Extended rich text editor module for PrestaShop adds better version of tinyMCE editor to your shop. Extended version of the editor contains several additional features to include font awesome icons, to include youtube videos, it accepts all available html / javascript code etc.
This PrestaShop module is a great tool for shop administration purposes. Addon extends rich text editor - it is by default very poor and non-intuitive) and includes additional features to it. With this addon you will be able to save any kind of code now, not as it was before: only some parts of html language (the rest were cutted out). Module will change each available tinyMCE editor in your shop back office to extended version. For example, addon will replace default editors in: product edit page, category edit pages, cms pages, translations of email, default and non-default modules, etc.
Main features of tinyMCE PRO
Main and most important feature of this module is possibility to extend default text editor in PrestaShop. Whole process is automatic and any time you want - you can put back original tinyMCE editor or install it again (there is a chance that after update of the shop you will lost extended editor, so with one mouse button you can put it back!). Below you can read what module does.
Automatic installation
You don't have to alter PrestaShop core files anymore. Whole process module does in "background". Just sit, install and turn on module - it will do the rest. So, quick and easy installation is definitely advantage of this plugin.
New great editor features
This extension adds additional non-default features to your rich text editor. For example you can easily add youtube videos, add font awesome icons, it contains more font edit tools. Below you can read about most important and most valuable additional plugins included to the addon.
Feature | Description |
Youtube | Great tool to add and manage youtube videos. It's great especially because you can define some important settings of the video like hd, video size, autoplay etc. |
Font Awesome |
With module you can add font awesome icons to your descriptions of products, categories etc. Easy in use tool allows to search for icos and put them to editor with one mouse click. It's a great way to build attractive descriptions. |
Extended Font editor |
Extended version of font editor allows to easily change background and color of the font. The best way to personalize appearance of the text you want to display. |
Tables constructor |
This feature allows to build tables and manage settings of them. It's great plugin that is intuitive and allows to edit each available aspect of tables like captions, rows, cols etc. |
Advanced image settings |
Image settings contains now "advanced" section where you can define additional settings of your image. |
Advanced bullet and numbered lists |
Now you can create additional types of lists, for bullet: default, circle, disc, square, for numbered: defalult, lower alpha, lower greek, lower roman, upper alpha, upper roman |
Better link (anchor) feature |
Now you can define links in a much better way. Standard editor does not allow to add "title" to the link. With tinymcepro it is possible! So you can increase seo value of the links. |
Bootstrap accordion |
You can create bootstrap accordion (collapsible title / text). |
Edit attributes |
Feature that accepts and allows to add unlimited number of html code attributes with nice and easy in use GUI |
Text styles |
Feature that allows to alter paragraph styles like ident, paddings, margins colors etc |
Add iframe |
Module has a plugin to add iframes to contents |
Add bootstrap buttons |
Module has feature to add bootstrap buttons |
Backup of the files
Addon creates backup of original files so any time you want you will be able to turn extended editor off. The same if you will want to install it again - you can do it from module configuration page with one mouse click. It's great way to install it again especially if we want to update our PrestaShop - module will support whole process very well.
Module updates
You can manage updates from module back office configuration page. You can enable / disable feature to inform you about updates. You can check if any update exists manually too.
- added missing bulgarian translation pack
- added option to decide how count characters used in tinymce editor
- there are differencies between how this counting method works depending on prestashop version
- now you can decide how module will count characters used
- improved module installation in prestashop 8.x
- added possibility to select several "rel" galleries for fancybox purposes: gallery1, gallery2. gallery3, gallery4, gallery5
- improved module apperance in displayHeader hook in prestashop 8.x
- added improvements to html templates editor to make it work better in environment based on php 8.0
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.x and php 8.0 and newest
- added fancybox library - from now you can implement it to shop's front office directly from module options
- added improvements to powerpaste tool, it prompts window with keep formatting window properly now
- added new feature to activate rich text editor on cms category edit page
- added new feature to define classes that will be used in table class tool
- added new feature to define table classes
- added improvements to configuration page of the module, from now it is possibile to distinct characters for "new line" option
- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 1.6.0.x
- added improvements to lists feature
- released new version of the module dedicated for prestashop 1.7.8 that changes the way of how rich text editor behaves in shop's back office
- this version of module requires its reinstallation
- added improvements to appearance of editor on mail edit page
- added improvements to delete process of templates
- added improvements to support of creative elementor plugin if this plugin does not run addJsDef for back office variables
- added improvements to save process of contents
- based on requests of customers we decided to change the editor and the way of how it behaves when script or style is pasted. From now CDATA code is removed permantently.
- added new feature to define editor height and/or activate autoresize plugin
- improved save process of contents in elementor feature
- added improvements to module to disable accidentally enabled error reporting
- added missing french translations
- replaced some buttons icons in text editor
- added missing polish translations
- added improvements to rich text editor core code to avoid problems with product description in prestashop 1.7.x
- added new feature to editor - to define line spacing for text
- this version of the module requires its reinstallation
- added "read more" script to module to easily create "read more" feature
- "read more" feature is an option to show/hide more/less contents
- added new feature to decide about code minification
- you can activate minifaction - then rich text editor will minify the code
- you can disable minification - then rich text editor will not minify the code
- added improvements to previously added features
- added new feature to activate / deactivate advanced bootstrap template tools
- added new features to decide about the way of how rich text editor will code new lines (enter press)
- this version of the module requires addon reinstallation
- added new plugin "toc" (table of contents)
- this version of the module requires its reinstallation (to install new plugin "table of contents")
- added improvements to module usage in old prestashop released like
- added improvements to copy-paste feature
- added new feature to define "predefined templates" of contents that can be used in tinymce editor
- this version of the module requires it's reinstallation
- added new feature to include additional css styles into the editor
- thanks to this option you can for example @import your theme css styles
- this version of the module requires its reinstallation
- added improvements to copy-paste plugin
- added improvements to "youtube" plugin
- added improvements to module uninstallation process
- from now plugins are restored properly, thanks to this we can avoid problems with original editor
- added new feature to enable / disable context menu in the module
- context menu is activated with right mouse click inside the editor
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 1.6
- module does not spawn information about unidentified index 'errors' anymore
- added improvements to save process of youtube videos with allowfullscreen param
- added new feature to define additional css classes for images
- added improvements to save process of email templates
- added improvements to rich text editor, from now it allows to save javascript functions inside href="" parameter
- updated comments in .php files
- added improvements to save process of
- added improvements to email translations form (preview window works correctly now)
- added styles for images to ensure that img-circle, img-thumbnail and img-rounded works properly in themes without bootstrap default css styles
- added improvements to support of mutlistore environment
- improvement is related to back office configuration design-related things
- added new feature to define availability of fonts in the editor (you can set own fonts and remove existing fonts)
- added new feature to define font sizes that will be implemented to editor
- this version of the module requires its reinstallation
- added improvement to module installation functions
- added improvements to module configuration page to avoid notification about missing index (in prestashop 1.7.x)
- added improvements to module support of iquit elementor feature (used in popular theme "warehouse")
- this version of the module requires its reinstallation
- changed the configuration page of the module
- now it fits to current prestashop's back office layout
- added improvements to saving contents that contain in prestashop
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop in environments that work with pagespeed apache plugin
- added improvements to translation packages loaded by module dedicated for rich text editor
- released version that is ready to work with prestashop 1.7.6.+
- added remove format button
- this version of module requires to follow reinstallation procedure as it is described in docs
- added improvements to fullscreen feature
- this version of module requires to follow reinstallation procedure as it is described in docs
- added fixes to tinymce engine that solves the problem with unidentified FontFace / FontFamily - well known problem in TinyMce 4.5+
- this version of module requires to follow reinstallation procedure as it is described in docs
- added improvements to rich text editor
- reordered tools fits to mobile devices properly now
- added improvements to installation process of the module
- added imrpovements to version compare function to better handle installation process of the module in old releases of prestashop 1.6.0.x
- added improvements to "paragraph" properties editor
- added feature to support rich text editor on mail editor page
- this version of the module requires reinstallation procedure (including browser cache clear)
- added workflow improvements to rich text editor on product edit pages in prestashop 1.7.x
- added words counter to product page editor
- added better support of bootstrap alerts with feature to close it
- added improvements to support code that does not meet a v3c standards (some of the widgets break the html rules
- added improvements to code cleanup process
- added extended version of "table" plugin where you can define: border type, border color, border background of table and its cell, colum, row or entire table
- this version of the module requires reinstallation and browser cache clear (to see changes immediately)
- added new plugin to "add iframe"
- added new plugin to add "bootstrap image"
- added new plugin to add "bootstrap label"
- added new plugin to add "bootstrap panel"
- added new plugin to add "bootstrap buttons"
- this version o module requires reinstallation
- added open sans font to fonts selection in the editor
- to see new font in context menu module requires reinstallation of scripts (on module configuration page you've got the tool to do this)
- added feature to include fancybox library to all front office pages
- this is useful option if we want to use tinymce to build fancybox galleries on various pages in your online shop
- updated the module to work with prestashop 1.7.2.x releases
- added improvements to support html tag
- new version of module requires reinstallation (!)
- added improvements to the way of how module loads accordion library
- added support of additional not frequently used html5 tags
- improved support of tags
- updated font awesome library (new icons included)
- added fixes to support of script tags - these tags are accepted now even if they are at the begining of the code
- new version requires reinstallation of the module
- added improvements to module installation process in prestashop,,
- added fixes to recent issue with rich text editor in prestashop (even default one) related to chrome update to v58
- due to the changes in the module .js files it is necessary to reinstall it and clear browser cache to see the changes immediately
- added additional context menu "formats" where you can select html5 elements
- added support on many non-default html and html5 tags
- added new tinymce library to support additional notifications
- added "close" button to the windows that tinymce opens while you use available features
- added notifications to some features if they are unable to use (in case of browser settings context)
- due to the changes to main module .js file - it is necessary to reinstall the module and to clear browser cache to see the changes
- added improvements to PrestaShop 1.7.x version of the module
- added fixes to editor init process
- added missed function during update process check
- added fixes related to caching modules for back office, now js files are minified properly
- new version of updates checker
- added design improvements
- added missed icon of text color
- added missed icon of text backgrund color
- added better colorpicker feature
- improved workflow of emoticons, it can be used only with square brackets [ ] for example [:-)] [o.o] [:-D] etc.
- developed feature that includes internal accordion feature if theme used in shop does not support it (its default feature in prestashop)
- module has now option to enable it (internal accordion) on configuration page
- standardized plugin names to avoid issues on environemnts that are case sensitive
- added plugin that allows to create bootstrap accordion
- added plugin that allows to add any kind of custom attribute to html elements
- added plugin to define text styles for paragraph elements
- added better youtube plugin
- better reinstallation process of the module
- due to the changes in the core and in the tinymce .js files it is necessary to reinstall the module
- added support of right click context menu
- added improvements related to PrestaShop 1.7.x
- due to the conflict between js libraries - I decided to release separated .zip library for PrestaShop 1.7.x
- added fixes related to module workflow in PrestaShop
- to apply changes and succesfully update the plugin - this version of module must be reinstalled
- added fixes to appearance of tinymce pro features while fulscreen mode is active
- new version updates rich text editor main script to version 4.3.3
- added new feature to support bootstrap alerts
- added new feature to create thumbnails, rounded images, and circles as an image
- added better code analysis tool that does not change the output code
- due to the changes in the source code of the tinymce editor this version requires reinstallation
- added better link feature that has possiblity to define class="fancybox" for link to build effective galleries
- added feature to copy / paste from word with defined styles
- added better "link" feature that allows to define "title" of the link now.
- this version requires reinstallation of the module (due to the changes to link plugin)
- added better support of google rich snippets code
- added missed languages to tinymcepro fontawesome plugin / youtube plugin
- added new main script of tinymce
- if you already use the module, it may require reinstallation before it will start to work with changes
- changed code of the module to meet psr-2 standards
- added vietnamese language support
- added scrollbars to tinyMCE editor
- module fully supports prestashop 1.7! This means that this is first available addon for new release of PrestaShop!
- updated notifications system, module shows direct link to addon page now
- added missed languages - this generated js errors previously, so in effect - no editor appeared. Now it is fixed.
- added text align and justify buttons to editor, they are more visible now (you dont have to search them inside dropdowns anymore)
- so, visible buttons are: text align left, text align right, center, justify
- added fixes to copy-paste feature
- added better bullet list + numbered list options, now you can create lists that will have:
- bullet list: default, circle, disc, square
- numbered list: defalult, lower alpha, lower greek, lower roman, upper alpha, upper roman
- added also "advanced" settings of image (available in popup "image" while you add an image to editor - see screenshot)
- started project on mypresta.eu addons marketplace