Today I want to show you how to automatically disable out of stock products in your store. Unfortunately, by default you can't hide products which are out of stock. You can only disallow to order them. So the product will appear on list. In this tutorial you will read how to disable it. As you know, PrestaShop is based on MySQL database, which mean that most important informations (products + categories + etc.) are stored in tables. To achieve what we want - we will use MySQL triggers.
If you're not interested in triggers, modifications and if you don't have technical skills - we just want to inform that some time ago we released commercial module to disable out of stock products in PrestaShop automatically (this module has a feature that allows to disable out of stock products)
What is MySQL trigger?
Trigger is a rule that you put on a table which basically says, whenever you DELETE, UPDATE or INSERT IGNORE something in this table, also do something else.
Facts about PrestaShop:
We want to create MySQL trigger which will change product visibility in store to off (active=0), when the product quantity equals 0. When product stock value will be bigger than 0 - then product visibility will be turned to on (active=1). As I said the trigger is a rule that we can put on table whenever we (or PHP script - like PrestaShop) DELETE, UPDATE OR INSERT IGNORE something in this table. When you change product quantity in back office or when someone buy something from you - PHP script automatically UPDATE ps_stock_available table and change the quantity for product that you sold.
How to create trigger?
You can create trigger in many ways. You can use SQL query, you can use some database managers like PHPMyAdmin. I will show you both. Okay, let's do the trick :)
Each MySQL trigger requires:
Our trigger SQL query:
CREATE TRIGGER change_active_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON ps_stock_available FOR EACH ROW BEGIN UPDATE ps_product_shop SET active=0 WHERE id_product IN (SELECT id_product FROM ps_stock_available WHERE quantity=0); UPDATE ps_product_shop SET active=1 WHERE id_product IN (SELECT id_product FROM ps_stock_available WHERE quantity>0); END
All you have to do with this query - is to run it in prestashop, or somewhere else - for example in database managers like PHPMyAdmin.
Let me say something more about query above.
CREATE TRIGGER change_active_after_update AFTER UPDATE ON ps_stock_available FOR EACH ROW
This mean that we creating trigger named change_active_after_update AFTER any UPDATE ON the ps_stock_available table. FOR EACH ROW means that triger will monitor all available entries.
This means that we start our trigger body here. All SQL queries between the BEGIN & END will run one by one.
UPDATE ps_product_shop SET active=0 WHERE id_product IN (SELECT id_product FROM ps_stock_available WHERE quantity=0);
This means that we will SELECT all products from your store, which have quantity value 0. And then query will change the active param to 0 - wich mean that each product with quantity = 0 will be disabled.
UPDATE ps_product_shop SET active=1 WHERE id_product IN (SELECT id_product FROM ps_stock_available WHERE quantity>0);
This query is similar to previous, but it will enable all products from your store which are in stock (with quantity value > 0)
END means that here is an end of the trigger body.
Creating trigger in PHPMyAdmin
I will use here PHPMyAdmin in version (check documentation of PHPMyAdmin). But you can use newest version and older one too, the process of creating trigger is the same in all versions. For the first - log in to your PHPMyAdmin and select database with your prestashop store:
Search for ps_stock_available table. We will create trigger on this table, so we have to open it. When you find it on the list - click on table name. you will see something like:
Click on triggers button in top horizontal menu. You will see all defined trigers for this table (of course if you created). If not - the list will be empty:
Click on "Add trigger" button. You will see form, where you have to specify trigger parameteres. Fill it exactly as I show below. To the Definition field - paste the trigger body. Here it is (copy BEGIND + BODY + END), all of the code below:
BEGIN UPDATE ps_product_shop SET active=0 WHERE id_product IN (SELECT id_product FROM ps_stock_available WHERE quantity=0); UPDATE ps_product_shop SET active=1 WHERE id_product IN (SELECT id_product FROM ps_stock_available WHERE quantity>0); END
Here is the trigger parameters form:
When you are convinced that you filled form exactly as I - click on "Go" button. You will se confirmation page:
Your trigger is ready now!