Prestashop Import voucher from CSV

This module is a multi-tool for importing voucher codes from CSV file into Prestashop database. Save more time with this module, import all vouchers just by one click! Module works perfectly with all coupon codes from websites like groupon, livingsocial, kgb deals etc.

Shop version 8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.x, 1.5.x, 1.4.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
Available translations
Module version 2.9.4
Works with ThirtyBees Yes
Public help and discussion Open forum discussion
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  • Free updates of the module Import voucher from CSV
  • Open source - you can edit module code Import voucher from CSV
  • Module Import voucher from CSV works with PrestaShop 1.7
  • Module Import voucher from CSV works with PrestaShop 1.6
  • Module Import voucher from CSV works with PrestaShop 1.5
  • Module Import voucher from CSV works with PrestaShop 1.5
  • Module Import voucher from CSV works with PrestaShop 8.0

More info: Prestashop Import voucher from CSV

This module is the simplest and quickest way to add as many voucher codes from CSV file as you want by one mouse click! Import Vouchers From CSV module saves your time which you can spend to make more money. Vouchers module save your time, and let you to make more money by adding voucher codes to databse. Voucher codes can be used by your customers

prestashop importing discount codes from file

Import Vouchers From CSV module features:

you can set up General CSV file settings:

  • setup the char for row delimiter (line)
  • setup the char for col delimiter (elements in line)


you can set up default voucher settings

  • setup the default voucher type (discount on order in % / amount, free shipping, etc.)
  • setup the default voucher currency (all currencies in your shop)
  • setup the default voucher value (in % / amount in selected currency)
  • setup the default voucher description (description will be displayed in customer basket)
  • setup the default voucher quantity
  • setup the default voucher quantity per user
  • setup the default value of voucher cumulable (with other voucher codes - true or false)
  • setup the default value of voucher cumulable (with price reductions - true or false)
  • setup the default minimal basket value, from which voucher code will be active
  • setup the default date, from which voucher code will be active
  • setup the default expiry date of voucher code
  • setup the categories to which the discount will be applied
  • You can import voucher codes for specific customer (or customers)
  • Turn on / off partial use of the voucher code (available in ps 1.5, 1.6)
  • setup the products to which the discount will be applied 
  • you can turn categories & product restrictions described above
  • you can define the product attributes for which voucher code will work (available in ps 1.5, 1.6)
  • you can upload CSV file into server
  • upload as many CSV files as you want
  • manage uploaded files


and most important:

  • you can upload CSV file into server
  • you can import uploaded CSV file into prestashop voucher database
  • manage colls and rows in CSV file
  • selection of as many CSV file row as you want (row will be added to the database)
  • selection of as many CSV file cols as you want (cols define the voucher specification)


Advanced options related to coupon settings

Main voucher code settings

  1. You can define voucher code name in each language active in your shop
  2. You can define description of voucher code (visible only for you)
  3. You can define number of characters used in automatically generated voucher code
  4. You can enable or disable voucher code sufix
  5. You can define sufix in each language active / available in your shop
  6. You can enable or disable voucher code prefix
  7. You can define prefix in each language active / available in your shop
  8. You can Highlight voucher code in the cart summary
  9. You can enable or disablee "partial use" option - this feature is applicable if the voucher is greater than the cart total)
  10. You can define voucher code "priority" option, A cart rule with priority of "1" will be processed before a cart rule with a priority of "2"
  11. You can define if voucher code will be active / or disabled right after generation


Voucher code conditions

  1. You can define how long voucher code will be active. You can define this option in days.
  2. You can define minimum cart value, for which voucher code will be active.
  3. You can define minimum cart value currency (you can select currency from all available currencies in your shop)
  4. You can define tax options for minimum cart value (tax included or excluded)
  5. You can define shipping option for minimum cart value (shipping included or excluded)
  6. You can define Total available option of coupon, the cart rule will be applied to the first "X" uses
  7. You can define Total available for each user option - a cusomer will only be able to use the cart rule "X" time(s)
  8. You can add rule concerning categories (you can use it or not - everything depends on you)
  9. With cart rule concerning categories you can select categories (see picture) for which voucher code will be active
  10. You can add rule concerning products (the same as with categories rule - you can use it or not)
  11. With cart rule concerning products you can select products (see picture)  for which voucher code will be active
  12. You can add rule concerning manufacturers (the same as category rule - you can select it or not)
  13. With cart rule concerning manufacturers you can select manufacturers for which code will be active
  14. You can add rule concerning attributes
  15. With cart rule concerning attributes you can select product attributes for which voucher code will be active
  16. You can add rule concerning suppliers
  17. With cart rule concerning suppliers you can select suppliers for which voucher code will be applicable


Voucher codes actions

  1. You can enable or disable Free shipping option
  2. You can select a discount type
  3. It mean that you can select percentage discount, or discount it amount, or just disable it
  4. You can specify percentage (%) discunt value
  5. You can specify amount discount value currency and tax (included or excluded)
  6. You can apply discount to order value (without shipping) or to specific product (from your catalog)
  7. You can apply discount to cheapest product
  8. You can apply discount to selected products in "conditions" section.
  9. You can turn on option "send free gift" and select product (with attribute) that will be treated as a free gift

Email notification to customers

module can send email to customers with informations about voucher code

Usage examples of module: Prestashop Import voucher from CSV

Associated videos: Prestashop Import voucher from CSV

Module reviews: Prestashop Import voucher from CSV

Reviews were placed by customers that purchased this addon. If you already purchased this plugin and if you expect to left a review - you will get an email form shop after 2 weeks from purchase. This email will contain reminder about pending comment with url to review form
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Frequently asked questions

Feature under construction

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Import voucher from CSV Changelog - informations about updates


- added improvements to voucher generator to avoid issues with array (noncountable variable)



- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.x environment according to attribute search (combination) 

- added new feature to decide if you want to associate imported voucher code with customer account identified by email (option to send email to customer)



- added improvements to overwrite function in context of "cumulable" option, it does not cause internal sever error 500 anymore when you try to import (overwrite) voucher code that already exists in shop's database 



- released version of the module that is ready to work in prestashop 8.0 and php 8



- added improvements to row and column delimiters to support specific format of txt file with vouchers



- added some improvements that will give possibility to use cron task in future releases of the module to import voucher codes with defined schedule



- added feature to define categories restrictions in csv file

- from now you can use column "categories by id"

- fill it out with ID of categories (comma-separated) 

- after import - module will activate categories condition and assign defined categories to this condition parameters



- added feature to define products restrictions in csv file

- from now you can use column "products by id"

- fill it out with ID of products (comma-separated) 

- after import - module will activate products condition and assign defined products to this condition parameters



- added newa feature to define quantity of products that must be in cart (rules related to products, categories, suppliers, attributes, manufacturers)



- added feature to decide about how module will behave when you will try to import voucher code that already exists

- from now you can: overwrite settings of existing coupon, create new coupon with the same code, cancel import code that already exists



- added improvements to voucher generation process to generate coupon codes associated with defined groups of customers only



- added new fields to csv file import process, now you can define minimal basket currency id and currency id of voucher value (if voucher pattern is set to generate a voucher with value defined in amount).



- added feature to decide about characters used to generate voucher codes

- you can generate now codes with usage of alphanumeric, numeric, alpha characters set



- added improvements to module usage in multistore environments 



- added improvements to voucher - customer association process

- now you can also associate customer when you will specify the email of customer in CSV file (not ID of customer only as it was previously)



- improved the code responsible for pattern of voucher code

- module allows to generate manufacturers and suppliers conditions properly now



- updated translations of the module (translations of new features)



- added improvement to trim email variable before import and email delivery process

- added additional hints to each step of import process



- added feature to support prestashop 1.7 feature "exclude discounted products"

- this option, when enabled the voucher will not apply to products already on sale.



- added improvements to voucher generation process

- added date picker tool to "date from" and "date to" fields



- eliminated notifications about unidentified variables while trying to get inforamtion about module update



- improved module configuration page for PrestaShop 1.7.x and 1.6.x (new design)

- added option to define availability of coupon code in other shops (based on multistore engine)



- added possibility to define rule containing restrictions related to suppliers

- added improvements to voucher generation process

- added explanation tips to module configuration page

- added to tool that allows to check module updates directly from module configuration page

- added missed translations

- added better module workflow in new upcoming prestashop 1.7

- added improvements to cart rule generation process with selected option "uncombinable with other cart rules"

- module generated voucher code that is uncombinable with other cart rules properly



- updated translations of new features

- module supports prestashop 1.7



- improvements related to "carriers restriction" feature. Now module saves carrier information properly while module generates voucher code.



- feature to define voucher name inside csv file



started to log changes in the module via this changelog

option to define "carrier" restriction for voucher codes

appearance improvements for module configuration page