to avoid problems with voucher delivery for user accounts without birthday date
- added new feature to voucher code settings to generate coupon that will work only for defined countries
- added better language selection tool for voucher code settings (for fields like prefix, sufix, name)
- added improvements to voucher engine library workflow
- added feature to define what kind of characters will be used to generate voucher code (alphanumeric, numeric, alpha)
- added feature to generate voucher code only for customers that subscribed to newsletter (you can enable / disable this feature depending on your requirements)
- added feature to test the email delivery process
- redesigned module configuration page
- added new feature to send a voucher code before the birtday (you can specify the number of days)
- added new feature to voucher code settings to define the groups of customers that will have possibility to use coupon
- added new feature dedicated for PrestaShop 1.7 to exclude discounted products
- added improvements to "highlight" voucher code in cart (voucher is generated with proper settings)
- added improvements to "minimal required basket" (it uses minimal basket currency properly)
- updated the module save settings process, now it saves groups of customers allowed to receive coupon code properly
- improvements to voucher generation process in new version of prestashop 1.7.x
- added option to define what groups of customers are allowed to receive dedicated birthday voucher code
- improved translation process of the plugin (now module can be translated properly)
- updated polish translation
- better mutlistore support, now you can decide if voucher generated with module will be available to use in other shops (or only in shop where it was generated)
- started project on mypresta addons marketplace