Dzięki temu modułowi wyświetlisz dwie ceny produktu - cenę netto oraz cenę brutto. Moduł pozwala wyświetlać wybrany typ ceny (możesz wybrać jeden, bądź dwa) oraz informację o cenie (cena brutto, cena netto). Ten moduł prestashop wyświetla ceny na listach produktów oraz na stronie produktu. Moduł wyświetla cenę brutto / netto poprawnie nawet gdy zmienisz atrubut na stronie produktu.
Dzięki temu modułowi wyświetlisz dwie ceny produktu - cenę netto oraz cenę brutto. Moduł pozwala wyświetlać wybrany typ ceny (możesz wybrać jeden, bądź dwa) oraz informację o cenie (cena brutto, cena netto). Ten moduł prestashop wyświetla ceny na listach produktów oraz na stronie produktu.
Avalable features
As a shop owner you can personalize the position of the module. On module configuration page you can select the type of prices and labels that module will display. In addition - there is a tool where you can decide where module will appear on product page and where it will appear on list of products (like category view etc.). Available positions are determined by hook named displayProductPriceBlock.
Availalbe positions by default
specification of displayProductPriceBlock allows to use several variants of this position:
- displayProductPriceBlock old_price
- displayProductPriceBlock before_price
- displayProductPriceBlock after_price
- displayProductPriceBlock price
- displayProductPriceBlock unit_price
- displayProductPriceBlock weight
Many theme developers uses own displayProductPriceBlock variants
Because of this we decided to add support of custom position inside displayProductPriceBlock. If your template uses a non-default position - module is ready to work with it. Configuration page of module allows to use custom positions.
Feature to identify available positions
If your non-default theme has some new dispalyProductPriceBlock variants - you can easily identify them. Just enable (on module configuration page) option to show available postions. Then once you will open your product page or other pages where the products appear - you will see availalbe positions to use. You will be able to configure the module to dispay price ranges there, where you want.
Ogranicz wyświetlanie się modułu wyłącznie do wskazanych produktów
Moduł ma funkcję, która umożliwia ograniczenie wyświetlania dwóch cen netto i brutto wyłącznie do wskazanych produktów. W toku konfiguracji możesz aktywować opcję selektywnego wyświetlania się modułu i wskazać konkretne produkty lub wybrać kategorie. Moduł wyświetli wybrane typy cen wyłącznie dla wskazanych produktów lub produktów powiązanych z wybranymi kategoriami. Poniżej screenshot:
- added missing translations
- added improvements to search tool workflow in prestashop 8.x
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x
- from now module configuration page does not spawn informations about missing unidentified variable PS_VERSION (not available in 8.x anymore)
- added new feature to display module (both prices) for selected products only
- you can show module for an exact list of products (you point exact items)
- you can show module for products from selected category/categories
- added improvements to appearance of the prices when customer increases the quantity field value
- added new feature to force-hide prices if product has disabled option to show price
- useful in themes that do not follow prestashop standards related to visibility of displayProductPticeBlock hook
- added improvements to translations packages,
- re-added missing Portuguese translation
- added feature to improve calculation of unit prices on list of products
- added feature to improve calculation process of tax included / tax excluded UNIT PRICES on product page
- added new feature to show unit price tax included
- added new feature to show label "tax included" for unit price
- added new feature to show unit price tax excluded
- added new feature to show label "tax excluded" for unit price
- added feature to show percentage tax value also after the tax excluded price
- in effect you can show something like: "€200 tax 19% excl"
- added improvements to caching of prices, it works with combinations' price impact (product attributes) properly now
- added improvements to recently changed javascripts to avoid issue with price change on product page
- added new feature to hide standard price (supports classic theme and non-default theme as well)
- added new feature to decide if you want to apply classic theme fix or not
- added new feature to include (or not) module's css file to stylize the price design
- another improvement related to "tax included" and "tax excluded" translations
- improved translations of the "tax incl" text for Polish language
- added feature to display percentage value of tax included to product price
- you can enable / disable this option both for product page and products' lists
- from this prestashop version you can define prices visibility for product page and for list of products separately
- added improvements to the module to make it work with prestashop 1.7.5 in a better way
- added additional improvements related to cache clear of prices, now module clears cache when speciifc price is added, updated, deleted
- added improvements to cache clear process when products' prices are updated (module clears its cache to immediately see changes on page)
- added improvement to module javascript's workflow
- price is automatically updated when someone will open url of attribute directly (in prestashop 1.6.x)
- added new option to decide what module will do when product will have active option to "hide price".
- now you can also hide prices from the module too.
- added feature to select where the module will appear on: list of products, product page
- you can use positions inside "displayProductPriceBlock" hook like: before_price, old_price, after_price, weight, price, unit_price
- added feature to support 'custom' position (if theme does not follow prestashop standards it probably uses other modifiers of price type, you can add support of 'custom' type of displayProductPriceBlock
- added feature to show available displayProductPriceBlock hook variants
- added full spanish translation to module
- added feature to show price before reduction (both tax incldued / tax excluded)
- added feature to show labels for prices before reduction
- optimized caching of the module to cache results for various discounts applied to price
- added improvements to module dedicted for prestashop 1.7
- added better proce generation process
- updated translations
- added improvements to module dedicated for prestashop 1.6
- best sellers products shows correct price now
- added full german translation
- added feature to refresh the price if you will change the quantity of product, it works with quantity discounts and special prices
- added improvement to refresh the price if you will switch the attribute on product page
- added Polish translation
- added feature to automatically check for module updates and inform merchant if new update is available
module is ready to work with prestashop 1.7.x
started project on mypresta addons marketplace