Dzięki temu rozwiązaniu w niezwykle łatwy sposób wyświetlisz szczególy zamówienia na stronie z listą zamówień. Moduł pozwala na wyświetlenie listy zamówionych produktów, adresu na który musimy dostarczyć towar oraz danych do faktury. Krótko mówiąc - moduł wyświetla szczegóły zamówienia bezpośrednio na stronie z zamówieniami (bez konieczności wchodzenia w każde zamówienie)
PrestaShop od wersji ma funkcję podglądu zamówienia. Jest ona bardzo uboga w funkcje a nasz moduł rozszerza te standardowo dostępne funkcjonalności.
Ten moduł PrestaShop dodaje niezwykle użyteczną funkcjonalność do sklepu, dzięki której podglądniesz szczegóły zamówienia bezpośrednio ze strony z listą zamówień w sklepie. Z modułem nie jest konieczne wchodzenie na strony zamówienia aby poznać listę zamówionych produktów, adres dostawy czy adres do faktury gdyż moduł pokazuje to bezpośrednio na liście zamówień. Funkcjonalność uaktywnia się po kliknięciu w zamówienie - wówczas wysunie się panel z dodatkowymi informacjami o zamówieniu.
Podstawowe i najważniejsze funkcjonalności modułu
Najważniejszą funkcjonalnością tego modułu PrestaShop jest rozszerzenie sklepu o funkcję, która dodaje szybki podgląd zamówień. Oznacza to tyle, że dodatek dzięki modułowi możesz szybko podglądnąć:
- Listę zamówionych produktów, która wyświetla szczegółowe informacje, takie jak:
- Moduł wyświetla dodatkowo
- Można zarzadzać widocznością poszczególnych elementów w podglądzie zamówienia
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x
- added improvements to module workflow to make it work with prestashop 8.x
- improved appearance of customization fields and features in quick preview window
- updated translations packages included to the module library
- added feature to display ean13 code on list of purchased products (in preview window)
- added feature to quickly preview all orders when you open "orders" page
- added feature to quickly preview all orders when you preview one of them
- developed support of officially released hook displayOrderPreview
- added better module workflow in prestashop
- added improvements to module workflow in new prestashop
- added support of prestashop 1.7.7.x
- added improvements to save process of selected features to disply in preview window (on module configuration page)
- added improvements to translations included to the module
- added feature to define size of products' images that will appear on list of purchased products
- added additional explanations to module configuration page
- added smooth scrool effect when you open an order with click
- added feature to open previous / next order with keyboard button press
- added improvements to customer's private note workflow for prestashop 1.6.x
- added improvements to module usage in new release of prestashop 1.7.6.x related to back office ajax queries related to customers
- added feature to add customer private note to the preview
- this feature also contains feature to save new note
- added improvements to updates checker feature included to the module
- added improvements to the way of how module spawns preview of order
- module does not affect invoice donwload button + delivery slip generation button
- added improvements to module related to cooperation with 'myparcel' addon
- now these two modules work together properly
- separated optin to show / hide order reference + id below shipping address, now you can do this separately for ID or reference
- added feature to show / hide order reference below the shipping address
- added feature to show / hide order id below the shipping address
- added improvements to shipping informations
- now you can enable / disable shipping address
- now you can enable / disable shipping invoice address
- added feature to automatically check for module updates
- added improvements to generation process of preview, added missing variables $link and $currency
- added improvements to back office ajax queries
- these queries will not be affected with wrong domain address / wrong protocol anymore
- added feature to change also current order state (to refresh it) on list of orders when you will change order status
- added option to select features that module will display on preview of purchased list of products
- you can display on list of products main category of product
- you can display on list of products all associations between product and categories
- you can display on list of products all product's features
- added feature to expand all orders with:
a) mouse click
b) right after page load
- added slovak translations
- added feature that allows to preview messages that are associated with order
- added improvements to save process of order status
- now module saves information about employee properly
- added fixes related to order preview open / close process
- added option to display customer email if customer used guest checkout
- added option to decide if module will send the tracking email (when you will change tracking number)
- added fixes to translations
- added feature to display current product stock (so you can see if you're able to send the product directly from preview window)
- added support of PrestaShop 1.7
- module has separated library for new version of PrestaShop
- feature to display product UPC code on list of products that customer bought (you can enable / disable this feature)
- updated missed translations for new features
- added fixes to weight information (now it calculates it based on product quantity)|
- added weight column to list of products with information about unit weight
- added option to enable or disable information about parcel weight (sum of all products weights)
- quick order preview module allows to expand all orders with one mouse click now
- added option to enable / disable "expand all" feature
- module saves tracking value if someone hit "enter" button
- fixes to order status update in some environments. It saves statuses properly now
- module is now coded with psr-2 standards
- added fixes related to tracking number save process
- added feature to enable or disable form to change order status directly from order preview window
- added feature to enable or disable possibility to change tracking number from quick order preview
- js scripts improvements (to support tracking number change tool)
- added feature that gives you possibility to manage appearance of the informations inside preview tool.
- you can enable or disable preview of customer details
- you can enable or disable preview of shipping informations
- you can enable or disable preview of products bought
- you can enable or disable preview of order states history (status history)
- additional imrpovement to display shipping tracking number with tracking url
added information about products customization
module will not duplicate previews
better module workflow
added shipping method and shipping cost to quick order preview
started to log changes in the module via this changelog
added feature that allows to preview many orders