For the first, we must answer for question: why to use coupon codes / voucher codes in our store? Vouchers play an important role in your daily relationships with your customers. It's simple! Because everyone likes to feel special and everyone want to get good price. Both can be achieved with personalized discounts, and this is precisely where vouchers come into play – or more precisely, price rules, which is a new feature in PrestaShop 1.5.
As the official documentation said "Price rules" can take two forms:
Adding voucher code in PrestaShop 1.5 - step by step tutorial
Ok, so now you must go to your PrestaShop back office. Login as an administrator or employer with granted permission to cart rules section. Go to "Price Rules" tab and nex to Cart Rules section. Exactly as we show on image attached below:
Next click "Add new" button, you will find it on right side above the cart rules list
Ok, so now we must set up the form with our new voucher code / coupon code specification. As you see, you must fill informations in three tabs, which enabling you to precisely build new rules and vouchers. You've got three tabs: 1) Information, 2) Conditions and 3) Actions.
Information Tab
This is the first tab on list and it contains the rules, identifiers and main settings of your coupon / voucher code
Note that if no code is set, the rule will apply to any customer fitting the other conditions:
If there is a code, then customer have to enter it during the ordering process.
If there is no code, then the rule is automatically applied to benefiting customers.
Conditions Tab
The second tab named "Conditions", contains a large set of possibilities, enabling you to precisely target who should be able to benefit from this rule.
If empty, PrestaShop will understand than any customer can use it... unless you have added a customer group as a further condition (see "Customer group selection" check-box below).
If that number is inferior to the total quantity of available vouchers, then one single customer will not be able to use all of them.
Keeping it to "1" makes sure that each of your customers can only use the voucher once. In that case, make sure the voucher applies to a group rather than a customer...
Actions Tab
The third and last tab named "Actions", is where you choose what the discount actually consists of.
Apply a discount.
Apply discount to.
Send a free gift.
You can choose to offer a gift for some conditions (and skip the discount altogether). A field appears: type the first letters of the product, and choose in the list of matching names.
Saving the voucher / coupon code
if you think that the coupon is set up the way you like, you can click save button.
After saving and if everything went well, Your voucher will appear in the "Cart Rules" page, under the "Price rules" menu. You can delete or edit it at any time. If the voucher was set to a specific group or customer, then it will appear in the Front-Office, in the customer's "Vouchers" section of his account as well as in the cart (if you chose to), where they can choose which one to apply to their order.
now you can send new voucher code to your customer :) That's all!