I've noticed that many of merchants has got troubles with PrestaShop Facebook Modules . For some of them it's necessary to define Facebook Application ID. In most cases module without valid application ID will not work well, or will not work at all. In this guide i want to show you step by step how to create own facebook application id which will work with your shop domain.
Video below is the current guideline about creating own APP ID
if you want to integrate some facebook login module plugin - please follow steps described below video too
Now you, if you want to integrate some Facebook connect / register module please follow steps defined below
Then fill out fields "Valid OAuth redirect URIs" and "Allowed Domains for the Javascript SDK" with url to your shop (domain address, url to shop)
Optionally enable "Login from Devices" option, if your website supports devices with limited browser features like smart TV
Save changes
that's all, dont follow old guide defined below ;)
Old guide that is no longer valid - do not follow this
How to create facebook app id?
Let's clarfiy, what is facebook app. In simple words, it's a script based on popular programming languages like php, javascript which allows to enhance your experience on Facebook. This is how facebook defines applications:
Apps are designed to enhance your experience on Facebook with engaging games and useful features. You can use apps to listen to music with friends, share what you're reading, play games and more.
As you know Facebook is a large platform, to maintain security each application script have to be registered on facebook. Each registered app has got own application ID number, and this is what we want to create for our own (shop) purposes.
1. Facebook Developers website
First step: open website: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/ - on top section you can see several buttons. First one named "apps" contains button "create a new app" - press this button like i show below:
Facebook Developers - create new app
After that you will see modal popup with simple form, which contain three fields: Display Name, Namespace and Category dropdown select box. Please fill form with own data and select proper category (related to your shop). Please follow suggestions:
After that, click on "Create app" button (4). You will see field to enter catpcha code. just do it. Wait some time, several seconds, and your app will be created and ready to configure.
facebook app creation form
2. Facebook app configuration
Now it's time to configure app. Go to apps > see all apps page. You will see there list of all your apps. Click on app that you created a second ago, you will be redirected to facebook app dashboard page, where you can find application ID number (1). This is your app id and you have to use it in all integration modules that you've got in your prestashop store. But it's not all. We have to turn application on and define domain name.
Facebook application dashboard
Define app domain address
As i said above now it's time to define app domain address. App domain address is your shop domain. Why we have to provide it? It's because when we create app for website, we have to define the domain, where the app will be used. Without it your app will not work on your shop website. Open "settings" tab (1) and click on "+ add platform" button (2) as i show below. You will see modal popup window, select there "Website" option.
Facebook app settings page
After that you will see additional form to define domain address. You will see fields: Site url (1) and Mobile site Url (2). Please fill these fields with your shop address, exactly as i filled it below. After that click on Save settings button (3)
Facebook website app settings
After that page will reload automatically. Now it's time to define "App domains" field, type there just "yourshop.com" domain (without www and http!) exactly as i show below. And hit save settings button once again.
Facebook website settings = App domain field
Your app is properly configured now .
3. Turning app on
Your facebook application is configured, now it's time to turn app on. In this case open third tab named "status & review". There is a field (button to switch settings) "Do you want to make this app all its live features available to general public". Just press it to turn app On because by default app is disabled. Confirm changes (communicate: "Are you sure you want to take your app live? It will become available to all users." - your app id is ready to use now!