This is first available free product reviews module for PrestaShop 1.7. Module has the same features as standard reviews (prodcutcomments) module tha we have in PrestaShop 1.6.x / 1.5.x. Plugin creates a special section on product pages where your customers can read and write reviews about your products.
This is free module for new PrestaShop 1.7.x and it creates a feature to add reviews about products. As a shop owner you can configure the module workflow depending on your needs. Below you can find the list of available features in this addon.
Multistore ready
Module is ready to work in mutlistore environment. This means that each shop can have own unique comments, grades, reviews criterions, reports etc.
GDPR compliant
Module is ready to support GDPR rules. You can activate option to support GDPR. After this module will inform customer about privacy policy rules + it will be required to accept this document.
ReCaptcha protection
Comments form can be secured with reCaptcha v2 protection. Thanks to this you will avoid spam comments added by bots etc.
Basic configuration
You can select position where module will display comments on product page (product footer / product tabs)
You can set minimal number of characters that must be used in comment title
You can set minimal number of characters that must be used in comment contents
You can show average rating as a "stars" on list of products (below products' thumbs)
You can enable GDPR support (it will be required to accept privacy policy before review will be added)
You can decide what comment elements will appear on producty page (review date, author, title, contents and detailed grade)
Reviews Criteria
Module allows to add comments about products. In addition - you can define reviews criterions. You can add as much criterions as you want and associate these criterions with specific products or products from categories. Thanks to this your products can receive various grades.
Reviews waiting for approval
As you already know with this module you can enable feature to validate the review before it will be visible. On product edit page you can find section where you will see the reviews that wainting for validation. You can approve review, or remove it.
Reported reviews
Shop visitors / guests or customers can report reviews. You will be able to preview the reports on module configuration page and remove the report (deny report) or accept the report - module will hide the comment then.
- added catalan translations
- updated spanish translation
- added improvements to module core code to avoid notifications about deprecated object parameters definition
- added recaptcha feature to comment form
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 8.x
- added fixes to module support of displayFooterProduct hook
- added minor improvements to module's css styles
- improved workflow of module in prestashop 8.x
- added improvements to module's hook usage to avoid deprecated hooks in prestashop 8.x
- released version that is ready to work in prestashop 8.x and php 8.0 environment
- added feature (it can be enabled or disabled) to allow to place a review about product for customers that purchased this specific product
- added support of new hooks to make module work with addons to upload pictures to reviews
- improvement to appearance of pagination
- added improvements to display review structured data
- added feature to share reviews between shops (if shop is working in multistore environment you can share added reviews between all shops)
- added option to activate / deactivate basic product snippet:
- added option to activate / deactivate inline snippet (useful if your theme uses jsonld format of microdatas)
- solved problem with notification about non-array variable $grades that were stored in php logs
- added option to display starts on list of products even if product does not have review and these stars will show "5" as grade (previously it shows "0" - may give the impression that product has low rate)
- added new feature to activate / deactivate "usefulness" and "abuse" features
- "usefulness" allows to mark review as useful
- "abuse" allows to report review to moderator
- added improvements to appearance of customer name near comment on feedback page
- added improvements to appearance of customer name near comment on product page
- added new feature to disable / enable reviews counter on list of products
- added improvements to module configuration page
- added Ukrainian translation pack
- added additional variant of stars size, from now you can select 32px, 24px or 16px.
- added improvements to the size of stars (now you can select size of stars that module will display)
- added improvements related to feedback page,
- improvement solves problem with pagination feature and visibility of comments
- added new features to activate / deactivate visibility of:
- comment author
- comment title
- comment body (contents)
- comment date
- added new feature to select where the module will appear directly from module configuration page
- added improvements to module workflow to avoid notifications in php log
- added feature to display "stars" for products without any review (module will show 5 empty stars with "0 reviews" info)
- feature can be enabled / disabled on module configuration page
- added new field to comment form for unlogged users: email
- added feature to define minimal required length of title and comment
- added improvements to module usage with modules to send alerts
- added improvements to "feedback" page where module displays all comments
- from now module will show the comments or not depending on "moderation" settings
- renamed the module to avoid conflicts with default prestashop's productcomments module
- added improvements to template files to avoid situation where custom templates do not include all required fields in context of module's features
- improved all translation packages
- added fixes to feedback page
- added improvements to criterions edit / add form
- added feature to show detailed grade info (module will display detailed grade info in addition to overal grade)
- added improvements to page with all reviews (feedback page)
- feedback page sends reports properly
- feedback page sends usefullnes info properly
- added improvements to "stars" widget on list of products
- added improvements to feature that displays number of added comments on list of products
- added additional impovements to installation process to avoid internal server error
- added fixes to feature that is responsible for module installation process
- added page where customer can browse all added comments to shop
- added improvements to module installation procedure to make it work with multistore environment
- added support of multistore environemnt
- now each shop can have own unique comments, criterions, reports etc.
- changed the gdpr compliancy script, now it works better and does not freeze the form to add new comment
- added improvements to module appearance in prestashop 1.7.4.x
- addon does not return error messages anymore (with enabled error reporting)
- added support of new product page positions:
- displayLeftColumnProduct
- displayRightColumnProduct
- dodane zostało wsparcie RODO
- added czech translation
- added improvements to name of variables used by module to avoid conflict with other modules
- updated the feature to show the reviews reply in back office
- now when you will add / update reply module shows new reply immediately (not after next page refresh)
- added improvements to appearance of review contents,
- now new lines are properly replaced with "new line" not with
- added improvement to update checker system, now it shows correct version
- added basic reviews snippets (google structured datas)
- added improvements to module workflow inside "quickview", it does not break the preview window
- updated module workflow with position displayProductExtraContent
- added number of comments to product list reviews widget (previously there was a average grade)
- added improvements to french translation file
- added italian translation pack
- added improvements to polish translation file
- added bug fix related to recently added improvement.
- if on pages other than product pages you have some javascript errors related to productcomments module - this update will fix it.
- added fixes to module usage on pages without friendly urls
- added feature to display reviews inside tabs area (displayProductExtraContent)
- added full French translation and updated missed translations for Polish language
- added improvements to module configuration page (it does not spawn notifications anymore)
- added improvements to comments form that appears inside fancybox modal window (it does not spawn notifications anymore)
- updated module and added code to build "reply for comment" feature
- added feature that allows to decide if you want to display reviews and stars on list of products
- added css improvements to module design
- added feature to check availability of module updates
- added hook that is spawned after someone adds a new comment, report comment and mark comment as useful
- started project on mypresta addons marketplace
- we start from 9.x.x to avoid conflict between this module and free module for prestashop 1.6.x / 1.5.x