Głównym zadaniem tego modułu jest wyświetlenie zakresu cen dla produktu, który ma kombinacje. W przypadku gdy kombinacje tego produktu mają różnce ceny wówczas moduł wyświetli rozpiętość cen od minimalnej do maksymalnej w formie np: Cena od 19.99zł do 29.99zł. Zakres cenowy pojawi się na listach produktów oraz na stronie produktu.Jeżeli Twoje produkty mają zniżki ilościowe - to te zniżki będą również uwzględnione w kalkulacji najniższej ceny.
Głównym zadaniem tego modułu jest wyświetlenie zakresu cen dla produktu, który ma kombinacje. W przypadku gdy kombinacje tego produktu mają różnce ceny wówczas moduł wyświetli rozpiętość cen od minimalnej do maksymalnej w formie np: Cena od 19.99zł do 29.99zł. Zakres cenowy pojawi się na listach produktów oraz na stronie produktu.
Avalable features
Main feature of the module is a possiiblity to show price range of product if product has combinations that affects its price. As a shop owner you can personalize the position of the module. On module configuration page you can select where module will appear on product page and where it will appear on list of products (like category view etc.). Available positions are determined by hook named displayProductPriceBlock.
Availalbe positions by default
specification of displayProductPriceBlock allows to use several variants of this position:
- displayProductPriceBlock old_price
- displayProductPriceBlock before_price
- displayProductPriceBlock after_price
- displayProductPriceBlock price
- displayProductPriceBlock unit_price
- displayProductPriceBlock weight
Many theme developers uses own displayProductPriceBlock variants
Because of this we decided to add support of custom position inside displayProductPriceBlock. If your template uses a non-default position - module is ready to work with it. Configuration page of module allows to use custom positions.
Feature to identify available positions
If your non-default theme has some new dispalyProductPriceBlock variants - you can easily identify them. Just enable (on module configuration page) option to show available postions. Then once you will open your product page or other pages where the products appear - you will see availalbe positions to use. You will be able to configure the module to dispay price ranges there, where you want.
Control what prices are included to range of prices
Each item can have combinations that are in stock or out of stock. You can decide if you want to skip out of stock combinations. In effect range of price for item that module displays - will contain only prices from items that are in stock.
Control the visibility of prices
If item will not have price range you can show or hide the price that module displays. When product will not have range of prices - module can show product price or if you need - you can hide it (depending on your requirements)
Zadecyduj o tym co dokładnie moduł pokaże
- włącz lub wyłącz widoczność etykiety "cena od" (przykładowo: cena od €11.99)
- włącz lub wyłącz widoczność najniższej dostępnej ceny produktu
- włącz lub wyłącz widoczność etykiety "cena do" (przykładowo: cena do €29.99)
- włącz lub wyłącz widoczność najwyższej dostępnej ceny produktu
- added new feature to exclude quantity discounts from calculation of product price range (you can exclude these discounts or not)
- added missing translations
- added missing features to module dedicated for prestashop 1.6.x
- added improvements to price hide process
- from now when quantity is increased - the price field is removed (if option to remove / hide it is active)
- added new feature to exclude 0.00 price from range
- option is useful whem you've got free samples of product (worth €0.00) and if you want to exclude this free sample price from price range
- added improvements to cache clear process when:
- product is added / updated
- specific price is created / updated
- category discount is created / updated (for groups of customers)
- updated italian, polish and french translation package
- released update of spanish translation for prestashop 1.7.x
- released update of spanish translation for prestashop 1.6.x
- added feature to decide about price range format that module will use to display available product prices. You can select: "From $X to $Y" or "$X - $Y"
- added improvements to automatic refresh of price ranges on product pages in prestashop 1.7.x
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 1.7.x on list of products (to avoid problems with search filters)
- added the same feature to product pages
- from now module hides "default prices" only if there is a price created with module "price tange"
- added improvements to "hide default prices" feature
- from now module hides the default prices only if there is a price range from the module
- added new feature to hide default product price on list of products
- added new option to define CSS class of price that appears on list of products
- added new feature to hide default product price on product page
- added new option to define CSS class of price that appears on product page
- added new option to show / hide tax included / tax excluded label
- added improvements to recently added features
- added features to control what module will display exactly, from now you can:
- enable or disable appearance of "from" label (for example: from €11.99)
- enable or disable appearance of the lowest available price of product
- enable or disable appearance of "to" label (for example: to €29.99)
- enable or disable appearance of the highest available price of product
- added new feature where you can decide if you want to skip out of stock combinations in price range that module will display
- so in effect price ranges that module will display can be based only on in-stock items (combinations)
- added new option to decide what to do if product will not have various prices
- from now you can show original price of item or hide it
- added improvements to the module to support prestashop 1.7.5 in a better way
- added improvements to the module to make it work also with quantity discounts (not only with combinations)
- so if your product has quantity discounts, module will include these discounts to calculate max / min price
- added improvements to visibility of price range on product page, inside "related products" blocks
- added feature to select where the module will appear on: list of products, product page
- you can use positions inside "displayProductPriceBlock" hook like: before_price, old_price, after_price, weight, price, unit_price
- added feature to support 'custom' position (if theme does not follow prestashop standards it probably uses other modifiers of price type, you can add support of 'custom' type of displayProductPriceBlock
- added feature to show available displayProductPriceBlock hook variants
- added missing translation files (polish, german, spanish)
- released version dedicated for prestashop
- released module that is ready to work with prestashop 1.6.x
- started project on mypresta.eu addons marketplace
- released module that is ready to work with PrestShop 1.7.x