Moduł pozwala zdefiniować minimalną ilość produktu jaką grupa klientów musi dodać do koszyka, aby móc złożyć zamówienie w Twoim sklepie. Jeżeli kient w trakcie zamawiania doda do koszyka mniej produktów - PrestaShop automatycznie poinformuje klienta o limicie i zwiększy ilość danego produktu w koszyku do tej wymaganej.
Moduł pozwala zdefiniować minimalną ilość produktu jaką grupa klientów musi dodać do koszyka, aby móc złożyć zamówienie w Twoim sklepie. Jeżeli kient w trakcie zamawiania doda do koszyka mniej produktów - PrestaShop automatycznie poinformuje klienta o limicie i zwiększy ilość danego produktu w koszyku do wymaganej.
Najważniejsze funkcjonalności modułu
Najwazniejsza funkcją modulu jest możliwość zdefiniowania minimalnej ilości produktu w koszyku, jaka jest niezbędna do złożenia zamówienia na dany produkt. Moduł pozwala na definicję tych wartości dla grup klienckich w sklepie - czyli każda z grup może mieć inne wartości tego minimum. Dodatkowo, każdy produkt może mieć swoją unikalną wartość takiego niezbędnego minimum do złożenia zamówienia - dotyczy to również kombinacji - czyli można takie restrykcje zdefiniować dla poszczególnych kombinacji (wariantów produktu). Podstawowe i najważniejsze funkcjonalności tego modułu PrestaShop wypunktowane są poniżej:
Przykłady wykorzystania
- added feature to activate option to accept one single quantity of each product . Thanks to this you can sell 1 quantity of product even if this product has some minimal quantity conditions
- added improvements to appearance of cart modal box in prestashop 8.1.x environments
- added new option to duplicate module settings when product is duplicated
- you can activate this feature or disable on main configuration page of the module
- added improvements to appearance of errors on cart page (if you switched option to disable it - errors will not appear on cart page)
- added fixes and improvements to module workflow in environment based on php 7.4
- added improvements to appearance of notifications in prestashop 8.x
- added improvements to module installation in prestashop 8.1
- added new feature to quickly repeat value of minimal quantity on list of products (on module configuration page)
- from now value can be repeated for all groups for selected products or for all products for selected group
- improved workflow of mass generation settings where it is possible to select various groups and assign massively settings for all selected groups (previously it was possible to select only one group)
- solved problem with missing function in class Product, now prestashop uses ProductAttribute class for getAttributes function
- added better support of php in version 8 to avoid php notifications related to wrong order of parameters in functions
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x
- improved support of prestashop 8.x releases
- added function to return information about minimal quantity multiply (if it is active or not) for product by product id. Option is useful for implementation of minimal quantities and multiply feature to list of products "add to cart" button
- added improvements to module workflow in shops with disabled stock management
- improved module workflow in context of back office order creation process
- if admin creates order module will not redirect to shop's front office anymore, instead it will spawn information about required minimal quantities in shop's back office
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 1.7.8.x
- from now module does not display not necessary messages in cart during checkout
- added improvements to module workflow on product pages in prestashop 1.7 (added improvements to fix problems with spritnf function in smarty templates)
- added information to product page with information that you accept only multiplied quantity of item (if option to accept multiplied quantity for selected item is active)
- added new option to module thjat will display detailed information about missing quantity on cart page (during checkout)
- added improvements to module to avoid problems in templates that do not follow prestashop development standards (and remove the #product-details block that is requried)
- added improvements to module workflow to avoid problems with customer register process and missing "cart" object
- improved workflow of multiplied quantities with feature to accept "1 quantity of product" in prestashop 1.6.x and prestashop 1.7.x
- added improvements to login process when "redisplay cart at login" option is disabled
- added improvements to feature that automatically adds cart rules to cart
- updated module's static functions to return minimal quantities
- added fixes to module installation process in old releases of prestashop 1.6.0.x
- added improvements to module configuration page in prestashop 1.6.0.x releases
- added improvements to module usage and cooperation with "combinations table" plugin
- added improvements to module workflow related to usage of "allow to order 1 quantity" option
- added new function to the module that returns the minimal quantity value for selected product, it can be used in template files. Function: returnProductMinqty(id_product,id_product_attribute)
- added improvements to usage of multiplied quantities for option when active is default "minimal quantity" feature
- added improvements to stock check also in prestashop 1.6.x
- extended stock check feature, from now it uses also default product settings related to product availability when it is in stock / out of stock
- added missing translations
- added feature to allow / disallow order more quantity of product than stock available
- option is useful in context of acceptance of multiplied quantities only
- added improvements to usage of default minimal quantity feature available in prestashop
- from now it is applicable also for attributes (when you will set up deafult minimal quantity feature for combinations)
- added missing features to module dedicated for prestashop 1.6.x
- added improvements to cart quantities calculation process (in feature that blocks checkout)
- added feature that checks conditions in cart, if cart will not have required quantities of products - module will block possibility to go through the checkout
- cleaned up module code
- added new feature to activate option to accept "multiplied" quantities for all products in shop
- added new feature to decide what kind of "minimal_quantity" module will use (you can use default prestashop's tool to define minimal quantities that is available on each product edit page or you can use module's feature to define minimal quantities for products and combinations - you can do it on product edit page or from main configuration page of the module)
- added new feature that allows to purchase last items of product's stock if minimal allowed quantity is bigger than stock available (you can turn this feature on or off)
1.8.0 | 2020-02-14 12:28:04
- added feature to display original "add to cart" confirmation
- on module configuration page you can decide if you want to show such confirmation modal window, or not.
1.7.9 | 2019-11-27 13:00:01
- added improvements to add to cart process in new releases of prestashop 1.7.6.x
- added improvements to usage of position displayProductAdditionalInfo that is required for module usage on product pages in prestashop 1.7 (replaced old hook productActions with new one)
- added feature that allows to decide if module will control quantity in shop's back office, or not.
- as you probably know prestashop allows to create an order in shops back office
- new option allows to decide how module will behave when admin creates an order in that way
- added improvements to module workflow related to option to display notifications about required minimal quantities and auto-add-to-cart process.
- added improvements to module code to make it work with php 7.2 properly
- updated polish translation
- updated spanish translation
- updated french translation
- updated italian translation
- added improvements to installation procedure to make module work properly with prestashop 1.7.5+
- added improvements to pagination tool on module configuration page (you can browse list of products properly now)
- added auto-check for module updates
- changed the way of how module saves its settings in PrestaShop 1.6.x
- added multistore environment support, now each shop can have own unique settings of minimal quantities, as well as other settings
- this version of module requires reinstallation (no worries, module will remember all its settings)
- added feature to bulk activate/deactivate option to "accept only multiplied quantity" for products (from selected categories)
- added feature to quickly enable / disable option to "accept multiplied quantity" to "quick settings - products list" tool
- updated the design of module configuration in prestashop 1.7.4.x released
- improved module compability with prestashop 1.7.4.x releases
- added "show" link to form where you can quickly define minimal quantity values (it opens product page)
- developed new feature to quickly define the minimal quantities directly on list of products (on module configuration page)
- added improvements related to module usage in prestashop 1.7.x
- added improvements to module workflow when option to accept "multiplied" quantities is disabled
- updated design of module configuration page, added additional informations to explain the configuration process
- added updates checker system to check if new versions of the module are available
- added improvements to minimal quantity identification when prestashop 1.7 changes product page contents
- added improvements to identification of "visitor" customer accounts (to properly assign minimal quantities to products)
- added improvements related to cart refresh in prestashop 1.6.x
- added improvement to "quantity control" feature - it works with minimal quantities for combinations too
- added feature to support quantity control also in quick product preview window
- added improvements to [+] and [-] buttons on cart page, it increases quantities properly now
- added feature to control quanttiy field value that is available on product page
- when you allow "multiplied quantity" only, module will control the value of this field properly
- added feature to bulk-define minimal quantities for products from selected categories
- added improvement to save process of product settins in prestashop 1.7.x, now quantities are saved properly even if product does not have a combinations (attributes)
- added feature that allows to add more quantity to cart than current product / combination stock (you can enable or disable this feature)
- added improvements to module workflow,
- it does not show minimal quantity restriction information if it was removed
- added improvements to module installation process in prestashop 1.7.x
- added fixes to warning message that appeared in php logs on product pages without attributes, if option to show attributes restriction information was enabled. Warning PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/diyelect/public_html/store/modules/minqc/minqc.php on line 1450 does not appear anymore.
- added fixes to module workflow in prestashop 1.7.x
- released major update of the module - now it fully supports prestashop 1.7.x
- added buttons to quickly assign minimal quantities to all combinations of product
- added feature to enable / disable minimal quantity info on product page
- added feature to enable / disable minimal quantity for attributes (combinations) on product page
- added fixes to displaying message with information about not enough quantity if customer is associated with several groups with minimal quantity values
- added new feature to define possibility to order a single quantity of product even with minimal quantity rules (great option if you want to allow to order "a sample of")
- added feature to display informations about defined minimal quantity rules below "add to cart" button on product page
- added missed translations
- added better customer identification process, especially if customer trying to log in for the first time
- added improvements related to customer login process and minimal quantity values
- added feature to define what to do if customer will add less quantity than required
- added fixes to notification appearance minqc::getRestrictionsAttributesByGroupValue() should not be called statically Unknown error on module configuration page (on product edit page in prestashop back office)
- added module configuration page
- added option to turn on / off "auto quantity change" quantity of the product.
- if you will enable "auto quantity change" feature, module will add desired quantity of product to cart automatically. For example you accept 5,10,15,20,25 quanties. Someone tried to add 3 products to cart. Module will increase this 3 value to 5.
- if you will disable "auto quantity change" feature, module will display popup only with information about accepted quantities.
- module supports quantity change on cart page properly now
- module is now trusted by official addons marketplace
- you can use this module in PrestaShop Cloud
- dodana została funkcjonalność, która pozwala dodawać do koszyka tylko taką ilość produktu, która jest wielokrotnością określonej wartości. np. 3,6,9,12 lub 5,10,15,20 lub 10,20,30,40 itp
- ładniejsza strona zarządzania ustawieniami, pasuje do PrestaShop 1.6.x
- updated missed translations,
- added support of PrestaShop
- added fixes to appearance of notification (if customer will put not enough quantity of product to cart)
- started to log changes in the module with this changelog
- added support of PrestaShop 1.5