Some time ago I wrote tutorial where you had to modify core of Prestashop: create meta override which will remove all shop name tags from title. Now it is time to some easies way, where we will only change template files of your theme. Today I want to show you how to remove shop name from title in your prestashop store without use any override meta functions. So, let's do the trick :-)
For the first you must open header.tpl template file. This file you can find out in your theme directory, so the path is: themes/your_theme/header.tpl. You've got there line (~33 line) like:
As you can see above between <title></title> tags appear {$meta_title} variable - which is meta title for page which you / your customers browsing in your store. Now you must remove shop name from this variable. How to do that? It is easy, for the first you need to create new variable with shop name. For example we will create shop_name_to_trim variable:
{assign var=shop_name_to_trim value=" - $shop_name"}
All you need now is to remove this variable value from {$meta_title} tag mentioned above. In this case you have to add smarty function: repace to this variable. How? Exactly as below:
Code above removes $shop_name_to_trim variable value from $meta_title variable. Now you know how it works, and you can get final code.
Final code
Use this code in your header.tpl file, and thats all! No override, no core changes. just simple code in template file.
{assign var=shop_name_to_trim value=" - $shop_name"} <title>{$meta_title|replace:$shop_name_to_trim:''|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</title>
Remember that in some cases, you have to turn force compilation on. Without this changes in .tpl files may not appear. So, turn it on and refresh your store - it should helps.