This module for PrestaShop generates dedicated voucher codes for newsletter subscription. Module works with standard newsletter subscrition module that is available in PrestaShop by default. Each code generated with this plugin is unique and customer get it via email.
As you already know this is marketing and advertising module for your store based on PrestaShop engine and it generates unique voucher codes for newsletter subscription. This addon works with default newsletter subscription block module that is available in prestashop for free (module is available with each prestashop installation).
Main features available in this module
Main and the most important feature avalable in this plugin is possiblity to generate unique voucher codes for newsletter subscription. With module you can control voucher code value (and other settings) that module will send to customer. Below you can find detailed informations about available settings related to coupon codes.
Available voucher settings
Voucher code conditions
Voucher codes actions
- released new version of the module that is ready to work in php 8.0 and prestashop 8
- released new voucher engine to prevent sql inections
- added improvmeents to format of date that is delivered in emails
- from now you can decide if date will contain time (hours, minutes, seconds) or not
- date format will be the same as format of date used by your prestashop localization settings
- added improvements to support non-default popup newsletter module
- added support of labpopupnewsletter module
- updated module workflow in non-default template "alrosa"
- added improvements to voucher generation process
- added improvements to appearance of voucher value in email
- added improvements to generation process of voucher codes in multistore environment
- now each shop has own unique url of cron task (thanks to this newsletter voucher can be delivered for selected shops only)
- added feature to add define date for cron job task, it will send vouchers for users that subscribed to newsletter after this date
- added improvements to voucher generation process to avoid problems with voucher code currency sign
- added improvements to voucher configuration tool
- from now voucher code usage can be limited to selected country(ies)
- added new better language selection tool
- added improvements to cron task feature to avoid notification in longs about "missing" countable variable
- added feature to limit usage of voucher code for customers from selected countries
- added new feature to define email title directly on module configuration page - to avoid issues with prestashop's email translation feature
- added improvements to module's vouchers generation process
- from now module generate voucher codes - if newslettersubscription module is in verification mode - only after verification
- added improvements to module's updates checker feature
- updated translation files (both back office and mail template translations)
- added improvements to module usage in multistore environments
- added feature to decide about characters used to generate voucher codes
- you can generate now codes with usage of alphanumeric, numeric, alpha characters set
- added new email variable to display minimal basket required for voucher code usage: {voucher_minimal_basket_value}
- added improvements to cron job task that sends voucher codes
- added feature to generate voucher code with option to exclude discounted products (prestashop 1.7)
- added improvements to voucher generation process
- updated missed polish translations
- added feature to create cart rule condition related to groups of customers
- added improvement to module workflow in old releases of prestashop 1.6.x
- added improvements to identification of customers while module generates unique coupon codes
- now if customer is registered module will assign coupon to this customer only
- if highlight option is enabled, and if non-registered customer signup to newsletter - highlight option is disabled for this coupon (so voucher is not visible for everyone during checkout)
- added polish, french, spanish, dutch and italian translations
- improved updates checker design and workflow
- added fixes to recently released improvements
- improved module workflow related to voucher generation process
- now you can run cron job task to generate voucher for newsletter subscription
- added support of newsletter subscription signup while account creation process
- new menu under "price rules" named "Newsletter vouchers" where you can see history of generated coupons for newsletter subscription
- updated module and now it supports both PrestaShop 1.6.x and 1.7.x
- updated voucher settings configuration tool
- now you can define conditions related to products, categories, suppliers etc.
- added support of recently released prestashop
- started project on addons marketplace