Welcome in the tutorial related to our module Facebook Wishlist, which uses Facebook Open Graph api to create "Wishlist" block in customers timeline with products from your shop. This is first part of tutorial and you will read here how to create own Facebook developer account, which is necessary to create own wishlist application for our module.
Completly list of tutorial about Facebook Wishlist App
Here is the completly list of steps from this article:
Let's start! Create a own Facebook developer account.
So, for the first you must login to Facebook with your account. If you are logged you must go to the facebook developers page and register as a developer. How to do that? Just click on green button "Register now", you can find it on the top of the facebook developers page. It loks like:
After clicking on Register Now button, if you facebook account isn't verified, you must do it. WIthout account verification you cant create own facebook developer account. Facebook has several features in place to limit the potential for spam and abuse on the site. Verifying your personal Facebook account helps you retain control of your account and apps on Facebook. There are two ways to verify your account. First, you can verify your cell phone, which allows us to verify that a real person is in control of the account. Learn about this process. The second way to verify your account is to add a credit card to your account. Unfortunately, if you cannot verify with a cell phone or add a credit card, you may be unable to verify your account. All developers must be verified before they can create a new app. Before you can continue, please verify your account in this case - by providng phone number:
You must select a correct country code from list, in this case we selected United Kingdom (+44). Next provide correct number of your Phone. If everything is ready, click on Confirm button and wait for sms with confirmation code.
Image above shows SMS code verification page and shows how does SMS looks. Rewrite confirmation code from your phone to verification form and click Confirm button. You can also cancel action or Resend verification code. If everything goes well, you account is now verified. Now you can create own developer account.
Register own Facebook Developer account
Now, when you account is verified you can register your account. So, you must click again on "Register Now" button. In this time you will se dialog box "Become a Facebook Developer" with three steps. In first step you must Accept facebook terms. You can also read about Facebook Platform Policy and the Facebook Privacy Policy - but who cares ;)
So click on "I accept the Facebook Platform Policy and the Facebook Privacy Policy" and click blue button "Continue" to go to the next step of creating developer account.
In second step you must Tell something about yourself. The main thing in this step is selecting correct options from select list and checboxes, which are describing you as a developer. Check correct values and click blue Continue button.
and if everything goes ok you will see:
Yay! You're now a Facebook Developer!
You'll receive a confirmation email. If you have any questions, check out the Docs and Support pages.
Your developer account is now ready. It mean that you can create own Facebook apps!
We can create a wishlist Facebook app for you, by using our developer account
If you want, we can create for you a Facebook app for our module Facebook Wishlist. If you don't have a Facebook Developer Account or if you don't want to be verified by Facebook team via phone or credit card (You must be revied - this is the only way to create own Facebook apps) this service is exactly for you. We create a Facebook app, configure it and send request for approve to Facebook team.