With this module you (as a shop owner) can generate unique voucher codes and send them by email to defined email addresses. These coupons can be associated with customers' accounts. Addon has advanced voucher code personalization tool where you can set up very detailed settings of discount codes
As you already know this addon gives you possibility to generate unique voucher codes and send them to your customers or email addresses. Main module configuration page allows to specify two things - very detailed voucher settings and specify the email addresses - module will send voucher code to these customers.
Module has advanced voucher configuration tool
This means that you can define detailed settings of coupon codes that module will generate and send to defined email addresses. Below you can read more about advanced voucher code settings tool:
Main voucher code settings
Voucher code conditions
Voucher codes actions
Available variables in email templates
This module adds some special variables to email templates. You can use them among others added to emails by default. These shortcodes are a great way to personalize the email contents.
Variable | Description |
{voucher} | This variable used in email contents will print voucher code. For example: XFDE3240SS |
{voucher_date_from} | This variable will print a date from which voucher will be active and available to use |
{vocuher_date_to} | This variable used in email template will print voucher expiry date |
{voucher_value} | This variable will write information about voucher value |
{customer_firstname} | This variable will be replaced with customer first name (customer that created an account) |
{customer_lastname} | This variable will be replaced with customer last name (customer that created an account) |
Email templates manager
Module has great tool to define various email templates directly from module configuration page. Thanks to this you can send various email messages depending on occasion. This feature allows to define translations of email and title of email directly from module configuration page. You will not have to use official prestashop's translations anymore (it does not work well this is why we decided to include this kind of feature to the module).
- updated translations packages included to the module
- added improvements to email templates manager to avoid problem with feature workflow if shop's back office uses language not available in the module
- added improvements to voucher generation process
- from now you can decide if voucher code will be associated with customer account (if exists) or not (if customer account for email does not exist)
- added improvements to module installation process to avoid internal server errors in prestashop 1.7.x
- added improvements to vouchers generation process - from now you can select rule that generates voucher code depending on country of customer
- added new feature "emails templates manager" that allows to manage email templates in the module
- this means that you can select what email template will be used to deliver the message to customer
- thanks to this you can create various templates
- added feature to define email title translation directly from module configuration page
- all of these features were included to second step of wizard: "2. email template settings" (now wizard has 3 steps)
- added improvements to module's updates checker feature - now you can use updates checker form directly from module configuration page
- added improvements to voucher engine included to the module
- added feature to generate voucher code that will be applicable to selected groups of customers only (rule concerning groups of customers)
- added full polish translation
- added improvements to module usage in multistore environments
- added feature to decide about characters used to generate voucher codes
- you can generate now codes with usage of alphanumeric, numeric, alpha characters set
- added improvements to voucher generation process - especially related to identification of customers
- added feature to defnie associations with groups of customers
- added feature to disable usage of voucher when cart contains discounted product(s) in PrestaShop 1.7
- improved features to generate voucher codes
-released version that fully works with PrestaShop 1.7.x
- added improvements to send emails
- released first version of the module - it is ready to work with prestashop 1.5, 1.6