Moduł płatności do sklepu PrestaShop wprowadzający funkcjonalność "za pobraniem". Zaletą tego modułu jest fakt, że spełnia on wymagania prawne dotyczące wyświetlania zawartości koszyka przed potwierdzeniem zamówienia przez klienta. Wymagania te narzuciła Polsce unia europejska.
Dodawanie prowizji "za pobraniem" w trakcie tworzenia zamówienia w zapleczu
Ten moduł PrestaShop spełnia wymagania prawne dotyczące procesu zamawiania w sklepach internetowych. Prawo to narzucone Polsce przez Unię Europejską zostało wprowadzone wraz z nowelizacją prawa konsumenckiego w Grudniu 2014 roku. Prawo to stanowi, że klient tuż przed potwierdzeniem zamówienia musi widzieć listę zamawianych produktów z wyszególnionymi cenami, informacje o wysyłce i informacje o ewentualnie wykorzystanych kodach rabatowych. Ten moduł "za pobraniem" spełnia wszystkie wymienione wymagania prawne.
Najważniejsze funkcjonalności modułu "za pobraniem"
Oczywiście najważniejszą i najistotniejszą funkcjonalnością modułu jest fakt, że wprowadza on podsumowanie zamówienia w ostatnim kroku procesu składania zamówień. Oprócz tego posiada on funkcję pozwalającą na wyświetlenie adresów zdefiniowanych przez klienta (adres dostarczenia zakupów oraz opcjonalnie dane do faktury vat). Jako administrator sklepu, możesz:
Tak skonstruowane funkcjonalności pozwolą na:
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop that works without taxes
- added improvements to workflow of tax/shipping calculation on checkout page
- added improvements to module workflow related to order change process, from now fee is included to modified orders properly again.
- this version of the module requires plugin reinstallation
- added improvements to module hook associations function to avoid problems with installation in newest 8.x release of prestashop
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8x environment
- added new email variables that contains newelement to use in order summary table:COD:€X.XX
{tr_total_fee_tax_excl} - will return value tax excluded
{tr_total_fee_tax_incl} - will return value tax included
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x environment
- added improvements to tax calculation and fee calculation process
- added improvements to order summary that module can display before order is placed in shop
- added improvements to fee calculation process
- added improvements to appearance of fees on invoices
- improved module workflow in prestashop 1.7.7+
- added improvements to save process of fees depending on order value
- added imrpovements to implementation of fee for virtual products
- added feature to enable / disable alert information (on order validation page) about additional fee
- added feature to decide how module should behave for splitted order
- PrestaShop allows to split orders depending on warehouse or by availability of products. When this option will be active the fee will be included to each splitted order. When it will be disabled the fee wil be inscluded to the first order only
- added feature to display payment logo near payment method name in prestashop 1.7.x
- added improvements to appearance of cash on delivery fee value on invoice (in prestashop 1.7.x)
- added improvements to calculation of fee both for front and back office to avoid php notifications in php logs
- added percentage fee for carrier-related fees
- from now you can define both percentage and amount fees
- this versio nof the module requires its reinstallation
- added new feature to define minimal charge value
- if your percentage fee will not reach minimal charge value - then module will use this minimal charge fee instead
- added improvement that changes the fee value into decimal number with two decimal values
- added improvements to recently added changes to avoid fatal error during checkout
- added improvements to module usage in updated environemnts (from prestashop 1.7.5.x to
- added improvements to module's updates checker feature
- added improvements to engine that searchs for fees depending on used carrier during checkout
- added support of back office manual order creation process, thanks to free module: Add order in back office + cod fee
- added feature to decide if module will send email with order confirmation, or not
- updated feature to check updates of the plugin
- added improvements related to summary of order in PrestaShop 1.6.x
- added new options to module configuration page to define css styles of checkout summary elements
thanks to these options module can work with non-default themes that use different structure / css names of elements during checkout
- added additional fee rules
- now you can define fee based on order total value
- each carrier can have various fees depending on order total value
- this version of the module requires reinstallation (no worries, module will remember all settings)
- added feature to support advanced eu compiliance module
- added feature to support displayPaymentEu hook
- added feature to define the order state that module will set after puchase
- added variable to order conirmation page: {$order} it contains informations about placed order (it is an array of many useful variables)
- added feature to disable additional summary and place an order directly from payment page in prestashop 1.7.x
- added feature to control visibility of payment method depending on cart value
- you can enable or disable feature to disable the payment method for customers if cart will be worth more than defined value
- you can enable or disable feature to disable the payment method for customers if cart will be worth less than defined value
- added improvements to cart summary appearance (now it is with included fees)
- added feature to identify price display type (tax included / tax excluded)
- thanks to this feature "total products" will be properly assigned to email templates
- added feature to prevent save process of fees value with comma (dot separator of decimal values is required)
- improved the versioning of the module
- added feature to include additional fee depending on selected carrier (each carrier can have different value of fee)
- this version of the module requires reinstallation otherwise new menu item (where it is possible to define new fees) will be unavailable
- added improvements to auto-price update of cart totals and subtotals
- module updates also order information table if details about order are included to last step (before the confirmation)
- updated Polish language pack
- added improvement to prestashop 1.7 workflow, module updates the prices on checkout automatically - right after the "cod payment" is selected
- added missing translations for new features
- added feature that allows you to decide how module will include fee to orded.
- Now you can include it to shipping costs or add a new order summary positon "cod fee"
- added new variables to email template: {total_fee} and {total_fee_tax}
- added feature to automatically hide tax information on invoice and in confirmation email
- added feature to define VAT tax for delivery
- you can enable or disable it
- you can select tax rate that will be applicable for charge fee
- added feature to display order summary before last step of order (confirmation)
- when feature is acticated your customers can verify the products in cart and increase / decrease quantities of products, apply voucher code etc.
- feature described above is a matter of prestashop 1.7.x (module version dedicated for prestashop 1.6.x / 1.5.x already have this feature)
- verified translations of the module
- added full german translation
- updated Polish translations
- added feature to define mail title directly on module edit page (it decided to add this feature because of issues with translations in prestashop 1.7.x)
- added new features
- module can add fee only if cart total products value will meet defined criterias,
- you can specify maximum value of total products in cart - fee will be applicable only if cart total products will be lower than defined value
- you can specify minimum value of total products in cart - fee will be applicable only if cart total products will be higher than defined value
- updated italian translation for prestashop 1.7.x
- added full support of new PrestaShop 1.7.x
- this is the first cash on delivery module for new prestashop 1.7.x
- added improvements to update library, now you can check for module updates directly from module configuration page
- added missed translations (spanish translation)
- added new feature to display fee value on list of available payment methods
- added missed translations
- started to log changes in the module with this change log
- added polish translation
- added fixes to italian translation
- added improvements related to module updates, now you can see notifications about new version of the module directly in your shop back office