Prestashop Mass price change pro

This is module that gives possibility to quickly change price of products in bulk. Module has features that allows you to use filters and change products in bulk precisely (for example products from categories, with selected attribute etc.)

Shop version 8.x, 1.7.x,1.6.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
Available translations
Module version 1.3.3
Works with ThirtyBees Yes
  • Trusted developer of module Mass price change pro
  • Support to the module Mass price change pro
  • Free updates of the module Mass price change pro
  • Open source - you can edit module code Mass price change pro
  • Module Mass price change pro works with PrestaShop 1.7
  • Module Mass price change pro works with PrestaShop 1.6
  • Module Mass price change pro works with PrestaShop 8.0

More info: Prestashop Mass price change pro

As you already know - this is a great tool for PrestaShop that will give you possibility to quickly manage prices of products. Features that module has allows to point products to change prices precisely. Whole module configuration is based on two steps wizard. First step - you point products to alter prices and in step 2 - you point that to do with prices of these products.

Module features

Main feature of the module is possibility to change prices of your shop's products in bulk. Configuration of addon is based on 2 steps. First step - where you define products. Second setep - where you decide what to do with these products. You can find details about these steps below.

mass update prices in prestashop

  1. Target products
    This step of module configuration allows to select product. Module will change price of products you will point here. During configuration you can select:
    • Exact list of products 
      Here you point exact products with usage of search tool (you can add search results in bulk - for example all "t-shirt" search results)
    • Products by categories
      You can point products by category and then - remove unwanted products from list
    • Porudcts by brand
      You can select products by manufacturer association. If you will point brand - all products of this brand will be subject of price change
    • Products by feature
      As you know - products in prestashop can have features. PrestaShop allows you to create features that contain all the different values of product that describe it. You can search for feature and its value and select it. Module will change prices of product associated with selected feature(s).
    • Products by attribute
      If you sell products with variants (combinations) you can select products that will have combinations created with selected attributes.
    • Products by association with Tax rule group
      In prestashop when Taxes are active requires to point a tax rule group for each product. You can select here tax rule group. Module will change price of products associated with selected tax. (for example %10 french reducted tax)
  2. What to do
    This step allows to decide what you want to do with prices of previously selected products. You can increase or decrease price. Set the percentage value to increase or decrease. Or set exact value of price and unit price. Of course you can also increase or decrease prices by amount (in default shop's currency). In addition to this - decide if you want to affect product base price, product combinations "price impact" value or both.

Additional feature - change the price from list of products

Module has feature to change price of product (price tax excluded) from list of products. Module has this section on its configuration page from version 1.2.3. You can filter list of products by category, reference or product name. Thanks to this you can quickly change prices of products.

mass price change from list of products

Usage examples of module: Prestashop Mass price change pro

Associated videos: Prestashop Mass price change pro

No video is associated with this module at the moment

Module reviews: Prestashop Mass price change pro

Reviews were placed by customers that purchased this addon. If you already purchased this plugin and if you expect to left a review - you will get an email form shop after 2 weeks from purchase. This email will contain reminder about pending comment with url to review form
Average grade

Frequently asked questions

Feature under construction

Associated blog posts

No blog entries associated with this product

Mass price change pro Changelog - informations about updates


- released version of the module exclusively avaialble for prestashop 8.x 



- added feature to set exact value of unit price



- added feature to set exact value of product price



- added missing libraries (searchTool) in prstashop 1.6.x



- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x 



- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 1.6.x releases

- released a module that is fully redy to work in prestashop 8.x environments



- added possibility to filter list of products by manufacturer name and category name (previously there was an option to filter by ID only)

- added translation improvements



- added possibility to filter list of products by enabled / disabled products

- added improvements to existing filters (by manufacturer, by category)



- added feature to display also price tax included (with tax value for default shop country).

- from now it is uch measier to define the price tax excluded (module automatically calculate the price tax included)



- to feature that displays list of products where we can change price tax excluded of product - added manufacturer filter so you can search for products more precisely now



- added new feature to change price (tax excluded) from list of products



- added improvements to module configuration page and updated translations packages

- released version that is ready to work with prestashop 1.6.x



- added UI improvements to make buttons more visible and clickable



- added layout improvements to optimize module workflow in back office



- added improvements to avoid conflict with free version of addon



- updated workflow of the module in prestashop



- started project on mypresta addons marketplace