With this feature you customers can fill the simple form and send the voucher code for friends via email. You can setup the voucher specification and much more. Get more clients by this advertise and marketing tool!
With this module you can increase your income. Get more clients with this special advertise and marketing tool which generates voucher codes for your customers friends. Customers can generate and send voucher code for friends via simple block displayed in your shop.
Voucher for friends features
Main features of voucher for friend prestashop module
Main voucher code settings
Voucher code conditions
Voucher codes actions
Voucher for friends detailed email features:
Additional preferences:
You can turn form off for unlogged users. Then unlogged customer will see information about registration.
How it works:
- now voucher codes can be generated for selected groups of customers only
- released version that fully supports prestashop 1.7.x
- added fixes related to carriers selection. now module saves carriers informations properly.
- started to log changes in the module with this changelog
- added feature to search products in "conditions" based on product
- better appearance of input boxes
- feature to define "condition" based on carriers
- fixes related to voucher generation process in PrestaShop 1.4.x