In this article i want to show you what email variables you can use in order coupons module for prestashop . This perstashop addon allows to create "rewards program" in your shop. Customers can receive coupon codes depending on their number of orders in your store. You can specify rules related to these rewards, for exmaple you can send unique automatically generated coupon code only, if order value will be equal to specific value (you can define value, ranges of values etc.). There are several other rules like manufacturers restrictions, suppliers restrictions etc.
As you probably already know this module sends unique coupon codes to your customers. Of course prestashop email templates system allows you to define own unique email template. That's great feature - you just can personalize each aspect of your shop, also design of the emails and contents of these messages. Below i attached list of variables that this module uses at the moment. This article will be updated each time i will add variables to emails engine system in this module.
Email variables available in order coupons module:
{voucher} | this variable contains voucher code |
{voucher_date_from} | Date from which voucher code will be active |
{voucher_date_to} | Voucher code expiry date |
{voucher_value} | Value of the voucher code (value of discount in amount, percentages or "free shipping") or even combination of these values (10% discount + free shipping) |
{voucher_description} | Description of the coupon code that you can specify on voucher configuration page. |
module is available to download here: rewards module for prestashop.