Today I want to show you how to add youtube video to your PrestaShop homepage. You can do it for free with our module HTML Block which is also free. What is html block module? This addon allows you to add to your shop code like html, javascript, css. With free plugin you can create own blocks with any code you want - in this case - also code for including youtube videos. Okay, so, you should download this addon and install it in your store, if you don't how to do that, read tutorial about: how to install prestashop module.
Step 1 - select youtube video which you want to add
Open the video page on YouTube whch you want to insert to your prestashop homepage. I want to add my own video uploaded for one of our modules: homefeatured module video on youtube. Under the video you've got information about it, it looks like:
As you can see you've got there three tabs: About, Share, Add to. We are interested in Share tab, where you can get own code with youtube movie. Turn "Share" tab on, you will se something like:
Now you've got additional tabs: Share this video, Embed, Email, Video call. Yoy have to open the second one: Embed. Open it and you will see the video code - exactly as i show below:
Copy code from the text area - just click there and press ctrl+c or right click / copy to clipboard. Now you can go to the prestashop html box module configuration page. All you have to do is:
After all click on "Save Settings" button. That's all! Now you can refresh your front end page.
Final effect