PrestaShop (BETA) released!
I'm so glad to announce that today new prestashop version was released.
full changelog:
Release Notes for PrestaShop 1.5
# v1.6.0.3 - (2014-02-03) #
Fixed bugs:
[-] installer : the theme default-bootstrap is now installed during an upgrade
[-] Installer : query added to hydrate the table PREFIX_theme_meta
[-] Installer : configuration : homeslider missing var
[-] Installer : fixed offline installation
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-534 customusization to zero as string
[-] FO : Removed translatable # Is it a mistake, or is there a special reason this is translatable?
[-] FO: fixed bug #PSCSX-560 & #PSCSX-558
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-547 no more resizeAddressesBox
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-25 again, do not display voucher for free shipping from cart rule
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-497, double escaping in search query
[-] FO : #PSCSX-521 first ul
[-] FO : Fixed reduction display on product page for products with attributes
[-] FO : quick view : add l s='' for translation
[-] FO : reinsurance : bad display
[-] FO : block list : wrong display with > BO > Smart cache for CSS on FO > ?
[-] FO : Bad protocol on medias again sorry about this
[-] FO : Bad protocol on medias
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-255 cart rule free carrier should affect display of carriers prices
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-257 remove from cart returning false value, follow up 002ed831dba6fd6f96eee9137e5ea13e27adcfd4
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-254 technical error on order-address
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-447 bad value for textearea
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-477 table design
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-471 - Delivery address with virtual products
[-] FO : block list : wrong display with > if BO > Smart cache for CSS on
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-472 newsletter input size
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-467 Address block design
[-] FO : fixed layout for blockcategories footer in the sitemap page
[-] FO: fixed bug PSCSX-444
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-253 could not add to cart custom product cause of tabs in data
[-] FO : #PSCSX-313 move X before product name
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCFV-11267, bad cache on carrier choice in normal checkout
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-350 SKU empty
[-] FO: Fix bug #PSCSX-394
[-] FO: improve responsive display on tablets/smartphones/small screens
[-] FO: Color selector when not color attribute If you define a attribute as a color and define some attributes with colors, if you change the attribute type the color selector stills appears.
[-] Fo : Fix bug #PSCSX-356 bad colspan on order-payment.tpl
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-319 bad priceReductionPercent
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-327 truncate on custo
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-332 wrong cart total
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-330 smarty exception
[-] FO : Follow up #PSCFV-11098
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-141, bad escaping on msg
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCFV-11098 logo under media servers
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-102 - email input too small
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-246 - Default active tab
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-171 - Missing data validate
[-] FO : fixed typo in template variable name
[-] FO : Exception on tag search
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-98, missing product condition
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCFV-11361, inner join on category_product
[-] FO : OrderOpcController Fix wrong hook
[-] FO : OrderConfirmationController is not kept on https when the platform is set up to handle the order checkout process on https. Now, also the order confirmation page is on https if needed.
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-569 wrong switch display
[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCSX-565 - carrier breadcrumbs fix
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCSX-396 duplicate import matches
[-] BO : Blockbanner : Typo fix
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-564 Warning on carriers selection
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-534 supply order pdf template
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-552 Fix price impact
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-557 wrong description
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-539 Hide texture with color attribute
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-524 Missing save and stay button
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-538 Missing filter button
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-532 Fix remove button bug
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-530 Missing save and stay button
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-11158 updateDefaultAttribute on product import
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-526 Product combination design
[-] BO : modules : missing fields for translation
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-525 Wrong url encode
[-] BO : blocklayered - Add max_input_vars check
[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-11530 - Shipping to a new Zone not working correctly
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-523 Check login page in ajax
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-519 always active currency on install
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-516 toggle button not working
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-514 - Changing tags help hint
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-515 Missing ajax control
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-510 Fix image size
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-509 Missing pointer icon
[-] BO : Toolbar New Product - removed preview button
[-] BO : Toolbar - removed save button
[-] BO : Admin Access - removed confusing error for missing modules.
[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCSX-492 - range overlapping small fix
[-] BO : fixed old parse error in bulk delete of backups
[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCSX-247 - carrier range are overlapping
[-] BO : AdminThemes : theme installation on existing directory without a relation with theme fixed
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-485 - theme_mobile_dir
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-446 Grow message error on save button click
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-425 Products tab buttons
[-] BO : fixed double entities for configuration values in HelperOptions #PSCFV-11532
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCFV-11311 - Remove browser autocomplete for customers
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-358 - Clear smarty cache after add/edit/delete specific price rule
[-] BO : orders missing icon for products
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCFV-8755 - Total shipping amount include in second voucher
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-385 Cart rule does get minimum amount with correct curreny
[-] BO : import : products_import.csv doesn't match fields
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCFV-11458 Can't update an attachment file without upload again
[-] BO : TaxRulesGroupController > Create > créer
[-] BO : blocktopmenu : btn btn-primary > btn btn-default
[-] BO : blockcart missing mod for translation
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-258 - New backoffice store tree
[-] BO : fixed partial import of localization pack #PSCSX-421
[-] BO : AdminThemes : theme auto install fixed
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-423 product move postiion call on click
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-427 Wrong save button position
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-424 Missing SEO & URLS button
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-161 htaccess regenerated with prev domain
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-419 - Error in copyright date
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-375 Error when deleting virtual product with no files
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-403 Missing TinyMCE textarea class
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-414 Fix smarty exception in module favorite list
[-] BO : fixed page addition in SEO & URLs
[-] BO : AdminThemes : fix multi shop theme install
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-410 Unremoved failed uploaded files
[-] BO : AdminThemes : fix disable unspecified native module upon new theme install
[-] BO : adminthemes : fix export with no module to export
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-392 virtual product
[-] BO : adminthemes : default value for left_column and right column set to true
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-325 - module list style
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-278 duplicate attribute value
[-] BO : Fixbug #PSCSX-282 module uninstall confirmation alert
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-315 - removing js code
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-317 unremoved function call in CSV import
[-] BO : fixed link to parent tab in breadcrumb
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-345 - Remove duplicated buttons
[-] BO : Wrong help icon
[-] BO : Remove percentage char from frendly url
[-] BO : Control legend length on add product image
[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-11266 - Customer service Forward this discussion email link
[-] BO : fixed BO filter with empty() values
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-11407 delete packs on products truncates
[-] BO: Clear CCC cache after media servers update
[-] BO : fixed error handling (and fixed a warning)
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-248 - Wrong order refund quantity display size
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-242 - Change module display icons
[-] BO : fixed cache on thumbnails
[-] BO : Remove save from generic page header toolbar
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCSX-67, could not return to form
[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCSX-225 - display warning when mod_ssl is not installed
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-224 Duplicate save button
[-] BO : fixed order map (country was missing)
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-168 - Non persistent filters
[-] BO : Display image resizing error for product image upload
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCFV-11345 - Different address format
[-] BO : Bad error message on module execptions
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-83 - Wrong redirection after status update.
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-204 - Missing bulk action button
[-] BO : Add page header toolbar title for import and export theme
[-] BO : switch clicable on adminthemes
[-] BO : Add responsive process to controller
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCSX-568 double html entities
[-] CORE : Wrong id_delivery in cart_product after id_delivery update in cart
[-] Core: fix price validator
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCSX-518 Wrong class name
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCFV-11546 break on back button to prevent others
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCFV-11547 Wrong function parameters
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCSX-490 - Product visibility in search result by tag
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCFV-11534 - Cache improvement
[-] Core : Missing backquotes added in getProducts
[-] Core : remove duplicate `id_product` in select The getProducts() select had the `id_product` column twice.
[-] Core: Fix Product::getPriceStatic() quantity discounts cache
[-] CORE : Use context if set in ObjectModel displayFieldName
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCFV-11426 - Missig maxlength option with callback
[-] CORE : Fix bug #PSCSX-130 isBirthDate validator on futur dates
[-] CORE : fixed bug #PSCFV-8652 - Order::generateReference() collision
[-] CORE : Fix options footer buttons
[-] CORE : Could not update an employee after updating
[-] CORE : Fix bug #PSCFV-11325, wrong match when deleting languages
[-] MO : blockadvertising : image was not displayed on the back office
[-] MO : Themeconfigurator - fix target blank
[-] MO : ThemeConfigurator FixBug #PSCSX-554 remove reinsurance block
[-] MO : ThemeConfigurator FixBug #PSCSX-555 Fix error in live configurator
[-] MO : products : js=1
[-] MO : socialsharing : the cache was not refreshed when updating the settings // norm
[-] MO : Blocklayered - Fix meta titles and heading
[-] MO : blockwishlist FixBug #PSCSX-507 Missing traductions
[-] MO : blockbestsellers : the prices were shown on the column even if the user is not allowed to see the product prices
[-] MO : blocklink : fix add/update links
[-] MO : homeslider : multishop fix //norm
[-] MO : blocktopmenu FixBug #PSCSX-466 input field problems
[-] MO : blockcms : add options to hide the 'our stores' link in the footer
[-] MO : referralprogram : wrong display of the discount
[-] MO : productcomments : send review friendly url fixed
[-] MO : productcomments : add comment title
[-] MO : Fix bug #PSCSX-445 Blockcart + clean up tpl
[-] MO : homeslider : ver 1.2.3 > 1.2.4 > like homeslider.php
[-] MO : blocktopmenu : mod "blocktopmenu" > mod 'blocktopmenu'
[-] MO : themeconfigurator : button btn btn-primary > right
[-] MO : Themeconfigurator FixBug #PSCSX-441 - wrong css style
[-] MO : Blockstore FixBug #PSCSX-431 wrong image variable
[-] MO : themeconfigurator FixBug #PSCSX-422 language select
[-] MO : FixBug #PSCSX-429 Themeconfigurator css missplaced
[-] MO : producttooltip : use growl instead of jgrowl + growl moved to his own directory
[-] MO : blockbanner : fix img link when file doesn't exists
[-] MO : blockmanufacturer : 'use a drop-down list' set to no by default
[-] MO : dashgoal FixBug #PSCSX-294 legends
[-] MO : blockcms : fix add button missing
[-] MO : blockbestsellers : fix hook on left and right column
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-1521 - Wrong quantity when allow order out of stock
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-702 - Meta title
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-809 - nofollow rel
[-] MO : fixed bug #PNM-1986 - Dashactivity has 30 hard-written in its template
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-1740 - memory_get_peak_usage()
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-313 id_product_attribute = 0 (Thanks to Evert-Jan van der Valk)
[-] MO : blocklayered - FixBug #PSCSX-310 bootstrap style
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-1105 translate price and weight slider filter url name
[-] MO : blocknewproducts use now two distinct template for home and column block
[-] MO : blocknewproducts : fix configuration & display
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-1981 categories tree render error
[-] MO : blocktopmenu FixBug #PSCSX-321 List item improvement
[-] MO : homeslider : height parameter removed // since the new slider don't use a height parameter
[-] MO : homeslider : fix bad configuration display
[-] MO : productpaymentlogos now clear cache upon title save
[-] MO : be sure to use sales price in stats
[-] MO : changed addsharethis for socialsharing in themeconfigurator #PSCSX-250
[-] MO : productcomments : fix bad display when a comment has been sent
[-] MO : FixBug #PSCSX-240 - ThemeConfigurator - Error updating image
[-] MO : FixBug #PSCSX-231 - wrong product count display on blocklayered module
[-] MO : fix statslive empty result when using maintenance ips ending with a comma
[-] MO : Blockcategories Fix bug #PSCSX-157 assign cookie in footer
[-] MO : fixed call to the 404 image that was only used as a placeholder in blockcart
[-] MO : blocknewsletter fix bad display when a wrong address is sent
[-] WS: add a modifier system for the attributes of the entities
[-] WS: delete image on database even if it not exists on the disk #PSCFV-5799
[-] WS: adding a new order history must call OrderHistory::addWs()
[-] PDF : PNG files take up to 1 second to be processed by TCPDF - Replaced the default PNG logo by a jpg for PDF.
[-] PDF : fixed TCPDF issue: sometimes the disk cache for images is deleted but the image is still present in $imagekeys, thus TCPDF looks all over the web for an inexisting image
Improved/changed features:
[*] Project: rename class Collection to PrestaShopCollection
[*] Installer : Less confusing French e-mail.
[*] Installer : you can now share your experience with your friends!
[*] Installer : added safe, automatic detection of rewrite
[*] Installer: add an option to create the database on the console installer
[*] FO : Better 404 alt text
[*] FO : generate product and category images in the right format on the fly when 404
[*] FO : added onblur for fields validation
[*] FO : Added file size to the attachments // Quickfixed CCC (need review)
[*] FO : Move css header modules to css/modules folder
[*] FO : Update Minify HTML // Changed tab order #PSCSX-236
[*] FO : movde header id to classes
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminThemes view.tpl.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminThemes.
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-541 Add bulk actions to Warehouses list
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-221 Show update items button
[*] BO: typos ("cant") in AdminThemes.
[*] BO : FixBug Missing filter by category translation, thanks to @indesign47
[*] BO : Nav + Theme fixs
[*] BO : modules can now use ajax action on their HelperList // javascript that manage the ajax on helperlist is show only if one field use ajax
[*] BO : css is now changing live in your account preferences
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-294 - Dashgoals
[*] BO : fix dropdown
[*] BO : fixed PSCSX-463 - tree actions search
[*] BO : add scheme choice for BO employees
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-443 Maintenance alert when changing default currency
[*] BO : required fields on customization
[*] BO : updated config.xml management for module (one file by language)
[*] BO : Clear XML cache
[*] BO : login fix
[*] BO : refacto sass structure (part 2)
[*] BO : refacto sass structure
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminFeatures.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCurrencies.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCountries.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCarriers.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminBackup.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminOrder.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminStatuses.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminSlip.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminDelivery.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminReturn.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminInvoices.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for orders/form.tpl.
[*] BO : Update Addons modules and templates live display
[*] BO : fixed google map in orders
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminOrders.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCustomers.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminGroups.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminContacts.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminGenders.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for modules_positions/form.tpl.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for modules_positions/list_modules.tpl.
[*] BO: removed French text from form_ranges.tpl.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCarrierWizard.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminShipping.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminRequestSql.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTabs.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminProfiles.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminQuickAccesses.
[*] BO : Categories improvement #PSCSX-340 return to list after category creation
[*] BO : Recommended modules & badges
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTaxRulesGroup.
[*] BO : fix icon check + product image (fix PSCSX-378)
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTaxesController.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTranslations (translation_modules.tpl).
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTranslations (translation_mails.tpl).
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTranslations (translation_form.tpl)(2).
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTranslations (translation_form.tpl).
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTranslations (translation_errors.tpl).
[*] BO : fix growl notification
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTranslations.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminPreferences.
[*] BO : fixed some css issues + recommended modules modal
[*] BO : adminthemes : warning added in order to suggest to regenerate thumbnail
[*] BO : Switched to official bootstrap sass repository => + fix modal overlay
[*] BO : Tweak css (menu, modal, footer)
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCustomerThreads (2).
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCustomerThreads.
[*] BO : fixed bug #PSCSX-359 - added delete confirmation for carrier logo
[*] BO: updating labels for AdminModulesPositions.
[*] BO: updating labels for AdminDashboard.
[*] BO: updating description for AdminModules.
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-293 Remove icon for menu entry
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-272 remove optimisation tips switch
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-223 - Check and update modules
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-235 - Remove multishipping option
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-28 - Update all modules button
[*] BO : updated contextual help (part #1)
[*] BO : Wording improvement #PSCSX-275
[*] BO : improve breadcrumb with custom names
[*] BO : new breadcrumb management
[*] BO: clarifying discount option hint (2). Fixes PSCSX-289.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminShopGroup (2).
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminShopGroup.
[*] BO: clarifying discount option hint. Fixes PSCSX-289.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminSupplyOrders.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminStockCover.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminStockManagement.
[*] BO : module page optimization
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminWarehouses.
[*] BO: updating option descriptions for AdminReferrers.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminEmployees.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminAdminPreferences.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminWebservice.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminEmails.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminPerformance.
[*] BO : tab name can now be up to 64 chars
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminInformationController.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminSearchConf.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminStores.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminImages.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminCms (2).
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminCms.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminMeta.
[*] BO : Remove undefined images formats when deleteOldImages
[*] BO : Copying a price rule on a cart now also duplicates product/category filters
[*] BO : added legend colors in dashactivity
[*] BO : added callback in /js/admin-dashboard.js: toggleDashConfig()
[*] BO : AdminThemes : the themes can now specify the number of products per page in their config.xml
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminThemesController.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminCustomerPreferences.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminPPreferences (2).
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminPPreferences.
[*] BO : improvement of multiple sql queries using order current states
[*] CORE : css and js versionning
[*] CORE : Improvement #PSCSX-506 FancyBox message size
[*] Core : added the possibility to choose between 301, 302 and no redirection to the canonical URL
[*] Core : MAJ Archive_Tar
[*] CORE : Remove zero size css file from stack
[*] CORE: add removeCSS & removeJS
[*] Core: allow to call hooks with a different shop - usefull in the BO - #PSCFV-10530
[*] Core : let's switch to jQuery 1.10 !
[*] MO : Themeconfigurator - Improvement #PSCSX-512 redirect to shop after save theme options
[*] MO : statsdata updated
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for vatnumber module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for trackingfront module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsvisits module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsstock module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statssearch module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statssales module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsregistrations module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsproduct module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statspersonalinfos module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsorigin module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsnewsletter module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statslive module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsforecast module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsequipment module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsdata module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statscheckup module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statscatalog module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statscarrier module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsbestvouchers module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsbestsuppliers module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsbestmanufacturers module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsbestcustomers module (2).
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsbestcategories module (2).
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsbestproducts module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for statsbestcustomers module.
[*] MO: updating descriptions for socialsharing module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for sekeywords module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for producttooltip module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for productscategory module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for productpaymentlogos module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for pagesnotfound module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for homeslider module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for homefeatured module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for gridhtml module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for dashproducts module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for crossselling module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for cheque module.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockviewed.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blocktopmenu.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blocktags.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blocksupplier.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockstore.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockspecials.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blocksocial.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blocksharefb.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockrss.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockreinsurance.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockpermanentlinks.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockpaymentlogo.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blocknewsletter.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blocknewproducts.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockmanufacturer.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blocklink.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blocklanguages.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockcustomerprivacy.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockcmsinfo.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockcms.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockcategories.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockcart.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockbestsellers.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockbanner.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockadvertising.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for bankwire.
[*] MO: updating labels and descriptions for blockfacebook.
[*] MO: updating labels for dashproducts.
[*] MO: updating option labels et descriptions for Dashactivity module.
[*] MO : fixed module installs according to the availability of left and right columns
[*] MO : blocknewsletter - refactored (un)subscribe process
[*] MO : replaced addsharethis module by custom module and links
[*] MO : use media servers for themeconfigurator images
[*] MO : cleaned blockbanner and used media server for the image
[*] WS: add reference/ean13/upc fields in the orders_row of the order
[*] TR: Improved behaviour of translation functions when using double quoted strings
[*] LO: Updated French VAT rates for 2014
Added Features:
[+] FO : js and css files in the autoload directory in the theme are now loaded (via CCC) automatically
[+] BO : Inline Help + theme - Fix PSCSX-491
[+] BO : Backward compatibility
[+] BO : Themes
[+] BO : Color Schemes Variations
[+] BO : AdminThemes : change layout of the theme installation // added psVersion to the addons call
[+] BO : AdminThemes : theme meta upon theme update layout changed
[+] BO : AdminThemes : workflow to add a theme without import changed
[+] BO : added authors in modules list view
[+] BO : AdminModules : module warning now link to the module's configuration
[+] BO : added third arg to addJqueryPlugin to specified the inclusion of the css
[+] BO : form_group_class can be specified to add a class to the form-group wrapping the input
[+] BO : added toolbar condition for iframe
[+] BO : adminthemes : upon theme install, unspecified native module are disable
[+] BO : Added bulk change order status
[+] CORE : Add footer toolbar to forms
[+] CORE : ImageManager - Add error handling for resize function
[+] CORE : Generic redirection handle after object status update
[+] CORE : Add preTable block to list header helper template
[+] CORE : Add force bulk action to show variable when list count <= 1
[+] CORE : HelperTreeCategories - Add input name variable
[+] LO : Added Macedonian Installer
[+] LO : Added Simplified Chinese Installer
# v1.6.0.3 - (2014-02-03) #
Fixed bugs:
[-] installer : the theme default-bootstrap is now installed during an upgrade
[-] Installer : query added to hydrate the table PREFIX_theme_meta
[-] Installer : configuration : homeslider missing var
[-] Installer : fixed offline installation
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-534 customusization to zero as string
[-] FO : Removed translatable # Is it a mistake, or is there a special reason this is translatable?
[-] FO: fixed bug #PSCSX-560 & #PSCSX-558
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-547 no more resizeAddressesBox
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-25 again, do not display voucher for free shipping from cart rule
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-497, double escaping in search query
[-] FO : #PSCSX-521 first ul
[-] FO : Fixed reduction display on product page for products with attributes
[-] FO : quick view : add l s='' for translation
[-] FO : reinsurance : bad display
[-] FO : block list : wrong display with > BO > Smart cache for CSS on FO > ?
[-] FO : Bad protocol on medias again sorry about this
[-] FO : Bad protocol on medias
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-255 cart rule free carrier should affect display of carriers prices
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-257 remove from cart returning false value, follow up 002ed831dba6fd6f96eee9137e5ea13e27adcfd4
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-254 technical error on order-address
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-447 bad value for textearea
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-477 table design
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-471 - Delivery address with virtual products
[-] FO : block list : wrong display with > if BO > Smart cache for CSS on
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-472 newsletter input size
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-467 Address block design
[-] FO : fixed layout for blockcategories footer in the sitemap page
[-] FO: fixed bug PSCSX-444
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-253 could not add to cart custom product cause of tabs in data
[-] FO : #PSCSX-313 move X before product name
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCFV-11267, bad cache on carrier choice in normal checkout
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-350 SKU empty
[-] FO: Fix bug #PSCSX-394
[-] FO: improve responsive display on tablets/smartphones/small screens
[-] FO: Color selector when not color attribute If you define a attribute as a color and define some attributes with colors, if you change the attribute type the color selector stills appears.
[-] Fo : Fix bug #PSCSX-356 bad colspan on order-payment.tpl
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-319 bad priceReductionPercent
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-327 truncate on custo
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-332 wrong cart total
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-330 smarty exception
[-] FO : Follow up #PSCFV-11098
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-141, bad escaping on msg
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCFV-11098 logo under media servers
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-102 - email input too small
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-246 - Default active tab
[-] FO : FixBug #PSCSX-171 - Missing data validate
[-] FO : fixed typo in template variable name
[-] FO : Exception on tag search
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-98, missing product condition
[-] FO : Fix bug #PSCFV-11361, inner join on category_product
[-] FO : OrderOpcController Fix wrong hook
[-] FO : OrderConfirmationController is not kept on https when the platform is set up to handle the order checkout process on https. Now, also the order confirmation page is on https if needed.
[-] BO : Blockbanner : Typo fix
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-564 Warning on carriers selection
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-534 supply order pdf template
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-552 Fix price impact
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-557 wrong description
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-539 Hide texture with color attribute
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-524 Missing save and stay button
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-538 Missing filter button
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-532 Fix remove button bug
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-530 Missing save and stay button
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-11158 updateDefaultAttribute on product import
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-526 Product combination design
[-] BO : modules : missing fields for translation
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-525 Wrong url encode
[-] BO : blocklayered - Add max_input_vars check
[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-11530 - Shipping to a new Zone not working correctly
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-523 Check login page in ajax
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-519 always active currency on install
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-516 toggle button not working
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-514 - Changing tags help hint
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-515 Missing ajax control
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-510 Fix image size
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-509 Missing pointer icon
[-] BO : Toolbar New Product - removed preview button
[-] BO : Toolbar - removed save button
[-] BO : Admin Access - removed confusing error for missing modules.
[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCSX-492 - range overlapping small fix
[-] BO : fixed old parse error in bulk delete of backups
[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCSX-247 - carrier range are overlapping
[-] BO : AdminThemes : theme installation on existing directory without a relation with theme fixed
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-485 - theme_mobile_dir
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-446 Grow message error on save button click
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-425 Products tab buttons
[-] BO : fixed double entities for configuration values in HelperOptions #PSCFV-11532
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCFV-11311 - Remove browser autocomplete for customers
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-358 - Clear smarty cache after add/edit/delete specific price rule
[-] BO : orders missing icon for products
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCFV-8755 - Total shipping amount include in second voucher
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-385 Cart rule does get minimum amount with correct curreny
[-] BO : import : products_import.csv doesn't match fields
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCFV-11458 Can't update an attachment file without upload again
[-] BO : TaxRulesGroupController > Create > créer
[-] BO : blocktopmenu : btn btn-primary > btn btn-default
[-] BO : blockcart missing mod for translation
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-258 - New backoffice store tree
[-] BO : fixed partial import of localization pack #PSCSX-421
[-] BO : AdminThemes : theme auto install fixed
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-423 product move postiion call on click
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-427 Wrong save button position
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-424 Missing SEO & URLS button
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-161 htaccess regenerated with prev domain
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-419 - Error in copyright date
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-375 Error when deleting virtual product with no files
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-403 Missing TinyMCE textarea class
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-414 Fix smarty exception in module favorite list
[-] BO : fixed page addition in SEO & URLs
[-] BO : AdminThemes : fix multi shop theme install
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-410 Unremoved failed uploaded files
[-] BO : AdminThemes : fix disable unspecified native module upon new theme install
[-] BO : adminthemes : fix export with no module to export
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-392 virtual product
[-] BO : adminthemes : default value for left_column and right column set to true
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-325 - module list style
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-278 duplicate attribute value
[-] BO : Fixbug #PSCSX-282 module uninstall confirmation alert
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-315 - removing js code
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-317 unremoved function call in CSV import
[-] BO : fixed link to parent tab in breadcrumb
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-345 - Remove duplicated buttons
[-] BO : Wrong help icon
[-] BO : Remove percentage char from frendly url
[-] BO : Control legend length on add product image
[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCFV-11266 - Customer service Forward this discussion email link
[-] BO : fixed BO filter with empty() values
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCFV-11407 delete packs on products truncates
[-] BO: Clear CCC cache after media servers update
[-] BO : fixed error handling (and fixed a warning)
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-248 - Wrong order refund quantity display size
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-242 - Change module display icons
[-] BO : fixed cache on thumbnails
[-] BO : Remove save from generic page header toolbar
[-] BO : Fix bug #PSCSX-67, could not return to form
[-] BO : fixed bug #PSCSX-225 - display warning when mod_ssl is not installed
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-224 Duplicate save button
[-] BO : fixed order map (country was missing)
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-168 - Non persistent filters
[-] BO : Display image resizing error for product image upload
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCFV-11345 - Different address format
[-] BO : Bad error message on module execptions
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-83 - Wrong redirection after status update.
[-] BO : FixBug #PSCSX-204 - Missing bulk action button
[-] BO : Add page header toolbar title for import and export theme
[-] BO : switch clicable on adminthemes
[-] BO : Add responsive process to controller
[-] CORE : Wrong id_delivery in cart_product after id_delivery update in cart
[-] Core: fix price validator
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCSX-518 Wrong class name
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCFV-11546 break on back button to prevent others
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCFV-11547 Wrong function parameters
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCSX-490 - Product visibility in search result by tag
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCFV-11534 - Cache improvement
[-] Core : Missing backquotes added in getProducts
[-] Core : remove duplicate `id_product` in select The getProducts() select had the `id_product` column twice.
[-] Core: Fix Product::getPriceStatic() quantity discounts cache
[-] CORE : Use context if set in ObjectModel displayFieldName
[-] CORE : FixBug #PSCFV-11426 - Missig maxlength option with callback
[-] CORE : Fix bug #PSCSX-130 isBirthDate validator on futur dates
[-] CORE : fixed bug #PSCFV-8652 - Order::generateReference() collision
[-] CORE : Fix options footer buttons
[-] CORE : Could not update an employee after updating
[-] CORE : Fix bug #PSCFV-11325, wrong match when deleting languages
[-] MO : Themeconfigurator - fix target blank
[-] MO : ThemeConfigurator FixBug #PSCSX-554 remove reinsurance block
[-] MO : ThemeConfigurator FixBug #PSCSX-555 Fix error in live configurator
[-] MO : products : js=1
[-] MO : socialsharing : the cache was not refreshed when updating the settings // norm
[-] MO : Blocklayered - Fix meta titles and heading
[-] MO : blockwishlist FixBug #PSCSX-507 Missing traductions
[-] MO : blockbestsellers : the prices were shown on the column even if the user is not allowed to see the product prices
[-] MO : blocklink : fix add/update links
[-] MO : homeslider : multishop fix //norm
[-] MO : blocktopmenu FixBug #PSCSX-466 input field problems
[-] MO : blockcms : add options to hide the 'our stores' link in the footer
[-] MO : referralprogram : wrong display of the discount
[-] MO : productcomments : send review friendly url fixed
[-] MO : productcomments : add comment title
[-] MO : Fix bug #PSCSX-445 Blockcart + clean up tpl
[-] MO : homeslider : ver 1.2.3 > 1.2.4 > like homeslider.php
[-] MO : blocktopmenu : mod "blocktopmenu" > mod 'blocktopmenu'
[-] MO : themeconfigurator : button btn btn-primary > right
[-] MO : Themeconfigurator FixBug #PSCSX-441 - wrong css style
[-] MO : Blockstore FixBug #PSCSX-431 wrong image variable
[-] MO : themeconfigurator FixBug #PSCSX-422 language select
[-] MO : FixBug #PSCSX-429 Themeconfigurator css missplaced
[-] MO : producttooltip : use growl instead of jgrowl + growl moved to his own directory
[-] MO : blockbanner : fix img link when file doesn't exists
[-] MO : blockmanufacturer : 'use a drop-down list' set to no by default
[-] MO : dashgoal FixBug #PSCSX-294 legends
[-] MO : blockcms : fix add button missing
[-] MO : blockbestsellers : fix hook on left and right column
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-1521 - Wrong quantity when allow order out of stock
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-702 - Meta title
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-809 - nofollow rel
[-] MO : fixed bug #PNM-1986 - Dashactivity has 30 hard-written in its template
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-1740 - memory_get_peak_usage()
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-313 id_product_attribute = 0 (Thanks to Evert-Jan van der Valk)
[-] MO : blocklayered - FixBug #PSCSX-310 bootstrap style
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-1105 translate price and weight slider filter url name
[-] MO : blocknewproducts use now two distinct template for home and column block
[-] MO : blocknewproducts : fix configuration & display
[-] MO : blocklayered FixBug #PNM-1981 categories tree render error
[-] MO : blocktopmenu FixBug #PSCSX-321 List item improvement
[-] MO : homeslider : height parameter removed // since the new slider don't use a height parameter
[-] MO : homeslider : fix bad configuration display
[-] MO : productpaymentlogos now clear cache upon title save
[-] MO : be sure to use sales price in stats
[-] MO : changed addsharethis for socialsharing in themeconfigurator #PSCSX-250
[-] MO : productcomments : fix bad display when a comment has been sent
[-] MO : FixBug #PSCSX-240 - ThemeConfigurator - Error updating image
[-] MO : FixBug #PSCSX-231 - wrong product count display on blocklayered module
[-] MO : fix statslive empty result when using maintenance ips ending with a comma
[-] MO : Blockcategories Fix bug #PSCSX-157 assign cookie in footer
[-] MO : fixed call to the 404 image that was only used as a placeholder in blockcart
[-] MO : blocknewsletter fix bad display when a wrong address is sent
[-] WS: add a modifier system for the attributes of the entities
[-] WS: delete image on database even if it not exists on the disk #PSCFV-5799
[-] WS: adding a new order history must call OrderHistory::addWs()
[-] PDF : PNG files take up to 1 second to be processed by TCPDF - Replaced the default PNG logo by a jpg for PDF.
[-] PDF : fixed TCPDF issue: sometimes the disk cache for images is deleted but the image is still present in $imagekeys, thus TCPDF looks all over the web for an inexisting image
Improved/changed features:
[*] Project: rename class Collection to PrestaShopCollection
[*] Installer : Less confusing French e-mail.
[*] Installer : you can now share your experience with your friends!
[*] Installer : added safe, automatic detection of rewrite
[*] Installer: add an option to create the database on the console installer
[*] FO : Better 404 alt text
[*] FO : generate product and category images in the right format on the fly when 404
[*] FO : added onblur for fields validation
[*] FO : Added file size to the attachments // Quickfixed CCC (need review)
[*] FO : Move css header modules to css/modules folder
[*] FO : Update Minify HTML // Changed tab order #PSCSX-236
[*] FO : movde header id to classes
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminThemes view.tpl.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminThemes.
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-541 Add bulk actions to Warehouses list
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-221 Show update items button
[*] BO: typos ("cant") in AdminThemes.
[*] BO : FixBug Missing filter by category translation, thanks to @indesign47
[*] BO : Nav + Theme fixs
[*] BO : modules can now use ajax action on their HelperList // javascript that manage the ajax on helperlist is show only if one field use ajax
[*] BO : css is now changing live in your account preferences
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-294 - Dashgoals
[*] BO : fix dropdown
[*] BO : fixed PSCSX-463 - tree actions search
[*] BO : add scheme choice for BO employees
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-443 Maintenance alert when changing default currency
[*] BO : required fields on customization
[*] BO : updated config.xml management for module (one file by language)
[*] BO : Clear XML cache
[*] BO : login fix
[*] BO : refacto sass structure (part 2)
[*] BO : refacto sass structure
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminFeatures.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCurrencies.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCountries.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCarriers.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminBackup.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminOrder.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminStatuses.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminSlip.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminDelivery.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminReturn.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminInvoices.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for orders/form.tpl.
[*] BO : Update Addons modules and templates live display
[*] BO : fixed google map in orders
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminOrders.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCustomers.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminGroups.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminContacts.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminGenders.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for modules_positions/form.tpl.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for modules_positions/list_modules.tpl.
[*] BO: removed French text from form_ranges.tpl.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCarrierWizard.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminShipping.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminRequestSql.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTabs.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminProfiles.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminQuickAccesses.
[*] BO : Categories improvement #PSCSX-340 return to list after category creation
[*] BO : Recommended modules & badges
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTaxRulesGroup.
[*] BO : fix icon check + product image (fix PSCSX-378)
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTaxesController.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTranslations (translation_modules.tpl).
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTranslations (translation_mails.tpl).
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTranslations (translation_form.tpl)(2).
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTranslations (translation_form.tpl).
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTranslations (translation_errors.tpl).
[*] BO : fix growl notification
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminTranslations.
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminPreferences.
[*] BO : fixed some css issues + recommended modules modal
[*] BO : adminthemes : warning added in order to suggest to regenerate thumbnail
[*] BO : Switched to official bootstrap sass repository => + fix modal overlay
[*] BO : Tweak css (menu, modal, footer)
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCustomerThreads (2).
[*] BO: updating labels and descriptions for AdminCustomerThreads.
[*] BO : fixed bug #PSCSX-359 - added delete confirmation for carrier logo
[*] BO: updating labels for AdminModulesPositions.
[*] BO: updating labels for AdminDashboard.
[*] BO: updating description for AdminModules.
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-293 Remove icon for menu entry
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-272 remove optimisation tips switch
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-223 - Check and update modules
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-235 - Remove multishipping option
[*] BO : Improvement #PSCSX-28 - Update all modules button
[*] BO : updated contextual help (part #1)
[*] BO : Wording improvement #PSCSX-275
[*] BO : improve breadcrumb with custom names
[*] BO : new breadcrumb management
[*] BO: clarifying discount option hint (2). Fixes PSCSX-289.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminShopGroup (2).
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminShopGroup.
[*] BO: clarifying discount option hint. Fixes PSCSX-289.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminSupplyOrders.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminStockCover.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminStockManagement.
[*] BO : module page optimization
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminWarehouses.
[*] BO: updating option descriptions for AdminReferrers.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminEmployees.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminAdminPreferences.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminWebservice.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminEmails.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminPerformance.
[*] BO : tab name can now be up to 64 chars
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminInformationController.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminSearchConf.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminStores.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminImages.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminCms (2).
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminCms.
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminMeta.
[*] BO : Remove undefined images formats when deleteOldImages
[*] BO : Copying a price rule on a cart now also duplicates product/category filters
[*] BO : added legend colors in dashactivity
[*] BO : added callback in /js/admin-dashboard.js: toggleDashConfig()
[*] BO : AdminThemes : the themes can now specify the number of products per page in their config.xml
[*] BO: updating option labels et descriptions for AdminTh