With this addon you can save a lot of time, you will not have to assign carrier to product one by one. Module allows to do this in bulk. Just select carrier, define the products (by categories, by manufacturers or exact products) and module will do the rest automatically.
As you already know - this module allows to save a lot of time. You will not have to assign carriers to products one by one. Module allows to do this in bulk, with single mouse click. You can assign carrier with products based on associations with categories, manufacturer or exactly selected products.
Features in the module
Most important feature in the module - as you already know - is possibility to quickly assign carrier with many products in bulk. Module has several features that makes life easier: whole process is based on 3 step wizard.
Select delivery method (carrier)
First step is a selection of shipping metod. Just select the carrier and go to the next step.
Decide that to do with selected carriers
You can decide what to do with selected carriers. Module allows to bulk assing or bulk un-assign selected carriers from defined set of products
Define how you want to define products
Second step - here you define how you want to select products. You can select exact products (by id), select products by categories or select products by manfacturer. Just select option and go to the next step.
Select products
Cron tasks to update associations of products with carriers automatically
Module has great tool to create unlimited number of cron task instances, where you can automate the association process. Feature allows to point:
- added improvements to module workflow in terms of its usage in environment based on php 8.1.x to avoid problems with deprecated and missing variables
- added feature to define products by feature value
- added fixes related to "cron" feature usage in prestashop 8.x
- from now management page of cron assignments is working properly
- added search tool feature that allows to search for products easily
- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.x environment
- added improvements to cron feature from now it uses id_reference instead id_carrier
- added improvements to module database
- from now you can save unlimited number of categories
- this version of module requires its reinstallation
- added feature to select products by supplier
- added improvements to the module feature to build "cron" task
- from now url that module displays on list of created cron task instances has proper ID number
- added feature to create cron tasks to update carriers associations with products automatically with defined schedule
- added improvements to module configuration page to categories selection tool
- added buttons to "check" or "uncheck" all subcategories of selected categories
- added improvements to module configuration page to carriers selection tool - it shows all carriers, even temporarily disabled
- added feature to decide that to do with selected carriers
- you can now assign selected carriers to products, or unassign carriers from selected products
- optimized module workflow
- now when option "remove all associations" is active - it is not required to select carriers
- module will remove current associations between carriers and products
- addded improvements to module workflow
- now you can assign many carriers
- now you can select many categories (module will prepare full list of products from these categories)
- added improvements to visibility of carriers on list of avaialble cariers
- added feature to unassign carriers from products before module will assign new carrier
- added updates checker to module
- released version that fully supports new PrestaShop 1.7.x
- started project on mypresta addons marketplace