In this guide i want to show you how to disable or edit "ecommerce software by PrestaShop" footer text. We have to do it in a little different way than we did it in PrestaShop 1.6
In this tutorial for PrestaShop 1.7 i want to show you how to display list of available subcategories on category page.
New version of PrestaShop does not have product tabs feature anymore. Because of this - if we want to create them again - we must create hooks (that prestashop removed) and alter theme files. You can see how to achieve this here. Enjoy!
In this guide you can check how easily you can display product tabs in full width block. You can save a lot of space and make it much better than it is by default in classic PrestaShop 1.7 theme
Read how to create separate field to define meta title tag for CMS pages in prestashop. Now meta title is based on CMS page name. It's bad, defintiely bad ;)