In this guide i want to show you how to create "client id" for your instagram feed module . This module creates a feed with pictures from your account in instagram community. This images feed contains pictures from your account, or pictures with defined by you hashtag. You can define different hashtag for each product in your store. Due to the fact, that instagram is serious in cases related to safety - it's necessary to register own app and generate own instagram app client id number. This client id number you have to use in instagram feed module configuration page.
how to create Instagram APP
For the first, you have to create own Instagram app account. If you've got it - just log in to your account and open instagram developers page . Developers page is a part of instagram, where you can create own apps. On the homepage screen you will see big "Hello Developers" text, below you can find blue button "Register Your Application". Just press it and go to the next step.
instagram developers page with register your application button
Register new client
You will see now page with all your apps. If you haven't got any, list will be empty of course. On the very top click on green Register a New Client button. You will see form to fill with important fields.
instagram register a new client button
Please fill all fields in form like i show below. Of course use own website url and own app name and description. Let me explain for what purposes are these fields:
Register new Client ID form
After "Register" you will be redirected to your app pages, you will see there your new Client (app) with your client ID. copy it and use it in your module configuration page. Remember that you have to define different apps for each website on different domain!
instagram client ID