Płatność telefoniczna to popularny w krajach zachodu sposób płatności, polegający na tym, że klient po złożeniu zamówienia musi skontaktować się ze sklepem. Wtedy podate dane karty kredytowej a sprzedawca dokonuje płatności na terminalu płatniczym. Ale to tylko jeden z wielu sposobów w jaki można skonfigurować ten moduł.
Jak już wiesz, moduł służy do wprowadzenia metody płatności opartej o telefon. Elastyczność modułu sprawia, że można wykorzystać go na kilka sposobów. W tym jako płatność telefocznia kartą kredytową. Wykorzystanie modułu zależy od Ciebie - masz pełną dowolność wprowadzenia instrukcji płatności telefonicznej. Możliwości konfiguracyjne modułu zostały opisane poniżej.
Main features of the module
Main and the most important feature of this addon is possibility to provide new payment method frequently called "pay by phone". This kind of payment is used to charge customers credit cards very often. So you can use it in that way too. The other settings available in the module are:
Possibility to define phone number
If you use several languages in your shop - that is not a problem. Module allows to define different phone number that will be available to call depending on language that customer uses. It's great feature, especially if we have international business.
Short description
You can specify details about payment method directly from module configuration page. These details will appear near the "pay by phone" payment method on list of available payment methods for order that customer trying to place in your shop.
Own detailed instructions
Addon allows to define detailed instructions related to payment by phone. You can define steps that are necessary to finalize the payment process directly from module configuration page. Of course you can define different instructions for each language version available in your shop. This detailed instruction will appear on last order step (right after order confirmation). Customer will receive it also via email.
Possibility to use dynamic variables
Big advantage of the addon is fact that in "detailed instructions" field you can use dynamic variables. Module will replace these variables with values. For example you can dynamically generate phone number, value of order, order reference, order id. This will help you to build detailed instructions, so whole process of payment will be user-friendly and much faster than instructions without these important informations.
Order summary right before order confirmation
European Union law requires e-commerce businesses to display detailed order summary right before order confirmation (there where customer presses button "i confirm my order"). Module is ready to support such feature (you can enable or disable it). In addition, you can also display address summary, so customer will be 100% sure that details he/she provided are okay.
- added improvements to make module work in prestashop 8.x
- updated module workflow in prestashop 1.5.x
- added improvements to translation files
- added improvements to module's updates checker feature
- oficially released production version of prestashop pay by phone module for prestashop 1.6.x
- beta version for prestashop 1.7.x is ready
- added improvements to module name,1.3.5 .zip library may now work properly
- added button "go to your orders history" that appears on order confirmation page
- added fixes related to appearance of "notification" about undefined variables id_shop and id_lang variables
- added fixes to appearance of warning that "phone number is necessary to use the module"
- updated engine to check updates in the module
- added fixes to notification appearance: "Undefined variable: returntotal" on module back office configuration page
- added support of PrestaShop 1.5.x
- added updates notifications system
- now you can check for update from module back office
- you can enable /disasble automatic updates notifications (they will appear on top in modules > modules section)
- updated module translations
- started project and started to log changes in the module