Prestashop Cart rule for the most expensive product

This module gives possibility to create cart rule that will be applied to most expensive product in cart only. You can activate this option for percentage discount and individually for each cart rule (voucher code) you created in shop. Module adds new option to voucher code edit page (cart rule edit page) in shop's back office.

Shop version 8.x, 1.7.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
Available translations
Module version 1.1.0
  • Trusted developer of module Cart rule for the most expensive product
  • Support to the module Cart rule for the most expensive product
  • Free updates of the module Cart rule for the most expensive product
  • Open source - you can edit module code Cart rule for the most expensive product
  • Module Cart rule for the most expensive product works with PrestaShop 1.7
  • Module Cart rule for the most expensive product works with PrestaShop 8.0

More info: Prestashop Cart rule for the most expensive product

This module gives possibility to create cart rule that will be applied to most expensive product in cart only. You can activate this option for percentage discount and individually for each cart rule (voucher code) you created in shop. Module adds new option to voucher code edit page (cart rule edit page) in shop's back office.

Usage examples of module: Prestashop Cart rule for the most expensive product

Associated videos: Prestashop Cart rule for the most expensive product

No video is associated with this module at the moment

Module reviews: Prestashop Cart rule for the most expensive product

Reviews were placed by customers that purchased this addon. If you already purchased this plugin and if you expect to left a review - you will get an email form shop after 2 weeks from purchase. This email will contain reminder about pending comment with url to review form
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Frequently asked questions

Feature under construction

Associated blog posts

No blog entries associated with this product

Cart rule for the most expensive product Changelog - informations about updates


- added new feature to activate option directly on cart rule edit page (there is a new option "apply a discount to the most expensive product"



- started project on addons marketplace