PrestaShop 1.6 uses a bit different method to generate tinyMCE rich text editor than older releases of PS engine. The most important thing now is fact, that editor is executed from one file, not from many different files as it was before . This is definitely an advantage of new engine, because you can easily extend editor globally , for whole shop. It just mean that one file decides how the textbox tinyMCE editor looks like for product description, short description, category descriptions, cms page editor etc. Tutorial for PrestaShop 1.7 is available here: Rich text editor in PrestaShop 1.7. If you dont want to alter files by yourself - you can try our module that does everything + includes some additional not available in this article features: tinyMCE pro - extended rich text editor in PrestaShop.
How to change simple text editor to full featured editor?
In this prestashop version it's very easy. As i already mentioned it's necessary to modify only one file. This file is a js (javascript) file with tinymce execurtion and configuration code. Path to this file is: /js/ or /js/admin/ So, please open this file and change whole file contents to:
function tinySetup(config) { if (typeof tinyMCE === 'undefined') { setTimeout(function() { tinySetup(config); }, 100); return; } if(!config) config = {}; var editor_selector = 'rte'; //if (typeof config['editor_selector'] !== 'undefined') //var editor_selector = config['editor_selector']; if (typeof config['editor_selector'] != 'undefined') config['selector'] = '.'+config['editor_selector']; //safari,pagebreak,style,table,advimage,advlink,inlinepopups,media,contextmenu,paste,fullscreen,xhtmlxtras,preview default_config = { selector: ".rte" , plugins : "visualblocks, preview searchreplace print insertdatetime, hr charmap colorpicker anchor code link image paste pagebreak table contextmenu filemanager table code media autoresize textcolor emoticons", toolbar2 : "newdocument,print,|,bold,italic,underline,|,strikethrough,superscript,subscript,|,forecolor,colorpicker,backcolor,|,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent", toolbar1 : "styleselect,|,formatselect,|,fontselect,|,fontsizeselect,", toolbar3 : "code,|,table,|,cut,copy,paste,searchreplace,|,blockquote,|,undo,redo,|,link,unlink,anchor,|,image,emoticons,media,|,inserttime,|,preview ", toolbar4 : "visualblocks,|,charmap,|,hr,", external_filemanager_path: ad+"/filemanager/", filemanager_title: "File manager" , external_plugins: { "filemanager" : ad+"/filemanager/plugin.min.js"}, extended_valid_elements: 'pre[*],script[*],style[*]', valid_children: "+body[style|script|iframe|section],pre[iframe|section|script|div|p|br|span|img|style|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5],*[*]", valid_elements : '*[*]', force_p_newlines : false, cleanup: false, forced_root_block : false, force_br_newlines : true, convert_urls:true, relative_urls:false, remove_script_host:false, menu: { edit: {title: 'Edit', items: 'undo redo | cut copy paste | selectall'}, insert: {title: 'Insert', items: 'media image link | pagebreak'}, view: {title: 'View', items: 'visualaid'}, format: {title: 'Format', items: 'bold italic underline strikethrough superscript subscript | formats | removeformat'}, table: {title: 'Table', items: 'inserttable tableprops deletetable | cell row column'}, tools: {title: 'Tools', items: 'code'} } } $.each(default_config, function(index, el) { if (config[index] === undefined ) config[index] = el; }); tinyMCE.init(config); } $().ready(function() { tinySetup(); });
Extended tinyMCE rich text editor in PrestaShop 1.6
And you know what? that's all! Now your tinyMCE rich text editor will be with many new features! For each apge in your back office! Your editor will accept javascripts, iframes and other stuff that with default editor is automatically removed. The only one thing you have to do now is validate.php class change . It's because by default while "saving" new contents you will see this error (for example, for product description):
The description_short field (English (English)) is invalid.
Validate.php class change
It's also easy. Open file: /classes/Validate.php and search for isCleanHtml function. This function is a textbox contents validate function. It removes unaccepted code from textboxes witch rich text editor. We must change this function from:
public static function isCleanHtml($html, $allow_iframe = false) { $events = 'onmousedown|onmousemove|onmmouseup|onmouseover|onmouseout|onload|onunload|onfocus|onblur|onchange'; $events .= '|onsubmit|ondblclick|onclick|onkeydown|onkeyup|onkeypress|onmouseenter|onmouseleave|onerror|onselect|onreset|onabort|ondragdrop|onresize|onactivate|onafterprint|onmoveend'; $events .= '|onafterupdate|onbeforeactivate|onbeforecopy|onbeforecut|onbeforedeactivate|onbeforeeditfocus|onbeforepaste|onbeforeprint|onbeforeunload|onbeforeupdate|onmove'; $events .= '|onbounce|oncellchange|oncontextmenu|oncontrolselect|oncopy|oncut|ondataavailable|ondatasetchanged|ondatasetcomplete|ondeactivate|ondrag|ondragend|ondragenter|onmousewheel'; $events .= '|ondragleave|ondragover|ondragstart|ondrop|onerrorupdate|onfilterchange|onfinish|onfocusin|onfocusout|onhashchange|onhelp|oninput|onlosecapture|onmessage|onmouseup|onmovestart'; $events .= '|onoffline|ononline|onpaste|onpropertychange|onreadystatechange|onresizeend|onresizestart|onrowenter|onrowexit|onrowsdelete|onrowsinserted|onscroll|onsearch|onselectionchange'; $events .= '|onselectstart|onstart|onstop'; if (preg_match('/<[\s]*script/ims', $html) || preg_match('/('.$events.')[\s]*=/ims', $html) || preg_match('/.*script\:/ims', $html)) return false; if (!$allow_iframe && preg_match('/<[\s]*(i?frame|form|input|embed|object)/ims', $html)) return false; return true; }
public static function isCleanHtml($html, $allow_iframe = false) { return true; }
Still do not see the extended editor?
If after changes to files you do not see new editor in shop's back office this means that your browser probably do not see new .js files. It is because of browser caching feature. In this case please clear browser cache or refresh page where you still see old editor (like product edit page) with key combination: ctrl+f5 (it is a "hard" refresh with quick cache clear).
here you can find quick videoguide:
Module that does everything + new fancy features
Module that does everything automatically + includes some additional features not available in this article.
If you're interested in solution that will add font awesome icons, youtube videos insert tool or some other additonal things,
check official page of this module, it's available here: tinyMCE pro - extended rich text editor in PrestaShop