By default PrestaShop displays several adverts in back office. In latest tutorial i described how to remove adverts from modules > modules tab. Today I want to show you how to remove adverts from dashboard. You can find there several adverts like Skrill, Ebay, sometimes Paypal. And of cource several "hot news" from PrestaShop website. All that we have to do is a little modification of admin theme template file.
PrestaShop back office dashboard advertisements
Back office template modification
As I said in the introduction part above, all that we have to do is a little modification of the back office template file. These adverts appear on dashboard so we have to edit this file: /ADMIN_DIR/themes/default/template/controllers/home/content.tpl where ADMIN_DIR is a directory of your back office.
To remove these adverts:
just remove this code:
<div id="partner_preactivation"> <p class="center"><img src="../img/loader.gif" alt="" /></p> </div>
to remove this block:
just remove this code:
to remove these adverts:
just remove this code:
<div id="discover_prestashop"><p class="center"><img src="../img/loader.gif" alt="" />{l s='Loading...'}</p></div>
effect of our modification - back office without adverts!