Moduł pozwala tworzyć dodatkowe pola checkbox wyświetlane klientom w trakcie rejestracji konta w sklepie. Za pośrednictwem tego modułu utworzysz dowolną ilość takich dodatkowych pól oraz określisz, które z nich są obowiązakowe a które jedynie opcjonalne.
Moduł pozwala tworzyć dodatkowe pola checkbox wyświetlane klientom w trakcie rejestracji konta w sklepie. Za pośrednictwem tego modułu utworzysz dowolną ilość takich dodatkowych pól oraz określisz, które z nich są obowiązakowe a które jedynie opcjonalne. W przypadku gdy klient nie zaznaczy obowiązkowych pól rejestracja w sklepie nie będzie możliwa.
- added improvements to module workflow in terms of addon usage in prestashop 8.x
- added fixes to appearance of additional terms and conditions during checkout, from now rules appears during checkout properly
- added improvements to recently added features for prestashop 1.6.x
- added new condition to checkout "terms ond conditions" rules
- from now you can display additional ToS for orders that contain at least one refurbished / used product
- added improvements to terms and conditions checkout
- from now checkbox defined for checkout will appear only on last order step (it will not be a part of customer register form)
- added improvements to module's core, to avoid "foreach" problems
- added new feature dedicated for prestashop 1.7 to display selected checkboxes also before order confirmation
- this checkbox is required to place an order
- added improvements to save process of checkboxes in PrestaShop 1.7.x
- due to the major changes in the module core - this version requires reinstallation
- reinstallation of the module do not affect the conditions and collected conditions history
- added proper link to official module page
- added missing translation packs
- improved lable, now it is clickable and it checks the checkbox
- added support of multistore environment
- added improvements to save process of custom terms of service
- improved module workflow both in prestashop 1.7 and 1.6
- released stable version both for prestashop 1.6.x and 1.7.x
- released version for PrestaShop 1.7.x as a separate branch of the module
- added possibility to track customers selections (if they checked rules or not) from shop back office
- added improvements to module workflow, customers can alter the settings of selected options from their accounts.
- started project on mypresta addons marketplace