I've noticed on PrestaShop forum , that many of merchants ask about disabling homepage banners attached to default-bootstrap template. It's a default theme in prestashop 1.6 .
Ok this might have been answered numerous times in the forum, but I can't seem to either understand nor read anything on the forum specifically talking about this issue... its these default ads that is on the default 1.6 theme, how do I remove it, or modify it?
I decided to record video about disabling these images. It's very easy. In fact, these banners are a part of default module named "theme configurator". Just go to the modules > modules tab in your back office and search for this addon. Open module configuration page and you will see there features to manage these pictures. You can upload own pictures there, change original pictures, disable these adds and you can even remove them there if you want too. Watch the videoguide below