This addon allows to display unlimited number products blocks on homepage. With this prestashop module you can create blocks as wide horizontal blocks with products, and also you can create homepage tabs (near popular products, new arrivals, best sales) with selected products. In simple words module allows to display products by category and by other important "filters"
This is great prestashop addon to promote your products on homepage. With this module you can create unlimited number of blocks with products on your front page of store. Module is a multi-tool to create blocks with products from selected category, new products (recently added products to your shop), best sellers, and products with special prices (products with dropped prices). Module allows to display products in homepage tabs and as a wide horizontal blocks.
Main features of module
The most important feature of this module is possibility to create and display blocks with products on your shop homepage based on prestashop engine. Below you can read more informations about module features. It's worth to mention that module allows to use modules internal tabs engine - this means that if your theme doesn't have homepage tabs engine - you can use internal module tabs engine!
Blocks and their specification
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.x to avoid problems with appearance of missing indexes / arrays on module configuration page
- added missing variable $fields_form
- added definition of public variables required in php 8
- added improvements to module workflow in environment with php in version 8.x
- added security improvements to avoid possible sql injections
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.0.4
- improved workflow of search tool in prestashop 8.x releases
- added support of prestashop 8.x releases
- added new feature to display in-stock products only (applicable to new products and products from selected category)
- fixes to problem with missing class impTools
- extended existing feature to display products from selected category. From now you can point many categories so in effect module will show products from all of these selected categories in one block.
- added fixes to appearance of php notification: Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /public_html/modules/hpp/hpp.php on line 26
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 1.7.8 to avoid error with product presenter
- added improvements to translations feature
- added feature to display products from selected manufacturer (this version of the module requires module reinstallation)
- added improvements to appearance of "tabs" feature in prestashop 1.7.7
- improved responsivenes of the module, from now you can define numer of products that will appear on large tablet devices. This version of the module requires reinstallation
- added "updates" tab to module configuration page
- added improvements to translations feature, to avoid confusion with wrong suggestions related to category search process.
- added improvements to getPricesDrop function that used RAND() orderby function that is not supported by validate:IsOrderBy function anymore. Thanks to this we avoid fatal error problem in new prestashop versions
- added feature to insert custom contents to first element inside tabs
- added templatemela theme support
- added improvements to smarty templates editor related to recent release of prestashop (to avoid problems with smarty template edit process)
- added improvements to css classes naming
- added improvements to recently added search feature
- now it is a separated library to easily improve its features in all our modules
- redesigned module's back office and added many new features
- added support of new template "warehouse"
- added feature to personalize module's .tpl files
- added feature to define the path to product's miniatures
- added search tool in back office
- added improvements to module installation process (it requires module reinstallation)
- added better updates checker feature
- improved module's translations to Polish language
- added improvement to update of the module from old versions (it is not requried to re-save products list instances anymore)
- added feature to display "recently sold products" on cms pages
- added improvement to display products from categories on cms pages
- added feature to display recently sold products
- added new position to the module, now you can display block with products in your shopping cart
- added improvements to tinymce editor, it is available now both in prestashop 1.7.x and prestashop 1.6.x
- added improvement that fixes an error when selected product to show (manually) does not exist
- added sort by feature, now you can sort products by name, price, manufacturer name, date of product update, product id and of course use random order
- added feature to decide the way of sorting (ascending or descending)
- added improvements to shortcodes feature that displays products on cms pages (for PrestaShoop 1.7.x)
- added better updates checker system and eliminated bug with module installation in PrestaShop 1.7.x
- added improvements to homepage tabs feature in PrestaShop 1.7.x
- improved carousell for prestashop 1.5.x
- improved design on prestashop 1.5.x
- added better support of PrestShop 1.7.x
- now we have separated library for PS 1.7 due to the changes in the architecture
- internal "homepage tabs" support, you can use internal tabs now if your theme (for example classic 1.7 theme) does not have displayHomeTab + displayHomeTabContent hooks
- added minor fixes to css glitches related to next / prev buttons
- brand new features related to carousell:
- added feature to turn on / off "infinite loop" (option to loop back to the beginning of the slide when carousell will reach the last element)
- added feature to turn on / off "pager" (small dots to navigate through the carousell)
- added feature to turn on / off "prev / next controls" (circle buttons to navigate through carousell)
- improved appearance of carousell inside columns (added features to support pager, carousell and infitite loop)
- improved appearance of control buttons (enabled only if carousell is enabled)
1.6.8 + 1.6.9
- define the number of items in PC view
- define the number of items on TABLET view
- define the number of items on MOBILE view
- responsiveness works great now
- removed support of standard prestashop bxslider (it is a crap slider plugin) and added brand new carousell, fully responsive script
- enabled swipe feature to move carousell with slide on touch screen devices
- added improvements to appearance of carousell on mobile devices
- added feature to define min number of slides for mobile devices
- added feature to check available updates directly from module back office
- new version requires reinstallation of the module
- added feature to support free module CMS Products
- now you can put list of products created in this module to any CMS page you want
- module will display list of products on selected CMS page
- added feature to turn on "autostart" carousell. This means that module will start to run carousell right after page load
- added feature to define number of products that will appear inside carousell
- redesigned module configuration page
- added support of PrestaShop 1.7!
- added new feature to display custom contents before list of products
- added new feature to display custom contents after list of products
- due to the changes in module database, new version requires reinstallation of the addon (no worries, you will not lose blocks created before)
added improvements to carousell option
fixes for module installation, added better database creation process
Possibility to run unlimited Carousells at the same time
Feature to define carousell inside columns
New feature to define carousell inside blocks
Fixes related to PHP notice
added tweaks to appearance of module configuration page
added fixes to missed translations (disappearing translations)
new feature to define link in the heading of the block
started to log changes in the module with changelog.
fixes to product search on module configuration page