This module gives possibility to validate company VAT number in VIES system. Then - depending on validation result - apply a 0% tax for company that uses this VAT number (if this company register address is in country different than merchant country). Reverse charge VAT will be applicable only for companies with valid VAT numbers.
As you already know - this module gives possibility to validate customer's VAT number in VIES service provided by european union. If VAT number will be valid - the company that uses it will be a subject of reverse charge of tax. According to fiscal law, the “reverse charge” process stands for the process of ascribing tax liability to the buyer – to be more specific, the VAT liability. In practice, this means that the buyer settles VAT-related costs directly with the revenue office in country where the company is registered.
VAT tax in european union
European Union changed VAT tax rules that affects e-commerce business if you're from european union. These VAT rules affects also third-party businesses that operates from third-party countries out of European Union. It is just enough to sell for customers from european union even if you're out of europe. Simply saying - From 1 July 2021 we have new VAT (value added tax) rules on cross-border business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce activities in the European Union. These changes requires to sell products with tax rate from country where your customer lives. If your customer will be a business (company from european union) you will need to set vat TAX rate to 0%. And this is the module that will fulfill these needs.
What is the module workflow?
Our addon gives possibillity to validate VAT in two ways. First validation process is available for unlogged users. You can activate heading bar or special bar on product page where customer can click on button to "provide VAT number". This button, once pressed, will spawn popup window with form to validate VAT. After submit - our addon will check if provided VAT number is valid in european union VIES service. If number will be valid - tax rates will be changed to 0% (so customer with this VAT can be a subject of reverse charge tax).
Second validation is available for logged customers. Module will check billing or invoice address (you can decide about it) of logged customer. If there will be valid VAT number (validated with VIES) - this customer will be a subject of reverse charge VAT. So tax rates will be set to 0%. If customer will not use this VAT during checkout (as its billing invoice address) - the VAT will be switched to default one.
Please note that if customer will be logged - the only one VAT number that will be validated and used by module is a number that customer provide in their order details as a billing address.
- VAT numbers validation service for each european union country has own individual datapoint.
- from time to time service from specific member states are unavailable due to some outgages
- module checks if service is available for specific country and depending on it - informs about it or spawns information about validation
- added improvements to identification process of vat number for Greece, from now both "GR" and "EL" country identification prefixes are supported
- added improvements to vat indentification process
- from now vat number variable is trimmed to avoid empty spaces (this affects vat number identification process in new VIES api)
Due to the changes in VIES validation wsdl service we had to update the module to support these changes.
New version of the module supports new wsdl soap service to check vat numbers in european union
- added improvement to VATEU number check process when customer changes the address details
- added improvements to module workflow in php 7.3 environments to avoid class names problem (module:: is not the same class as Module::)
- added improvements to module workflow in terms of checking the VAT number in VIES
- vat number is properly formatted before request is sent (thanks to this number delivered to VIES service is accepted)
- added improvements to order creation process in shop's back office (when you as admin creates order with valid vat number - the prices are vat exempt)
- added improvements to module workflow during checkout
- added support of displayCustomHtml that is used in sp_topdeals theme
- added improvements to save process of configuration fields in shop's back office
- added support of prestashop 1.6.x releases and thirty bees
- added feature to decide what address will be used to verify if order will be a subject of reverse charge of VAT
- you can select adress of delivery or invoice address
- added improvements to module to avoid problems with workflow of shop's back office
- added form to check vat in vies also on product page (you can activate or deactivate it)
- started project on mypresta addons marketplace
To jest strona demo z modułem. Możesz sprawdzić swój numer VAT będąc niezalogowanym. W zalezności od rezultatu - zostanie włączone odwrotne obciążenie lub nie. Możesz również sprawdzić działanie logując się do konta klienta i składając zamówienie (wówczas sprawdzony zostanie numer VAT wprowadzony jako adres billingowy)