Prestashop module html block - tool for adding any code (html , javascript, css, etc.) in places selected by user. More than 20 hooks supported - which mean that you can add your code anywhere you want. Module supports any client side code such like html, html5, css2, css3, javascript, jquery etc. With HTML block you can a7ts, code, plugins and many other stuff!
You want to add some pictures, texts, HTML, js, css code in some place in your shop? With this module you can do it by few seconds. This great addon is multi-functional tool for adding any client side code anywhere you want in yout shop front office. With this module you can create your own blocks with text, images or with widgets from sites like facebook (like box plugin), twitter, pinterest etc. Adding code procedure is simple and anyone can do it with user - friendly configuration of this module.
Possibility to use variables
Great and lovely feature in the module is a feature that allows to use variables. Variables will be replaced with some values. So, it is great tool build and use some tracking codes scripts. Especially for external websites. Below you can find examples of variables that are available in the module. Future releases of the addon will have more additional variables!
Variable | Description | Appearance rules |
{smartyTemplate:XXX} | This shortcode allows to include .tpl file contents (with smarty code) - where XXX is the name of template file created with smarty templates manager included with this module | Variable is available globally |
{current_url} | This variable will be replaced with full url of currently viewed page | Variable is available globally |
{currency_iso} | This variable will be replaced with currency iso code (for example USD, EUR, PLN, GBP etc.) | Variable is avaialble globally |
{id_customer} | if you will use this variable. module will replace it with an id of customer that is logged to the shop | Variable will be replaced only if customer will be logged to the shop. |
{email_customer} | if you will use this variable, module will replace it with an email of the customer that is logged to the shop | |
{customer_firstname} | If you will use this variable module will replace it with logged customer firstname | |
{customer_lastname} | If you will use this variable module will replace it with logged customer lastname | |
{id_category} | if you will use this variable, module will replace it with an id of category that customer browse | Variable will be replaced only if customer will browse category page in your shop |
{name_category} | if you will use this variable, module will replace it with a category name that customer browse | |
{path_array_category} |
If you will use this variable, module will replace it with an array of parent categories to the category that customer browse, for example: 'home', 'woman', 'dresses', 'casual dresses' |
{HOOK:hook_name} |
You can use this shortcode to display hook contents inside the box created with this module. For exmaple: {HOOK:leftColumn}, {HOOK:rightColumn}, {HOOK:footer}. {HOOK:displayTop} etc. |
You can use shortcode to run and display Hook contents anywhere you want |
{HOOK:(1):(2)} |
Feature to run selected module from hook where (1) is a hook name and (2) is a module name to run. For exmaple: {HOOK:displayProductFooter:productcomments} |
You can use it everywhere |
{id_product} |
This variable will be replaced with id of product that is currently browsed (product page) |
Variables are available on product page and on list of products (hook executed with product ID param) |
{id_product_attribute} |
This variable will be replaced with ID of product attribute (if defined) |
{product_name} |
This variable will be replaced will full produt name |
{product_ean13} |
This variable will be replaced with product's ean13 code |
{product_isbn} | This variable will be replaced with product's ISBN code | |
{manufacturer_name} |
This variable will be replaced with product's manufacturer name |
{product_price_tax_incl} |
Price of the product - tax included |
Variables are available on product page and on list of products (hook executed with product ID param) |
{product_price_tax_incl_no_currency} |
Price of the product - tax included - without currency symbol |
{product_price_tax_excl} | Price of the product - tax excluded | |
{product_price_tax_excl_no_currency} | Price of the product - tax excluded - without currency symbol | |
{product_price_tax_incl*X} | Price of the product (tax incl. or tax excl.) multiplied by X (where X is a number like: 1,5,10, 2.5, 0.22 etc.) | |
{product_price_tax_excl*X} | ||
{cart_products_id} |
This variable will be replaced with list of products' id numbers that currently are in cart |
These variables are avaialble globally, but only if you will have products in cart. If cart will be empty - module will not return values. |
{cart_total} |
This variable will be replaced with cart total value (without currency sign - just simple integer value) |
{cart_total_with_currency} |
This variable will be replaced with cart total value with currency sign |
{order_id} |
This variable will be replaced with placed order ID. |
You can use this shortcode / variable on order confirmation page (while someone places an order and shop confirms that order customer placed properly) |
{order_currency_iso_code} |
This variable will be replaced with ISO code of currency that customer used to place an order |
{order_total_paid} |
This variable will be replaced with total order value that customer paid for the order |
{order_total_paid_tax_incl} |
This variable will be replaced with total order value tax included that customer paid for the order |
{order_total_paid_tax_excl} | This variable will be replaced with total order value tax excluded that customer paid for the order | |
{order_total_products_tax_included} | This variable will be replaced with total value of products from order. This value contains taxes | |
{order_total_products_tax_excluded} | This variable will be replaced with total value of products from order. This does not contain value of paid taxes | |
{order_products_id} | This variable will be replaced with list of products that customer bought (useful for facebook pixel as content_ids param) |
Examples of module usage
HTML Box Professional module specification:
Features and functionalities |
how many different places to use? |
unlimited |
how many different codes to use |
unlimited |
WYSIWYG editor | |
Smarty templates editor | |
Multilanguage support | |
Available places (hooks) | 20+ |
Supports custom hooks | |
How many custom hooks can handle? | unlimited |
Shortcode {htmlboxpro:XX} for cms pages to display html box contents (with usage of our cms products module free ) |
Display block "for logged only" option | |
Display block "for unlogged only" option | |
Display block "for all users" option | |
Display block only on pages with SSL certificate | |
Display block only on homepage | |
Display block only on certain product pages (you can define products) |
You can exclude block from selected product pages |
Display block on product page when product is worth more (or equal) than defined value |
Display block on list of products near the product if product is worth more (or equal) than defined value |
Display block on product page when product is worth less (or equal) than defined value |
Display block on list of products near the product if product is worth less (or equal) than defined value |
Display block only for products that are out of stock or in stock (both on product page and on list of products) |
Display block only if product is associated with selected categories |
Display block only if product is associated with selected manufacturer |
Display block only if product is associated with selected supplier |
Display block only on certain CMS pages (you can define CMS pages) |
Display block on selected CMS Category pages only |
Display block only on selected Manufacturer pages |
Display block only on selected category pages |
Exclude block from selected category pages |
Display block when someone will search for defined phrase |
Possibility to hide block for selected customers group |
Display block only on selected URL |
Possibility to display block only for selected customers group |
Possibiity to use variables - for example {id_customer} etc. |
Display block when guest search for something |
Display block only on selected date period |
Display block on selected day type like Monday, Saturday, Sunday etc. |
Show contents only if shop is browsed in selected currency |
Show custom contents only if delivery address points to selected country |
Show custom contents only if visitor is from selected country (geolocation-based origin identification) |
Display block only on selected time (from, to, between hours) |
Add / remove many blocks to one place (hook) | |
Active / deactive block inside the hooks | |
Show / hide block on mobile device | |
Show / hide block on tablet device | |
Show / hide block on PC device | |
Ability to change block positions inside the hooks | |
hooks dictionary and description | |
On-Line support | |
General settings of module | |
Possibility to turn of TinyMCE editor | |
Possibility to use extended editor tinymce pro | |
Possibility to prevent removing URLs from code | |
Available places (hooks) to use | |
front office Header | |
front office Top | |
front office Left Column | |
front office Right Column | |
front office Footer | |
front office Home (homepage) | |
front office product Extra Left | |
front office product Extra Right | |
front office product Product Actions | |
front office product Product out of stock | |
front office product Product footer | |
front office product Product Tab | |
front office product Product Tab Content | |
front office order Extra Carrier | |
front office order Before Carrier | |
front office order Payment | |
front office order Payment Return | |
Front office order Order Confirmation | |
front office order Payment Top | |
front office order Shopping Cart | |
front office order Shopping Cart Extra | |
front office user My Account Block | |
front office user Customer Account | |
front office user Create Account Top | |
front office user Create Account Form |
- added new variables {order_total_paid_tax_incl} and {order_total_paid_tax_excl} to orderConfirmation hook
- added improvements to apperance of blocks for customer groups
- added improvements to module usage in multistore environments - from now each block can be used "in all shops"
- added css styles improvements to avoid css conflicts with other modules used in shop's back office
- added possibility to duplicate block created in custom hook
- added improvements to "search" tool that explains how to use the search feature
- added improvements to appearance of the blocks for selected cms pages, cms category pages, manufacturer pages
- added improvements to variables feature, from now you can use new variables on product pages and for products (on list of products): {product_ean13} + {product_isbn}
- added improvements to save process of customer's groups selection (if you want to show block for selected groups of customers only)
- added new variable {manufacturer_name} - it will be replaced with name of product's manufacturer
- added improvements to translations, added missing italian translations
- added improvements to groups selection (to show block only for customers that are associated with selected groups of customers). From now you can select many groups, not only one group.
- this version of the module requires reinstallation
- added improvements that fixes notifications about missing index "theme_css_dir" on module configuration page under the "global settings" tab
- added new feature to show contents only if shop is browsed in defined currency
- this version of the module requires its reinstallation in shop's back office
- added fixes to smarty templates editor, there was a problem with feature usage in new prestashop
- added improvements to module code in template files (html.tpl)
- added improvements to appearance of module's editor - added missing icons
- added improvements to rich text editor in prestashop 1.7.6.x
- added improvements to search tool included to the module
- now you can easily see the name of selected items (instead just ID)
- now you can also easily remove the item
- added improvements to spanish translations
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 1.7.6.x
- added feature to find products, manufacturers, categories, cms pages, cms page categories
- added improvements to module's updates checker feature
- added feature to display block on selected day type like Saturday, Monday, Friday etc.
- this version of the module requires reinstallation of an addon
- added fix to white page in prestashop 1.7.x when you try to reach the module configuration page
- added missing translations
- added improvements to smarty template editor feature
- added missing translations
- added feature to exclude block with contents from selected category pages
- added feature to exclude block with contents from selected product pages
- this version of the module requires reinstallation
- added feature to switch the shop where the created block will appear. Useful for multistore shops
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 1.7.x
- added new feature to display block on product page (or on list of products near each product) that is worth more (or equal) than defined amount
- added new feature to display block on product page (or on list of products near each product) that is worth less (or equal) than defined value
- module automatically calculates min / max values to other currencies based on prestashop's currency exchange rates
- added feature to show / hide block on mobile devices
- added feature to show / hide block on tablet devices
- added feature to show / hide block on PC devices
- new version of the module requires reinstallation
- added improvements to recently added feature to identify stock
- module to check stock verifies if viewed is a combination, and if so - it gets information about combination stock
- added feature to display block only if viewed product (product page or on list of products) is in stock
- added two new variables to use in contents of the boxes,
- {customer_firstname} - variable will be replaced with first name of the logged customer
- {customer_lastname} - variable will be replaced with last name of the logged customer
- added new feature to module - smarty templates manager
- from now - with this module - you can create smarty template files and then include them to boxes with special shortcode
- the shortcode is {smartyTemplate:XXX} where XXX is the name of the template created with "smarty templates manager" tool
- added minor code optimization
- changed installation function of tables in database, it has less code now than before
- added new variables to use: {product_price_tax_incl_no_currency} and {product_price_tax_excl_no_currency}
{product_price_tax_excl_no_currency} - displays product price tax excluded but without currency symbol like: 32.90
{product_price_tax_incl_no_currency} - displays product price tax included but without currency symbol like: 28.00
- removed custom hook acidentally included to module package with recent module upgrade
- added improvements to feature that displays module on selected URL
- function that returns url of viewed page returns it in a proper way now (with 'www' if website uses it)
- added feature to display block only if viewed product is out of stock
- added new variable to use {product_name}
- added feature that allows to display block with contents from, to, between selectd hours, minutes and seconds :)
- example of usage: you can display block from 8:00 AM
- example of usage: you can display block to 10:00 PM
- example of usage: you can display block from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM
- this version of module requires reinstallation (no worries, module will remember everything)
- added {id_product_attribute} variable to product pages
- added improvements to previously added feature to display product price,
- it can be used on product page too
- added new variables to use for hooks executed on list of products
- where x is a number (it will be a math calculation)
- where x is a number (it will be a math calculation)
- added improvements to module appearance on product page in prestashop 1.7.x
- in some situations when you will change the attribute or increase / decrease quantity field the hooks contents are duplicated
- to prevent this - from 3.2.2 version module configuration page has new option, when you will enable it - prestashop will not duplicate contents
- added improvements to save process of tags
- added improvements to extended tinymce editor
- added improvements to custom hooks visibility "on product pages associated with categories" and "on selected product pages"
- now when you want to show blocks on list of products - these blocks will not appear on all thumbs on product pages (if you show some kind of "related" products there)
- added improvements to module visibility on product pages. Now you can display blocks on all product pages (not only on selected poduct pages)
- added missed translation files
- added improvements to extended editor to support ‹div› elements inside ‹a› elements
- added improvements to hook execution process (shortcode to run hook or other modules in hook)
- added support of new hooks displayLeftColumnProduct and displayRightColumnProduct
- improved workflow of feature to show contents for logged / unlogged customers
- improved rich text editor, it supports "" tag properly, so you can include your css file well
- updated save process of groups (if you want to show block only for selected groups of customers)
- updated internal rich text editor, added better support of some not frequently used html tags
- updated the way of how module generates internal modules' rich text editor
- added new feature to run specific module from selected hook inside html box pro block
- you can specify hook name and module that you want to run, for example: {HOOK:displayFooterProduct:productcomments}
- added improvements to feature to display blocks on: homepage only, cms pages, category pages, product pages
- added feature to display block on product pages associated with selected suppliers
- new version of the module requires reinstallation of the plugin
- added fixes to module workflow in PHP 5.6.x related to identification of arrays / objects
- added some minor design improvements to management page (tooltips)
- added new feature to change position of block any time you want
- added new feature to duplicate block
- regenerated default hook functions in the module to make it work properly with some positions like:
- displayFooterProduct
- displayProductTab
- displayProductTabContents
- displayRightColumn
- added fixes to save blok with option "display on homepage only"
- added improvements to save process of blocks
- now you can save special characters properly
- module escaping code before it will be added to database
- added improvements to module design when multistore is active,
- removed support of hook displayPaymentEu in prestashop 1.7.x because this module is not a payment module
- this is milestone update
- changed the design of the module to support prestashop standards
- redesigned the module code and its workflow
- added support of missed default hooks for PrestaShop 1.6 and 1.7
- improvements to display block while users serach for something (you can use many keywords now)
- improvements to display block for selected urls (now you can define many urls)
- released separated .zip libraries for PrestaShop 1.6 / 1.7
- added new variable to use {current_url}
- added fixes related to language
- added feature to decide what kind of rich text editor module will use
- module can use internal prestashop's editor and also editor delivered with module
- module can support also extended rich text editor module tinymce pro
- updated feature that allows to check if new version of module is available
- improved variables feature, now if variable does not exist - it just disappears
- added new variables, list of them: {order_products_id} {currency_iso} {cart_products_id} {cart_total} {cart_total_with_currency} {id_product}
- added fixes to recently released version of the prestashop
- added full support of PrestaShop 1.7.x
- possibility to use module on selected cms category pages only
- added feature to display module only on order confirmation page
- added new variables that are available on order confirmation pages
- these variables are {order_id}, {order_currency_iso_code}, {order_total_paid}, {order_total_products_tax_included}, {order_total_products_tax_excluded},
- new feature that allows to run hook inside selected box created with this module
- you can use now shortcode like {HOOK:hook_name} and module will replace this short code with hook contents
- for example to display right column contents use: {HOOK:rightColumn}, to display footer contents use {HOOK:footer}
- you can run unlimited number of hooks inside one box created with html box pro
- added improcements to feature that allows to display contents for selected products only.
- before it was possible to display contents on product pages only
- now you can also display contents on list of products - for selected products only
- added fixes related to blocks appearance on selected urls
- on one step checkout prestashop loads contents "in background" with ajax queries. In some cases html box pro contents in places (positions) like shoppingCartExtra werent executed. Now they are :-)
- added fixes to blocks save process in PrestaShop 1.5.x and 1.4.x
- added fixes to recent feature that accidentally displays "a" letter after / before the block
- improved updates checker system
- added option to enable / disable automatic updates checker system
- added feature to check if module is up to dated, or not (from module configuration page)
- added feature to display block only if viewed product is associated with selected manufacturer
- PHP7 support fixes
added possibility to use variables, module will replace variables with some informations. At the moment, available variables are:
{id_customer} - id of customer that is logged to the shop (if logged)
{email_customer} - email of customer that is logged to the shop (if logged)
{id_category} - id of category that customer browse (category page)
{name_category} - name of category that customer browse (category page)
{path_array_category} - array with category names, for example: 'Home', 'Women', 'Dresses', 'Casual dresses'
future releases of the module will have more variables
added French translations improvements
added fixes for "notification" appearance while shop owners configure the module
better module installation process
fixes for regeneration process of new hooks
fixes for tinymce rich text editor
added fixes to new feature to define blocks for search pages
new feature in module to create blocks that will appear only if someone will search for selected phrases
fixes related to appearance of blocks for selected customer groups
added fixes related to additonal languages that you added after module installation. Now module should update the blocks properly
rozpoczęcie logowania zmian w module za pomocą changelog'a
poprawki do formularza tworzenia nowych hooków