If you want to give for your coustomers ability to share and like your shop or products on Facebook - this module is the best way to do it. With our module your website will be looks awesome on Facebook Wall. Module generates Open Graph tags which are the most important thing in integration with Facebook.
As we said, this module is awesome tool for adding open graph tags into your shop pages. Module adds different tags based om META or page content - for each pages of your shop. With this module your products will be look awesome on your customers Facebook Wall (just take a look into screenshots section).
Default open graph tags
On main module configuration page you can configure the module and define default open graph tags. Default open graph tags will be used on pages where it is not impossible to generate tags automatically.
Custom tags
You can also configure unique tags for any kind of page within your shop - you can manually define og:title, og:description and og:image tags. You can do it here: Manage custom OG tags
If some pages within your shop will have custom open graph tags module will not use default open graph tags and will not autogenerate tags. It will use custom tags you defined.
Automatically generated tags for each page
Module generates open graph tags automatically for some pages like product page, category page, manufacturer page, supplier page, cms pages. These tags are build based on information like product description, category description, product cover image etc. So simply saying module:
Automatically generated tags for each page (different titles, descriptions and product images)
You can create custom unique open graph tags for selected pages. You can define for any kind of url from your page open graph tags. If some pages from your shop will have these kind of tags, module will not use default og tags for this page and also it will not generate tags automatically. Module will just use tags you defined manually.
See how the products will look like with our module:
custom open graph tags for PrestaShop showcase
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.x environment to avoid notifications about deprecated variables
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.1.x to avoid problem with hook "displayHeader" association (previously was just "Header")
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.x to avoid problems with module installation
- added improvements to image url generation process to generate correct secured (with https:// ) url
- added improvement to update process of the module - especially if you migrate from really old version
- added feature to select image type (size) to share on facebook timeline for products
- added feature to define image width and image height for default tags
- added feature to define image width and image height for custom tags
- improved the way of how module loads custom meta tags in PHP 7.1.x
- changed the design of the module to make it looks nicer
- improved the module workflow (support of prestashop 1.7.x)
- new features available
- you can decide if you want to use default predefined og:tags on pages where it is not possible to automatically generate tags
- you can enable or disable autogenerate tags for: product pages, category pages, cms pages, manfuacturer pages, supplier pages
- added support of PrestaShop 1.7
- added form to check module updates
- added fixes related to ssl and non ssl connections (if shop run under ssl certificate)