Za pomocą tego modułu PrestaShop zdobędziesz możliwość utworzenia szeregu zniżek, które obniżą cenę za koszyk klienta. Wartość zniżki będzie uzależniona od wartości koszyka. Np. dla koszyka zakupów wartego więcej niż500 zł masz możliwość przyznania 2% rabatu a dla koszyka wartego więcej niż 1000zł - 5%.
As you already know - with this module dedicated for PrestaShop - you can create a special type of discount that will be aplied to cart depending on its value. Module allows to create unlimited number of thresholds and assign a discount to these rules. For example:
How does it work?
Module is applicable to cart during checkout process. Depending on cart value module will check if there is a this special discount dedicated to this cart value. And if there will be a dedicated discount - module will add this discount to cart and decrease total to pay by customer. Discount is applicable to cart, order and all other order-delated things like orders history, order invoice etc.
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.x
- added support of php 8.1.x
- added new feature to exclude products from selected manufacturer in calculation process of cart value
- added improvements to multistore support in prestashop 1.6.x
- added improvements to module workflow with some specific payment modules that activates order after some time (sends payment confirmation to payment module)
- improved module workflow in multistore environment
- added improvements of module appearance in cart
- added new feature to exclude discounted products from calculation process of discount privilege and discount values
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 1.6.x to avoid internal server errors when order is placed in shop
- added improvements to appearance of module in displayShoppingCartFooter hook to avoid empty table with available cart quantity discounts
- added improvements to appearance of module on cart page
- added improvements to appearance of discounts in cart
- from now modules overrides CartRule to include discount also if shop does not have any voucher code
- updated the links on module configuration page
- added improvements to calculation of discounts in cart
- added updates checker feature to the module to check for updates automatically
- added full polish translation of the module
- released version dedicated fo for prestashop 1.6.x
- started project on mypresta addons marketplace