This is a bankwire payment module for PrestaShop. Module has several features to improve payment process. Addon allows to define discount for order if customer will use this payment method. Discount can be a percentage value of order or flat discount value. There are also several other improvements - you can find details below
As you already know bankwire with discount is a payment module for PrestaShop. It allows to give a discount for customers' orders if they will use this payment method during checkout. Feature to give a discount includes it to order, invoice and also to order confirmation email.
Place an order with discount
Module allows to include a discount to order, if customer will select this payment method. Module allows to include one from two discount types. First is a percentage discount - it is calculated automatically and it is a percentage value of total order value. Second discount type is a flat amount (defined in default shop currency). Module automatically calculates discount to other currencies.
Percentage discount calculation process
During configuration of the module you can decide what kind of order total value will be used to calculate percentage discount. It can be discount based on:
- order total paid (products + shipping) - tax included
- order total paid (products + shipping) - tax excluded
- products value (without shipping) - tax included
- products value (without shipping) - tax excluded
Display discount value
Addon has feature to display discount value on list of available payment methods. Customer will see there information that if it will use "bankwire" payment - it will get a discount.
Possibility to improve order process
Module allows to increase usability of order process. With features available in the module you can for exmaple enable feature to display cart summary right before the order confirmation page. Customer will see details about order like total purchase value, discount value, summary about cart etc. Module allows to display also address summary - customer will see the details about delivery address and invoice address.
Exclude products from discount calculation value
Module has tool to point products (exact items) or categories (products from selected categories) that will be excluded from discount value calculation process
Cuenta bancaria diferente para cada moneda disponible en la tienda
Este módulo brinda la posibilidad de establecer diferentes detalles de la cuenta bancaria para cada moneda disponible en la tienda. Nuestro complemento mostrará los detalles de la cuenta bancaria en la página de confirmación asociada con la moneda que el cliente seleccionó durante el proceso de pedido.
- added improvements to translations of italian and french translations
- added improvements that gives you possibility to select email template that will be used to send email with order confirmation
- added more email variables to use:
{bankwire_swift} - will be replaced with your bank swift code
{bankwire_iban} - will be replaced with your bank account iban number
{bankwire_more_details} - will be replaced with more details
- improved module workflow in old releases of prestashop 1.6.x and 1.7.x
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x
- added feature to set different bank accounts for each currency available in shop
- released independent library for prestashop 8.x
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.0
- added improvements to order creation process from back office, from now discount is included to the order properly.
- added fixes related to exclusions feature (to avoid internal server error 500)
- added improvements to recently added feature
- from now selected products are saved properly, always.
- added feature to exclude some products from percentage discount
- you can exclude products by selecting an exact item or by categories
- added improvements to appearance of bank details when field contains new lines ()
- added improvements to number formatting process
- added improvements to appearance of discount in cart on payment page
- added improvements to usage of $cart variable (missing cart presenter in supercheckout module)
- added new configuration options that will allow to use module in "supercheckout" module as well as in other non-default checkout modules
- this version of the module requires its reinstallation or at least re-configuration (especially new options)
- added German language translations to the module
- added improvements to the way of how module calculates discount, from now it includes also taxes
- added improvements to appearance of the summary of order in prestashop 1.7.x
- added feature to disable additional "order confirmation" page in prestashop 1.6.x
- option is useful in stores with non-default checkout modules (so it is not required to confirm order two times)
- added improvements to recently added feature to avoid problems with save process of new configuration options
- added new feature to the module to automatically update total price during checkout (when you will select this module as a payment method)
- added feature to decide how module will calculate percentage discount
- thanks to this option you can decide what type of order value will be used to calculate the discount
- order total paid (products + shipping) - tax included
- order total paid (products + shipping) - tax excluded
- products value (without shipping) - tax included
- products value (without shipping) - tax excluded
- added feature to decide if you want to display (or not) additional order summary before order confirmation
- added improvements to module code dedicated for prestashop 1.6.x
- added new feature to decide what cart value will be used to calculate discount
- from now you can select:
- cart total value (products+shipping),
- products value only,
- shipping value only
- added translations improvements
- added feature to check updates
- added improvements to avoid errors related to "bad discount_value format"
- added improvements to support of advanced eu compliance
- added better error reporting feature, it does not spawn errors when voucher code is used
- updated spanish traslation files, both for prestashop 1.6 and 1.7
- added feature that allows to use total products tax excluded and total products tax included in email that module sends to customers
- added flat discount type
- released module version that is compatible with PrestaShop 1.7.x
- added improvement to discount based on percentage value of order
- started project on mypresta prestashop addons store