This module creates a special popup block with any content you want. This mean, that you can create popup box with many images, urls, texts, buttons etc. With this addon you've got an ability to change design of the popup. With customization tool you can easily change module settings. Read more below.
As we say, Popup pro is a prestashop module which gives you an ability to create nice popup box with any content you want, this mean that you can create special popup box with many images, texts, buttons etc. The main advantage of the module is fact that you can create own design by special customization tool. You can turn module on specified page, like homepage and turn it off on other pages.
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Unlimited number of popups Module allows to create unlimited number of popups, it means that you can create any amout of popup windows you want. In addition easy in use tinymce editor allows to easily manage blocks. |
Manage visibility of the popups Our module allows to display popup window only or certain pages, you can select where exactly you want to display popup window! Check this image and see where you can display popup |
Change visibility of popups You can manage order of popups. It means that popups will appear in order you will define in back office. This featyre allows to easily hide some unwantend popup blocks. |
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Extended tinymce editor Module uses extended tinymce editor! It means that you can save non-default scripts, html markups. You can do everything. In addition, with one mouse click you can disable / enable tinyMCE |
Advanced design settings Module allows to define layout of the popup window. You can specify background, borders, size of the popup, overlay opacity, background etc.! |
Multi language support Your shop use many languages? no problem - module is ready for it. You can translate popup window to each language available in your store |
Main features of Prestashop Poupup pro module
PopUp animations
This module contains feature to define how popup window will appear and how it will disappear. You can select Slide in / Fade in and Slide out / Fade out animation effects.
Configuration tool features
Advanced specification of popup visibility
You can define where you want to dispaly popup, modules allows many various configuraiton of the popup appearing process. It means that you can:
- display popup only if customer browse your page with SSL certificate
- dispaly popup only on hompage
- display popup only on selected product pages
- display popup only if viewed product is in stock
- display popup only if viewed product is out of stock
- dispaly popup only on produt page and only if viewed products is associated with certain caregories, manufacturers, suppliers
- display popup only on selected category pages
- display popup only on selected CMS pages
- dispaly popup only on selected manugacturers page
- display popup only on selected URL
- display popup only when product is associated with selected manufacturer
- display popup only for certain group of customers (all of them, logged, unlogged)
- display popup only in defined time period (date from, date to)
- display popup on selected hours (time from, time to)
- possibility to display popup during order process in selected step (cart, address, shipping, payment, order confirmation)
- display popup "on exit" - right after customer will try to close browser / tab with your shop page
- possibility to enable or disable popup for mobile view
- possibility to enable or disable popup for tablet view
- possibility to enable or disable popup for desktop (PC) view
- hide popup for selected customer group
- redisplay popup when customer will log in again
- possibility to display popup for users that have no orders in your shop
- possibility to display popup only for customers associated with selected customer groups
- Possibility to enable or disable feature to close popup window after clicking anywhere
- Possibility to disable default close button (there is possibility to define own button) check how the configuration tool looks like
- Possibility to display popup for guests from selected countries
- Possibility to display popup for pages in selected languages only
- Possibility to display popup if customer come to your shop from defined pages (domains / urls)
- Possibility to display popup when cart has more (or equal) quantity of products in cart
- Possibility to display popup when cart has less (or equal) quantity of products in cart
- added fixes to deprecated properties definition method
- added {$popuppro_product} object variable to smarty templates manager
- added improvements to module-hook associations during installation (fixed typo, changed displayHader to displayHeader)
- added improvements to unidentified array indexes in environment based on php 8.x
- added improvements to hook associations in prestashop 8.1.x
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.1.x
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x
- added feature to display popup when cart has more (or equal) quantity of products
- added feature to display popup when cart less more (or equal) quantity of products
- added improvements to option that gives possibility to point group of customers for which module will display popup
- from now you can select several groups simultaneously
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 1.7.8.x
- added appearance improvements for popup that appear on address page (during checkout)
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 1.7.7.x releases
- added additional variables to smarty templates manager - to feature that display products that reached stock in cart
- {$item_reached_qty.in_stock_message}
- {$item_reached_qty.backorder_stock_message}
- added improvements to recently added feature
- added feature to display popup when products in cart reached stock avaialble
- added feature that gives possibility to select shop where the popup will appear
- added improvements to smarty templates manager to optimize its workflow in prestashop 1.6.0.x releases
- added new feature to show popup only if cart will not contain defined product(s)
- this version of the module requires its reinstallation
- added improvements to module spawn process with button in quick preview product window
- added improvements to feature that spawns popup with button, from now code is based on id="" param not on title=""
- added improvements to module appearance on "shipping" order step in prestashop 1.7.x
- added improvements to popup visibility condition related to string in url, from now module does not show strange "c" letter on top of website
- added improvements to save process of existing popups again. Now the html code is not removed as in previous version 3.8.1
- added improvements to save process of existing popups, to avoid problems with saving special characters
- added fixes to smarty templates editor, there was a problem with feature usage in new prestashop
- readded support of displayFooter hook in prestashop 1.7
- added feature to display popup on pages that contains specific string in url
- this version of module requires its reinstallation
- added new feature to display popup only for selected customers
- this version of module requires its reinstallation
- added improvements to on exit popup workflow with and without "test mode" option
- added improvements to cookie time calculation, so popup appears again properly
- added support of upcoming prestashop
- added fixes to updates checker to avoid problems wiyh back office ajax requests
- added improvements to module .js files
- added missing copyright notices to files (php, js, css, tpl)
- updated core of updates checker feature
- added smarty templates manager feature
- thanks to this feature you can create unlimited numbers of smarty templates with smarty code
- then you can use it in popup contents with special shortcode
- added improvements to save process of popup contents with special characters
- added improvements to popup size on mobile device
- added improvements to popup size on tablet device
- added feature to display popup only on product pages associated with selected supplier
- this version of module requires reinstallation
- added improvements to activation / deactivation of popup in old releases of prestashop 1.6.0.x
- re-added full german translation of the popup pro module
- added fixes to appearance of popup after button press
- cleaned up code from old not used functions
- updated translations for Spanis, Italian and Polish language
- totally redesigned module configuration page
- improvemed popups visibility on pages other than product pages
- added improvements to recently added feature to show popups depending on viewed product stock
- this version of the module requires reinstallation
- added improvements to missing translations
- added new feature to display popup when viewed product page is in stock
- added new feature to display popup when viewed product page is out of stock
- added improvements to module code to support shortcodes module
- added feature to define speed of popup appearance and disappearance
- new version of the module requires reinstallation
- added feature to enable / disable popup close with ESC key
- added feature to disable popup on selected CMS pages
- new version of the module requires reinstallation
- added feature to display popup on selected weekday like monday, saturday, sundat etc.
- new version of the module requires reinstallation
- added improvements to recently added feature to support old php versions
- added improvements related to identification of customer group (both logged and unlogged customers)
- added .css file to the module
- added better support of caching modules like pagecache, expresscache, jcache etc.
- feature allows to enable dynamic mode for popup pro module with success, so popups do not appear all the time, even if shop uses aggresive way of caching
- added fix to spawn popup with button in prestashop 1.7.x releases
- added translation improvements to module for languages: french, german, italian, spanish
- added feature to display popup only if products in cart are worth more than defined value
- added feature to display popup only if products in cart are worth less than defined value
- this version of the module requires reinstallation
- added fixes to features to show popup during checkout (order steps) with enabled geolocation option. These features work together properly now.
- from now module asks before popup deletion (you have to confirm deletion process)
- added features to support IE 11 in module
- added fixes to save process of url (if you want to show popup only on specific urls)
- changed the way of how module save contents in the database to avoid problems with saving javascripts
- added feature to duplicate popups
- added code variable escaping which is necessary for prestashop 1.7
- added improvements related to width in percentages
- fixes to spawning popups with button
- added improvements to v.1.7 of prestashop related to spawning popups with buttons
- added feature to define width and height of the popups in percentages ( screenshot )
- due to the changes in the module core and database - new version requires reinstallation
- due to the changes in module .js files - after module reinstallation it might be required to clear browser cache
- added improvements to version of module dedicated for prestashop 1.7
- added feature to round corners of popup
- added feature to enable / disable support of modules like tinymce pro that extends editor
- added fixes to recent browser changes related to "on exit" feature
- added fixes to test mode - it works even if you test "on exit" popup now
- new version of module requires reinstallation of plugin (due to the fact that it has new features)
- added improvements to save process of "global settings"
- added feature to define own screen width size to identify the mobile / tablet / desktop devices
- you can now define breakpoints for min and max width for: mobile, tablet
- you can now define breakpoint for desktop device (min width)
- options are available under "global settings" menu section (on module configuration page)
- new version of module requires reinstallation
- added feature that allows to display popup if customer come to your website from defined pages (urls, domains)
- So, with new feature you can define domains or full addressess of pages (urls). Separate entries by commas, Module will spawn popup only if customer will come to your website from defined pages.
- When your site is on HTTP and customer will come from HTTPS site the browser will not identify the source website. This means the shop will see your traffic as "direct traffic", i.e. they cannot distinguish such hits from a user who directly typed in the URL.
- due to the changes in the database - new version of module requires reinstallation
When your site is on HTTP and customer will come from HTTPS site the browser will not identify the source website. This means the shop will see your traffic as "direct traffic", i.e. they cannot distinguish such hits from a user who directly typed in the URL.
- added new feature to display popup only if page is browsed in selected language
- changed a little design of list of created popups (no hover effect)
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 1.7.x
- added new "update" function
- updated javascript library that is responsible for popups
- due to the errors related to module workflow in ps we created separated library for PS 1.7.x
- library dedicated for 1.7.x fully supports new prestashop
- added improvements to geolocation tool - now it identify country of vistor much better than before
- added improvements to on exit popup,
- now it can appear once again based on "display once again" option value (module will display onexit again after defined time)
- added improvements to country identification in tool that allows to display popup for users from selected countries only
- added fixes related to visibility of rich text editor in recent prestashop version
- added fixes related to prestashop 1.4.x in context of recently added feature to display popup for users from selected countries only
- fixed notifications about appearance of unidentified index during save / edit popups
- added fixes to recently added feature (identify the country of customer). Now it properly displays popup.
- added new feature to display popups for users from selected countries only
- added improvements to module configuration page (related to appearance / layout)
- added fixes to code / editor switchet, it works properly now
- new version of the plugin requires reinstallation of the module and browser cache clear (for shop back office only due to the new css styles)
- added better scripts support for rich text editor
- added support of PHP 7.0
- changed module code to meet psr-2 coding standards
- updated missed translations of the module (in this case german language)
- added fixes related to recently added feature to define popup that will appear on selected hours
- possibility to display popup on selected hours (you can define time range, module will display popup between selected hours)
- possibility to display popup on selected order step (cart, address, shipping, payment)
- added new feature that allows to autohide popup after defined number of seconds
- you can turn this option on / off
- you can define nb of seconds - after this time popup will disappear automatically
- this feature works with "test" mode the same as with other module features like spawn popup with button click etc.
- improved updates notifications system
- added fixes to on exit feature. Now popup doesnt appear when someone trying to scroll page
- added new updates checker system
- possibility to check availability of upgrades directly from module configuration page
- possibility to enable / disable feature to automatically notify about pending updates
- added feature to define animation of how popup appear and how it disappear
- you can define Slide in animation effect (popup window will slide in from top)
- you can define Fade in animation effect (popup window will fade in)
- you can define Slide out animation effect (popup window will slide out to top)
- you can define Fade out animation effect (popup will fade out)
- added improvements to support PrestaShop 1.7
feature to display popup only for users that have no orders in your shop
minor improvements to module configuration page related to appearance of restriction settings
added fixes related to appearance of notification on module configuration page in back office. Now it doesnt appear anymore. (notification about pending updates and "update consistency" section)
added appearance fixes of standard popup window
added fixes and improvements to "on exit" feature with option to "close" popup only with pressing "close button"
popup pro module with feature to display popup on "order confirmation" page
improvements related to "save" information about closed popup (close and popup with button option)
fixes for module installation process (database creation on mariaDB servers)
fixes for "on exit" feature in back office, now it saves changes properly
added feature to hide popup only when someone will close it with special button
added feature to display popup once someone will try to close browser tab or browser
rozpoczęcie logowania zmian w module za pomocą tego changeloga
dodane zostały poprawki związane z instalacją modułu w usłudze prestashop cloud
Popup appears automatically on shop's homepage only, once you will visit demo page. If you want you can also test "on exit" popup - it is availabe on this page: on exit popup