Prestashop Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303

With this module you can easily eliminate 404 errors from your google webmaster tools etc. This means that with this module you can fix important problems that can affect SEO value of your website. Addon allows to create / import unlimited number of redirection rules. You can redirect old not working urls to new ones that will work properly.

Shop version 8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.x, 1.5.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
Available translations
Module version 2.3.2
Works with ThirtyBees Yes
Public help and discussion Open forum discussion
  • Trusted developer of module Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303
  • Support to the module Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303
  • Free updates of the module Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303
  • Open source - you can edit module code Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303
  • Module Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303 works with PrestaShop 1.7
  • Module Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303 works with PrestaShop 1.6
  • Module Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303 works with PrestaShop 1.5
  • Module Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303 works with PrestaShop 8.0

More info: Prestashop Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303

With this module you can easily eliminate 404 errors from your google webmaster tools etc. This means that with this module you can fix important problems that can affect SEO value of your website. Addon allows to create / import unlimited number of redirection rules. You can redirect old not working urls to new ones that will work properly.


seo redirection 301 in prestashop


Most important features of seo redirection module

The most important feature of this module is a possibility to create unlimited number of seo redirection rules. These rules will redirect shop vistors from not working pages that spawn 404 errors to working pages. From SEO point of view it is very important and with this simple tweak you can increase SEO value of your website! More features are described below


Adding own rules

Each time you will manually add a new redirection rule - you will have to fill out short form with important fields about redirection. These fields contain information about: redirection type (301 redirection, 302 redirection, 303 redirection). You can decide if this rule will be active or not. And the most important settings - you have to enter not working url (url that you want to redirect) and new url (page where all page vistors will be redirected).


Redirection rule edit

Of course each redirection rule can be edited any time you want. So, you can change each aspect of created rule. You can change not working url, you can change new url, redirection type and option to active / deactive redirection. Of course you can also remove redirection permanently.



Module contains feature to display stats related to redirections. You can see charts related to redirections, it's great diagnostic tool - you will be able to check if your redirections work properly, use this as a report for marketing purposes etc.


Importing of redirection rules

If you've got large shop with many 404 errors - it will be a nightmare to add redirections one by one. Because of this this module has feature to import redirection rules from CSV file. It's great because you can add thousands of rules in bulk. It's worth to mention that you can export 404 errors list from google webmaster tools and import it to this module.


Automatic redirection of removed products

Module has feature to redirect removed products automatically. In PrestaShop - when you remove the product - its page spawns 404 error. With this module you can automatically redirect product pages that do not exist anymore in your shop. On module configuration page you can enable option to "redirect removed products" and define redirection type (301,302,303)


Automatic redirection of disabled (not active) products

If your shop has disabled products (products that are not active) you can enable autmatic redirection for these products. You can select type of redirection for example a redirection to product main category page, to shop homepage etc. Module will automatically redirect all these produts.

Feature to auto-redirect 404 errors
Module has feature to automatically redirect 404 pages. Thanks to this feature all pages that generates 404 can be automatically redirected to shop's homepage. 


Move out of stock products to new category, Unassign out of stock products from categories, assign in stock products to categories

Addon has feature to assign product to new categories and unassign it from old ones. This is great option especially if we sell unique products. Each product - when you will sold it will be moved to new category, lets say "archive" or to category "in stock" - depending on product's stock




Disable out of stock products automatically

This module allows to automatically disable products that are out of stock. In addition you can redirect cutomers that trying to open out of stock product pages (or disabled products) to product main category page or to shop main page. It's great way to not loose traffic, especially if some of products are not available in your shop anymore.


Enable products that are in stock again 

Module has feature to enable (activate) products that were out of stock. This option activates products that are disabled but in stock. These products will be enabled only if someone will try to reach product page (for example from google).


Disable and redirect empty categories

Module has feature that allows to automatically disable and redirect empty categories. Empty categories are category pages that do not have any associated product. If customer will try to reach such category page - module can disable this category and redirect your customer to homepage or parent category (if exists)



Module has great feature to define a patterns of urls. This means that you can bulk redirect urls that contains some specific text, for exmaple whole categories (products) etc. Example of usage:

  1. ? (question mark) this can represent any single character. If you specified something at the command line like "hd?" - script would look for hda, hdb, hdc and every other letter/number between a-z, 0-9.
  2. * (asterisk) this can represent any number of characters (including zero, in other words, zero or more characters). If you specified a "cd*" it would use "cda", "cdrom", "cdrecord" and anything that starts with “cd” also including “cd” itself. "m*l" could by mill, mull, ml, and anything that starts with an m and ends with an l.
  3. [ ] (square brackets) specifies a range. If you did m[a,o,u]m it can become: mam, mum, mom if you did: m[a-d]m it can become anything that starts and ends with m and has any character a to d inbetween. For example, these would work: mam, mbm, mcm, mdm. This kind of wildcard specifies an “or” relationship (you only need one to match)
  4. { } (curly brackets) terms are separated by commas and each term must be the name of something or a wildcard. This wildcard will copy anything that matches either wildcard(s), or exact name(s) (an “or” relationship, one or the other). For example, this would be valid: {*printed*,*summer*} - this will check urls for "printed" or "summer" words
  5. [!] This construct is similar to the [ ] construct, except rather than matching any characters inside the brackets, it'll match any character, as long as it is not listed between the [ and ]. This is a logical NOT.


Regular expressions

Another great feature to define bulk-redirections without touching the .htaccess file! With this feature you can build redirections based on regular expressions (regexp). With this feature you can build a patterns of urls, and these urls will be redirected to another patterns. Sounds complicated, but below you can find an example:


Regular expressions examples
lp OLD ULR (pattern) NEW URL (pattern)
1 http\:\/\/domain\.com\/blog/(.*)/{1}
2 http\:\/\/domain\.com\/category\/(.*)\/(.*)\.html{1}/{2}.html


1. This redirection based on regular expression will redirect all urls from your "blog" that ends with slash to url that is without slash

2. This redirection based on regular expression will redirect all urls of products with /category/subcategory to url with only /subcategory/product.html


you can of course use other regular expressions. It depends on you how you build the regexps and where you will redirect them!

Usage examples of module: Prestashop Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303

  1. create 301 redirection in prestashop
  2. create 302 redirection in prestashop
  3. create 303 redirection in prestashop
  4. create redirections in prestashop
  5. solve 404 errors in prestashop
  6. import webmaster tools 404 errors and solve them
  7. automatically disable out of stock products
  8. move out of stock products to "archive" category
  9. disable out of stock categories
  10. automatically enable in stock products
  11. redirect disabled manufacturer page

Associated videos: Prestashop Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303

Module reviews: Prestashop Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303

Reviews were placed by customers that purchased this addon. If you already purchased this plugin and if you expect to left a review - you will get an email form shop after 2 weeks from purchase. This email will contain reminder about pending comment with url to review form
Average grade

Frequently asked questions

Feature under construction

Associated blog posts

No blog entries associated with this product

Seo Redirects 301, 302, 303 Changelog - informations about updates


- fixed problem with accessibiltiy of import section and stats section in prestashop 8.1.x



- updated module translations to make it work with new contextual translations method in prestashop 8.x



- updated module translations to make it work with new contextual translations method in prestashop 8.x



- added improvements to translations in prestashop 8.x



- removed orderBy clause for regexp field (you can still filter by yes/no) in prestashop 8.x



- removed orderBy clause for regexp field (you can still filter by yes/no) in prestashop 1.7.x



- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x, 1.7.x and 1.6.x

- from now you can select additional type(s) of redirections



- added new feature to logs all redirections

- this version of the module requires module reinstallation



- improved search tool in settings section in the module to avoid problems in prestahop 8.x



- improved appearance of list of uploaded csv files in prestashop 1.7.x and new 8.x releases



- added improvements to search tool to make it work properly in prestashop 8.x and php 8



- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x



- added improvement to feature that hides empty categories

- from now you can define exclusions - selected categories will not be hidden even if these categories will be empty



- added improvements to module sql queries to avoid possible sql injections



- added improvements to previously added feature 



- added feature to make "out of stock" product unavailable for order



- added newa feature to limit "out of stock" products hide for selected category(ies) only



- improved addon workflow in prestashop 1.7.6+ to solve problem with object identification (front controller object type)



- added feautre to set priority of redirections

- redirections are executed one by one, 

- from now redirections are executed in order defined by "priority" - the higher value of priority you will type for redirection - the more important redirection is and it will be executed before other redirections



- added improvements to save process of product's quantity on configuration page of product in shop's back office (prestashop 1.6.x improvement)



- added improvements to workflow of autocomplete feature in prestashop 1.7.7.x



- added improvements to module core to avoid notifications about "PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /modules/seoredirect/seoredirect.php on line 408"



- added improvements to module core to avoid notifications about missing index php_self



- added new feature to automatically redirect 404 pages to shop's homepage



- added feature to exclude not active products from feature that checks number of products in category (feature to disable empty categories)



- added another improvements to redirections for urls with special characters

- added improvements to database to store entries with utf-8 encoding



- added improvements to redirection workflow to make it work with non-latin languages (with many special characters)



- added improvements to seo redirect with regular expressions

- from now there is an improvement to avoid problems when provided "old url" is not a regular expression (while regexp option for redirection is active)



- added improvements to search process of products in shop's back office



- added improvements to option that disables redirections for preview mode, especially for prestahop 1.6.x and thirtybees



- added improvements to save process of redirections with regular expressions 



- added new feature to disable module features when as an admin you use product "preview" feature



- added improvements to module's updates checker feature

- moved the redirection logic to main module php file

- altered the override and the way of how it executes the redirections



- added feature to redirect disabled manufacturers

- this version of module requires reinstallation



- added improvements to feature that automatically disables and hides empty categories

- this version of the module requires its reinstallation



- added css glitch improvement to module dedicated for prestashop 1.5.x



- added new option to "unassign product from selected category" when product will be back in stock

- added new option to decide, if product will be marked as "unavailable to order" when it will be out of stock

- this version of the module requires reinstallation



- added improvements to module, to make it work with old releases of prestashop 1.6,
- module identifies https urls properly, it solves popular bug in prestashop 1.6.0.x



- updated the spanish translation files

- added full spanish translations



- added new features to:

- unassign product from selected cagory if product is out of stock

- assign product to selected category if product is out of stock

- assing product to selected category if product is in stock

- added improvements to module workflow both in back office and front office



- added improvements to module configuration page



- added improvements to feature that automatically hides categories



- added feature to automatically disable empty categories with cron job task



- added feature to import tool that allows to define if imported redirection is based on Regexp (regular expression) or if it is an Wildcard redirection



- fixed problem with appearance of notification about unidentified index "currentToken" that appeared on "settings" section (when error reporting option was set to on only)



- updated languages packs



- added new feature related to out of stock products

- now module allows to hide (not disable) out of stock products module in your shop's catalog and search results

- added improvements to disabling out of stock products by cron job

- new feature requires reinstallation of the module



- added improvements to feature where you can decide where module will move product if it is out of stock

- now instead of categories tree - you can search for category and select it from search tool

- added feature to define new exclusions - you can define categories, module will not disable products that are associated with these categories

- new version requires reinstallation of the module



- added fixes to redirection type select, it saves 302, 303 redirects properly now



- added feature to automatically disable and/or redirect empty categories (category pages without products)

- you can decide what module will do with empty categories:
-- nothing

-- disable and hide automatically

-- disable and redirect to shop's homepage

-- disable and redirect to parent category (if exists - if not - redirect to shop's homepage)

- of course you can specify the type of redirection (301, 302, 303)

- this version of the module requires reinstallation



- added new feature related to out of stock products

- now you can unassign product from current categories and assign it to new category

- product will have new default category

- product will be not available to order

- this version of the module requires reinstallation



- added improvement to hide out of stock products

- you can decide if you want to hide products that are "out of stock" but are marked as products "allowed to order"



- added improvement to recently added feature - now it works also with cron jobs



- added new feature to module to exclude products from "disable / redirect when product is out of stock"

- due to the changes in the override - if you want to use new version it is necessary to reinstall the module (module will remember all previously added redirections etc.)



- added feature to bulk enable or disable products depending on their stock with cron job.

- previously module disabled / enabled product when someone tried to access to this product page



- added improvements to https:// addresses redirection process



- added improvements related to identification of urls

- module works with relative paths and absolute paths (urls) now

- due the the changes in the override - it is necessary to reinstall the module

- added design improvements to module ocnfiguration page

- added additional explanations on module configuration pages



- of some redirection rule will be duplicated now you will see notification on list of created redirection rules



- added option to re-enable disabled products that are in stock

- due to the changes in override - it is necessary to reinstall the module



- improved support of multistore

- improved import page (design + import features)

- modified override to support multistore in a batter way

- due to the changes in database and module core it is necessary to reinstall the module



- added regexp feature (you can use regular expressions to define redirections)

- added feature to enable / disable wildcard option for selected redirections only

- added feature to enable / disable regexp option for selected redirections only

- due to the changes in the database - if you want to use this version it is necessary to reinstall this module



- added feature to enable and use wildcards

- this means that you can redirect patterns of urls now, for example:

- ? (question mark) this can represent any single character. If you specified something at the command line like "hd?" - script would look for hda, hdb, hdc and every other letter/number between a-z, 0-9.
- * (asterisk) this can represent any number of characters (including zero, in other words, zero or more characters). If you specified a "cd*" it would use "cda", "cdrom", "cdrecord" and anything that starts with “cd” also including “cd” itself. "m*l" could by mill, mull, ml, and anything that starts with an m and ends with an l.
- [ ] (square brackets) specifies a range. If you did m[a,o,u]m it can become: mam, mum, mom if you did: m[a-d]m it can become anything that starts and ends with m and has any character a to d inbetween. For example, these would work: mam, mbm, mcm, mdm. This kind of wildcard specifies an “or” relationship (you only need one to match).
- { } (curly brackets) terms are separated by commas and each term must be the name of something or a wildcard. This wildcard will copy anything that matches either wildcard(s), or exact name(s) (an “or” relationship, one or the other). For example, this would be valid: {*printed*,*summer*} - this will check urls for "printed" or "summer" words
- [!] This construct is similar to the [ ] construct, except rather than matching any characters inside the brackets, it'll match any character, as long as it is not listed between the [ and ]. This is a logical NOT.



- added option to define redirect type for automatic redirection of "out of stock" products

- added feature to automatically redirect disabled products (not active products)

- added feature to define type of redirection of disabled products

- updated translations of the module (polish language)



- added improvements to redirection process of removed products

- new feature that allows to decide if you want to redirect removed products or not

- possibility to define type of redirection for removed products

- added fixes related to override in PrestaShop 1.7



- added support of new presta! this means that this is first available seo redirect module for PrestaShop 1.7

- added missed translations (spanish, polish)



- improved add of redirection process. Now it does not remove the http:// or https:// from outgoinf urls (new url)



- added fixes related to notification appearance on import CSV page



- added fixes to module workflow in prestashop 1.5.x

- added import feature fixes

- added improvements to stats page



- module code optimization

- module code is based on psr-2 standard



- added improvements to statistics system 

- added feature to automatically disable and redirect products that are out of stock

- you can redirect disabled / out of stock products to main category page of these products

- you can redirect these products to shop homepage



- added updates notification system

- added new translations to this module



- improved statistics charts

- added possibility to view chart of last week redirections and last month redirections

- charts are interactive now (hover mouse over the chart you will see nb of redirections and date)



- added statistics section where you can see effects of your redirections

- you can enable / disable statistics anytime you want



started project on addons marketplace