Module to automate the process of customers' assignment to groups based on products they purchased. Addon will analyse the products purchased by customers and then - based on created assignment conditions in the module - will assign customers to selected groups of customers. Addon gives possibility to create unlimited number of conditions based on products or products' categories.
As you already know - with this module you will automate the process of adding customers to groups based on purchased products. The module starts the process of adding customers to groups when order state will be changed (for example - during payment process) and it will do it only when the order is marked with one of the statuses selected by you (e.g. "order paid"). If all the conditions are met - i.e. the order will have a specific order status, the order will include specific selected products or products from selected categories - the module will save the customer to the groups indicated by you.
Module configuration
After module installation you will be able to manage its settings directly from its configuration page (there is a tool to select order states that will be used to run assignment process). Module also creates a special section to create assignment conditions under catalog > product - groups menu in shop's back office.
- added improvements to module installation process to avoid notifications about "deprecated" hooks and "old" object parameter definition
Started project on mypresta addons marketplace